RC11 - 2025-02-10


Prerequisites - NIF Preview

Core - SKSE (Framework) - Dynamic String Distributor
Core - SKSE - Animate Bound Weapons
Core - SKSE - Armor Rating Rescaled SKSE Remake
Core - SKSE - Auto Audio Switch
Core - SKSE - Considerate Followers
Core - SKSE - Dialogue History
Core - SKSE - ENB Terain Blending Fix
Core - SKSE - Hide Quest Items in Container Menu
Core - SKSE - KreatE
Core - SKSE - Local Map Upgrade
Core - SKSE - Media Keys Fix SKSE
Core - SKSE - Native EditorID Fix
Core - SKSE - Staff Enchanting Plus
Core - SKSE - Widescreen Scale Removed
Core - Bugs and Mesh Fixes - Raven Rock Tunnel Fix
Core - Bugs and Script Fixes - No Silly Physics Damage
Core - Gameplay and QOL Tweaks - Sensible Oculory Solution - Logical Mzark Puzzle
Core - User Interface/UI - Dragonborn Reskin - SkyUI Active Effects Icons
Core - User Interface/UI - Starlit Lakes Loading Screen
Core - User Interface/UI - The Dragonborn's Bestiary - Lively's Alchemy Addon
Core - User Interface/UI - The Dragonborn's Fishiary - Bestiary Addon
Core - User Interface/HUD - Untarnished UI
Core - User Interface/HUD - Untarnished UI - RaceMenu Patch - Dynamic Interface Patcher
Core - User Interface/HUD - Untarnished UI - moreHUD Inventory Edition Patch
Core - User Interface/HUD - Untarnished UI - More Informative Console
Core - User Interface/HUD - Untarnished UI - UIExtension Patch
Core - User Interface/HUD - ImGUI Icons - Untarnished UI
Core - User Interface/HUD - Knotwork
Core - User Interface/HUD - Oblivion Interaction Icons
Core - User Interface/HUD - Photo Mode - Untarnished UI Patch
Core - User Interface/HUD - Staff Enchanting Plus - Untarnished UI Patch
Core - User Interface/HUD - The Dragonborn's Bestiary - Untarnished UI Patch
Core - User Interface/HUD - Wheeler - Untarnished UI Edit
Core - User Interface/HUD - Quest Journal Overhaul
Core - User Interface/HUD - Quest Journal Overhaul - Widescreen Patch
Core - User Interface/HUD - Knotwork - Quest Journal Overhaul Patch
Core - User Interface/Map - Solstheim Map for FWMF
Core - User Interface/MAP - Solstheim Fantasy Paper Map for FWMF
Core - Audio Music and Sounds/Other Sounds - Better Esbern Voice Consistency Fix
Core - Audio Music and Sounds/Other Sounds - Crackling Fire
Core - Audio Music and Sounds/Other Sounds - Misc Voice Consistency Fixes
Core - World Edits/Cities - Thalmor Comforts
Core - World Edits/Towns and Settlements - Imperial Castles of Skyrim
Core - World Edits/Dungeons - Outlaws Refuges CoMAP Addon
Core - World Edits/Dynamic Edits - Cozy Cots
Core - World Edits/Dynamic Edits - Deep Slumber
Core - World Edits/Dynamic Edits - Diverse Candles
Core - World Edits/Dynamic Edits - Dunmer Dreams
Core - World Edits/Dynamic Edits - Dwemer Water Wheels
Core - World Edits/Dynamic Edits - Icy Dungeons Pack
Core - World Edits/Dynamic Edits - Icy Landmarks
Core - World Edits/Dynamic Edits - Icy Stalhrim Source
Core - World Edits/Dynamic Edits - Malacath's Chosen - An Orc Furniture Replacer
Core - World Edits/Dynamic Edits - Reclusive Respite
Core - World Edits/Dynamic Edits - Redoran Reverie
Core - World Edits/Dynamic Edits - Redoran Reverie x Dunmer Dreams Location Color Variance
Core - World Edits/Wilderness - Mostly Treeless Tundra
Core - World Edits/Wilderness - Ruins of the Ideal
Core - Meshes and Textures/LOD Generation - Better Big Boat LOD
Core - Meshes and Textures/General World Improvement - Simplicity of Snow
Core - Meshes and Textures/Architecture (Foundation) - Illustrious Whiterun - Complex Materials Textures
Core - Meshes and Textures/Architecture (Buildings) - Temple of Talos Redone
Core - Meshes and Textures/Architecture (Buildings) - YAR - Yuril's Additional Resources
Core - Meshes and Textures/Architecture (Objects) - Gravestones by Haladoon
Core - Meshes and Textures/Architecture (Objects) - Prolonged Longboat Prong Unlonged
Core - Meshes and Textures/Architecture (Objects) - Better Vanilla Gravestones
Core - Meshes and Textures/Ancient Structures - Better Atronarch Forge Offering Box
Core - Meshes and Textures/Ancient Structures - Frolique's Better Giant Paintings
Core - Meshes and Textures/Ancient Structures - Mehrunes Dagon Unique Shrine
Core - Meshes and Textures/Ancient Structures - Stuff of Shadows - 3D Nightingale Stone
Core - Meshes and Textures/Caves and Dungeons - Praedy's Azura's Star and Realm
Core - Meshes and Textures/Caves and Dungeons - Praedy's Blackreach Deposits
Core - Meshes and Textures/Landscape - Blended Roads Complex Material
Core - Meshes and Textures/Landscape - Vanaheimr - Dirt and Rocks
Core - Meshes and Textures/Landscape - Medieval Blended Roads
Core - Meshes and Textures/Landscape - Rudy HQ - ENB Complex Material Mineral Pools Water
Core - Meshes and Textures/Landscape - Vanaheimr - Dawnguard
Core - Meshes and Textures/Landscape - Vanaheimr - Dragonborn
Core - Meshes and Textures/Landscape - Vanaheimr - Fallforest
Core - Meshes and Textures/Landscape - Vanaheimr - Marsh
Core - Meshes and Textures/Landscape - Vanaheimr - PineForest
Core - Meshes and Textures/Landscape - Vanaheimr - Volcanic
Core - Meshes and Textures/Trees and Grasses - Cathedral - 3D Grass Library
Core - Meshes and Textures/Trees and Grasses - Witchy Wilderness
Core - Meshes and Textures/Trees and Grasses - Better Reach Trees
Core - Meshes and Textures/Trees and Grasses - Shavings of Sawdust
Core - Meshes and Textures/Trees and Grasses - Nature of the Wild Lands
Core - Meshes and Textures/Trees and Grasses - Nature of the Wild Lands - Reduced Resolution Textures
Core - Meshes and Textures/Trees and Grasses - Nature of the Wild Lands - 3D Hybrid LOD
Core - Meshes and Textures/Trees and Grasses - Ulvenwald Lite - Vanilla Replacer
Core - Meshes and Textures/Trees and Grasses - Happy Little Driftwood
Core - Meshes and Textures/Flora - Cathedral 3D Lavender - Alternate Textures and Mesh Patches
Core - Meshes and Textures/Flora - Reimagined Mountain Flowers
Core - Meshes and Textures/Flora - Deathbell HD
Core - Meshes and Textures/Clutter - TB's 3D Driftwood
Core - Meshes and Textures/Furniture - Executioner's Block
Core - Meshes and Textures/Furniture - Glorious Giant Clutter and Fixes
Core - Meshes and Textures/Furniture - On The Mend
Core - Meshes and Textures/Furniture - Rustic Repose
Core - Meshes and Textures/Effects - Embers XD Torch Edit
Core - Meshes and Textures/Clothing - JS Vanilla Circlets SE
Core - Meshes and Textures/Clothing - Vanilla Amulet Textures Env Maps
Core - Meshes and Textures/Creatures - Dragons SE
Core - Meshes and Textures/Creatures - Dragons SE - Addons
Core - Meshes and Textures/Creatures - Serene Wispmothers
Core - Environment - Better Dynamic Snow SE - projectednoise Tweak
Core - Weather Systems - Skygazer Moons
Core - New NPCs/NPC and Enemy Encounters - Draugr Upgrades and Improvements
Core - New NPCs/Followers and NPCs - Inigo - Official Patch
Core - New NPCs/Followers and NPCs - Auri's Mount Thistlefoot Texture Fix
Core - Beauty and Appearance/NPC/NPC Overhauls - A Night to Remember
Core - Beauty and Appearance/NPC/NPC Overhauls - A Rose in the Snow Reborn
Core - Beauty and Appearance/NPC/NPC Overhauls - BB's Solstheim NPC Overhaul
Core - Beauty and Appearance/NPC/NPC Overhauls - Children of the Void
Core - Beauty and Appearance/NPC/NPC Overhauls - Citizens of Morthal
Core - Beauty and Appearance/NPC/NPC Overhauls - Dibella's Blessing
Core - Beauty and Appearance/NPC/NPC Overhauls - NITHI NPC Enhancement - Dawnguard DLC
Core - Beauty and Appearance/NPC/NPC Overhauls - NITHI NPC Enhancement - Eastmarch
Core - Beauty and Appearance/NPC/NPC Overhauls - NITHI NPC Enhancement - Haafingar
Core - Beauty and Appearance/NPC/NPC Overhauls - NITHI NPC Enhancement - The Reach
Core - Beauty and Appearance/NPC/NPC Overhauls - NITHI NPC Enhancement - The Rift
Core - Beauty and Appearance/NPC/NPC Overhauls - NITHI NPC Enhancement - Whiterun
Core - Beauty and Appearance/NPC/NPC Overhauls - Pandorable's Wicked Witches
Core - Beauty and Appearance/NPC/NPC Overhauls - Pan's Nameless Hunters
Core - Beauty and Appearance/NPC/NPC Overhauls - Pan's Nameless Witches
Core - Beauty and Appearance/NPC/NPC Overhauls - Relationship Dialogue Overhaul Visual Makeover
Core - Beauty and Appearance/NPC/NPC Overhauls - The Way of the Voice Greybeard NPC Overhaul
Core - Beauty and Appearance/NPC/NPC Overhauls - Volkiharbor - Harkon and Valerica Replacer
Core - Beauty and Appearance/NPC/NPC Overhauls - Wonderful World of Sheogorath
Core - Beauty and Appearance/Body and Skin - The New Gentleman - NeverNude
Core - Beauty and Appearance/Hair Brows Beards - Beards of Power
Core - Beauty and Appearance/Hair Brows Beards - Koralina's Eyebrows for High Poly Head
Core - Beauty and Appearance/Scars Warpaints Makeup - Barbarian Bodypaints
Core - Beauty and Appearance/Scars Warpaints Makeup - Community Overlays 1
Core - Beauty and Appearance/Scars Warpaints Makeup - Community Overlays 2
Core - Beauty and Appearance/Scars Warpaints Makeup - Community Overlays 3
Core - Beauty and Appearance/Scars Warpaints Makeup - Corrupted Warpaints
Core - Beauty and Appearance/Scars Warpaints Makeup - Kenokun's Warpaints
Core - Beauty and Appearance/Scars Warpaints Makeup - Koralina's Freckles and Moles
Core - Beauty and Appearance/Scars Warpaints Makeup - Koralina's Makeup Tweaks
Core - Beauty and Appearance/Scars Warpaints Makeup - Lamenthia's Marks of Beauty
Core - Beauty and Appearance/Scars Warpaints Makeup - Skin Feature Overlays
Core - Beauty and Appearance/Scars Warpaints Makeup - Sunstarved
Core - Beauty and Appearance/Scars Warpaints Makeup - Weathered Nordic Bodypaints
Core - Beauty and Appearance/Scars Warpaints Makeup - Wolfpaint - Face
Core - Beauty and Appearance/Scars Warpaints Makeup - Yyvengar Bodypaint
Core - Beauty and Appearance/Scars Warpaints Makeup - Ziovdendian Bodypaint
Core - Animation/Conditional Idles - Casual Dog Animations
Core - Animation/Conditional Idles - Fishermen Fish
Core - Animation/Conditional Idles - New Creature Animation - Dwarven Centurion
Core - Immersion/Dialogue and Relationships - Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions
Core - Immersion/Dialogue and Relationships - Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions Expanded
Core - Immersion/General - Honed Metal Revoiced
Core - Immersion/General - Prey Vision - Prey Animal Head Tracking Disabled
Core - Gameplay/Magic Spells Enchantments - Thaumaturgy
Core - Gameplay/Magic Spells Enchantments - Mainland Staff Enchanters
Core - Gameplay/Magic Spells Enchantments - NPC Spell Variance
Core - Gameplay/Magic Spells Enchantments - NPC Spell Variance - KID - Vanilla Spells
Core - Gameplay/Magic Spells Enchantments - NPC Spell Variance - KID - Apocalypse
Core - Gameplay/Magic Spells Enchantments - NPC Spell Variance - KID - Odin
Core - Gameplay/Magic Spells Enchantments - NPC Spell Variance - KID - Triumvirate
Core - Late Loaders/Patches - HDT-SMP Female Amulets and Necklaces Vanilla Replacer
Core - Late Loaders/Patches - Golden Saint Armory Revamped Patch Hub
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - Better Forgotten Vale Portal Retextures
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - Illustrious Whiterun Complex Materials Parallax
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - Majestic Landscapes ERM Patch
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - Slightly Better Oil
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - Vanaheimr - Mines and Caves
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - Vanaheimr - Mines and Caves - CPM - Lux Patch
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - Rudy HQ ENB Complex Materials for Silverware
Core - Late Loaders/ENB Meshes - Healing VFX Edit
Core - Late Loaders/ENB Meshes - Summoning Portals VFX Edit
Core - Late Loaders/ENB Preset - Kauz ENB
Core - ENB - Silent Horizons 2 Shader Core
Core - ENB - Kauz ENB
Core - Autoselecting Patch Hubs - Occlusion for Quest Mods
Core - Autoselecting Patch Hubs - The Dragonborn's Bestiary Quest Patch Compendium AIO

Addons - Vanilla Location Overhauls - Snozz's Resource Pack
Addons - Vanilla Location Overhauls - Bleak Falls Barrow Overhaul
Addons - Vanilla Location Overhauls - Bleak Falls Tower
Addons - Vanilla Location Overhauls - Embershard
Addons - Vanilla Location Overhauls - Fort Greymoor
Addons - Vanilla Location Overhauls - Halted Stream
Addons - Vanilla Location Overhauls - Redoran's Retreat
Addons - Vanilla Location Overhauls - Silent Moons Camp
Addons - Vanilla Location Overhauls - Swindlers Den
Addons - Vanilla Location Overhauls - Valtheim
Addons - Vanilla Location Overhauls - White River Watch
Addons - Vanilla Location Overhauls - Northern Scenery - Bleak Falls Barrow
Addons - Vanilla Location Overhauls - Northern Scenery - Whiterun's Tundra
Addons - Vanilla Location Overhauls - Ryn's Bleak Falls Barrow
Addons - Vanilla Location Overhauls - Ryn's Bleak Falls Tower
Addons - Vanilla Location Overhauls - Ryn's Bleakwind Basin
Addons - Vanilla Location Overhauls - Ryn's Halted Stream Camp
Addons - Vanilla Location Overhauls - Ryn's Secunda's Kiss
Addons - Vanilla Location Overhauls - Ryn's White River Watch
Addons - Vanilla Location Overhauls - Combo Patch - Snozz and Ryn's - Bleak Falls Barrow
Addons - Vanilla Location Overhauls - Combo Patch - Snozz and Ryn's - Bleak Falls Tower
Addons - Vanilla Location Overhauls - Combo Patch - Snozz and Ryn's - White River Watch
Addons - Vanilla Location Overhauls - Skyfall's Sleeping Hist Tree Overhaul

Adventures - Wyrmstooth - Dragons SE
Adventures - Auto Grab Amulets of Skyrim From Standing Stones
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - BSM Bonemold Weapon Pack Display Patch

Arch - JK's Skyrim - Blubbos Apple Tree Replacer
Arch - Modder's Resource Pack - The Witcher
Arch - Settlements Expanded - RS Children Patch
Arch - Snazzy Interiors - Dawnstar Brina's House
Arch - Snazzy Interiors - Dawnstar Mortar and Pestle
Arch - Snazzy Interiors - Dawnstar Silus Vsuius' House
Arch - COTN Falkreath - Unique Texture Paths - SUP Edition
Arch - Snazzy Interiors - Winterhold Birna's Oddments
Arch - Snazzy Interiors - Winterhold Kraldar's House
Arch - JK's Thieves Guild HQ
Arch - Snazzy Riftweald Manor
Arch - Snazzy Interiors - Riften Aerin's House
Arch - Snazzy Interiors - Sarethi Farm
Arch - Whiterun Horse Statue - Retexture
Arch - Snazzy Interiors - Windhelm Calixto's House of Curiosities
Arch - JK's - ClefJ's Fort Dawnguard
Arch - Snazzy Interiors - Glover Mallory's House
Arch - ClefJ's Morthal - My Patches and Tweaks
Arch - Environs - Abandoned Abodes
Arch - Environs - Abandoned Abodes - Patch Collection
Arch - Gonzeh - Stonehills ReRe-imagined
Arch - Gonzeh - Stonehills ReRe-imagined - Patches
Arch - Snazzy Interiors - Darkwater Crossing Verner and Annekke's House
Arch - Snazzy Interiors - Morthal Thaumaturgist's Hut
Arch - The Great Town of Ivarstead SSE
Arch - The Great Town of Ivarstead Patch Collection
Arch - The Great Town Series - NPC Replacer
Arch - JK's Nightingale Hall
Arch - Ryn's Skyrim Patch Collection


Core - PyramidUtils
Core - The Taste of Death Improved Shutdown
Core - Raven Rock - Fix Exit on Horseback
Core - Snowy Statics Consistency
Core - Sovngarde - A Nordic Font
Core - UI Extensions Ultrawide Patch
Core - The Dragonborn's Bestiary Widescreen Patch
Core - Dear Diary Dark Mode - Compass Navigation Overhaul Updated Patch
Core - Dear Diary Dark Mode - More Notification
Core - Dear Diary Dark Mode - RaceMenu Patch - Dynamic Interface Patcher
Core - Dear Diary Dark Mode - Constructible Object Custom Keyword System
Core - Dear Diary Dark Mode - Squish Fixes
Core - Dear Diary Dark Mode - Squish Fixes - Widescreen Patch
Core - Modern Wait Menu
Core - Modern Wait Menu - Dear Diary Dark Mode Reskin
Core - Modern Wait Menu - Dear Diary Dark Mode Reskin - Ultrawide
Core - Wheeler - Thana Khan Dear Diary Dark Mode Preset
Core - The Elder Scrolls Online Imports
Core - 3D Whiterun Trellis
Core - 3D Whiterun Trellis Expansion
Core - 3D Trellis Improved Gildergreen Plaza
Core - Mrf's Solitude - Optional Files
Core - Giant Paintings
Core - Solitude and Temple Frescoes - Vanilla Shrinebase
Core - Skyrim Remastered - Azura and Blackreach Crystals
Core - Skyrim Remastered - Caves
Core - CC's HQ Mines Redone
Core - Blended Roads
Core - HD Stone Quarry and Clay Deposit
Core - Sand on Stones
Core - Veydosebrom Regions
Core - Veydosebrom Regions for ENB Complex Grass
Core - Happy Little Trees
Core - Happy Little Trees Add-On - DynDOLOD 3
Core - Happy Little Trees - DLC Trees
Core - Happy Little Logs
Core - Improved Vanilla Reach Trees
Core - Aspens Ablaze
Core - Aspens Ablaze Add-On - DynDOLOD 3
Core - Cathedral - 3D Pine SHrubs
Core - Cathedral - 3D Happy Little Pine Shrubs
Core - Cathedral - 3D Mountain Flowers
Core - Cathedral - 3D Mountain Flowers for Hearthfire
Core - Cathedral - 3D Tundra Shrubs
Core - Cathedral - 3D Tundra Shrubs - Alternate Textures
Core - High Poly Blackreach Mushrooms - Skyrim Remastered Patch
Core - ICFur's Yellow Shrubs
Core - Praedy's Soulgems and Holders
Core - HD Executioner's Block
Core - Skyrim 3D Misc Giant Mortar and Pestle
Core - Golden Saint Armory Revamped CBBE Bodyslide
Core - Deiform Alduin
Core - HD Serpentine Dragon and Mesh Fix
Core - Higher Poly Vanilla Dragons
Core - Thanatos as Durnehviir
Core - Praedy's Sky AIO
Core - CBBE AE-CC Outfits
Core - CBBE No Rim Lighting
Core - HIMBO
Core - Masculine Argonian Textures
Core - Masculine Khajiit Textures
Core - HIMBO Regular Guy Presets
Core - KS Hairdos Salt and Wind The Men of Winter
Core - Pumping Iron
Core - Stay in Shape - A Pumping Iron Addon
Core - Stay in Shape - A Pumping Iron Addon - Immersive Interactions Patch
Core - Custom Skills Menu Widescreen Patch
Core - Armor Variants Expansion HIMBO Refit
Core - Skyrim A Mountainous Experience
Core - Markarth A Reflective Experience
Core - ENB - Rudy NAT
Addons - Followers - Thistlefoot is Totally Stable
Adventures - kryptopyr's Patch Hub [Adventures]
Adventures - Statue of Mara - My Patches [Adventures]
Adventures - Falskaar
Adventures - Falskaar - Comprehensive Fixes
Adventures - Falskaar - Wildlife Add-On
Adventures - Moonpath to Elsweyr
Adventures - Moonpath to Elsweyr - Music - Weather and Other Fixes
Adventures - The Brotherhood of Old
Adventures - Modpocalypse NPCs - Falskaar
Adventures - Modpocalypse NPCs - Helgen Reborn
Adventures - Modpocalypse NPCs - Moonpath to Elsweyr
Adventures - Falskaar - Sunhelm Cold Patch
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Artifact Immersion Patch Collection
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Museum Exterior Fixes
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Museum Gate Remade
Adventures - The Brotherhood of Old SE - Cleaned Textures
Arch - Distinct Interiors
Arch - Distinct Interiors - Skeleton Replacer HD Patch
Arch - Distinct Interiors Patch Collection
Arch - Distinct Interiors for Cities of the North
Arch - Distinct Opulent Thieves Guild
Arch - Markarth Mossy Lite
Arch - Shadow's Markarth Patch - Mossy City of Stone
Arch - Capital Whiterun Expansion - 3D Whiterun Trellis Patch
Arch - Capital Windhelm Expansion - ESO Imports Patch
Arch - ClefJ's Fort Dawnguard Patch Collection
Arch - Lux Interiora Distincta - JK's SIlver-Blood Inn Variante


Prerequisites - Creation Kit Platform Extended updated to 0.4-b952.
Prerequisites - Nifskope updated to 2.0Dev9.
Prerequisites - Synthesis updated to 0.33.0-pre-release-2.
Prerequisites - BethINI PIE updated to 4.11.
Prerequisites - xLODGEN updated to beta-127.
Prerequisites - DynDOLOD updated to Alpha-184.

Core - Andrealphus' Papyrus Functions updated to 1.4.4.
Core - Base Object Swapper updated to 3.3.1.
Core - Container Item Distributor updated to 2.1.3.
Core - Crash Logger updated to 1.15.0
Core - Currency Swapper updated to 1.2.0.
Core - ENB Extender updated to 1.3.
Core - Mu Skeleton Editor updated to 0.6.3.
Core - Object Categorization Framework to 6.1.0.
Core - Object Categorization Framework - Some KID Patchs updated to 2.2.
Core - powerofthree's Papyrus Extender updated to 5.9.0.
Core - Spell Perk Item Distributor updated to 7.2.0RC11.
Core - Comprehensive Attack Rate Patch updated to
Core - Faster HDT-SMP updated to 2.5.1.
Core - Helmet Toggle 2 updated to 3.4.1.
Core - LOD Unloading Bug Fix updated to 0.2.
Core - No Grass In Objects updated to 1.2.4
Core - NPCs Use Potions updated to 3.4.
Core - Photo Mode updated to 1.8.0.
Core - powerofthree's Tweaks updated to 1.13.1.
Core - Splashes of Storms updated to 1.3.1.
Core - Subtitles updated to 0.6.2.
Core - Use or Take updated to 1.3.0.
Core - Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch updated to 4.3.3.
Core - Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB updated to 1.3.5.
Core - Landscape Fixes for Grass Mods updated to 5.7.
Core - Disable Havok Script Tweak Resource updated to 1.2.
Core - Dragonactorscript Infinite Loop Fix updated to 1.4.1.
Core - Neutral Whiterun Guards updated to 4.2.
Core - Simplicity of Seeding updated to 0.6.3.
Core - Simplicity of Seeding CACO Patch updated to 1.1.
Core - True Hunter updated to 5.1.
Core - Scribes of Skyrim - changed install to default font
Core - The Dragonborn's Bestiary updated to 1.5.2.
Core - Atlas Map Markers updated to 3.0.3.
Core - Flat World Map Framework updated to 1.9.5.
Core - Skyrim Paper Map updated to 1.1.
Core - Apocrypha Paper Map for FWMF updated to 1.2.1.
Core - Blackreach Paper Map to FWMF updated to 1.8.1.
Core - Dayspring Canyon Paper Map for FWMF updated to 1.8.1.
Core - Deepwood Vale Paper Map for FWMF updated to 1.8.1.
Core - Duncan's Paper Maps for FWMF updated to 1.8.2.
Core - Extended Cut - Saints and Seducers Paper Map for FWMF updated to 1.1.1.
Core - Forgotten Vale Paper Map for FWMF updated to 1.9.1.
Core - Skuldafn Paper Map for FWMF updated to 1.1.2.
Core - Soul Cairn Paper Map for FWMF updated to 1.9.1.
Core - Sovngarde Paper Map for FWMF updated to 1.8.1.
Core - Wyrmstooth Paper Map for FWMF updated to 1.1.2.
Core - Phoenix Compendium updated to 2.5.1.
Core - Barefoot Footstep Extended updated to 1.3.
Core - Diverse Farm Fences updated to 1.6.
Core - Diverse Tanning Racks updated to 1.3.
Core - Silver and Dwemer Kitchenware - optional files changed to Rudy HQ ENB Complex Material
Core - Slightly Better Nordic Henges - added update file
Core - Utenlands Nordic Tents updated to 1.0.8.
Core - The Heart of Dibella Quest Expansion updated to 1.05.
Core - Favor Quests Separated updated to 2.11.1.
Core - Thieves Guild Requirements updated to 5.3.1.
Core - Coins of Interesting Natures updated to 3.1.5.
Core - Elven Supremacy updated to 1.0.2.
Core - Gibberish updated to 1.0.8.
Core - Morrowind Mint updated to 1.0.7.
Core - Skyrim Silver - updated to 1.0.10.
Core - Heavy Armory updated to 6.1.6.
Core - New Armory Series - Ash Spawn Weapons updated to 1.32.
Core - New Armory Series - Dragon Cult Weapons updated to 1.31.
Core - DynDOLOD Resources updated to Alpha-54.
Core - DynDOLOD Resources Large Reference Scripts and DLL updated to Alpha-33.
Core - Assorted Mesh Fixes updated to 0.126.
Core - FYX 3D Whiterun Castle Bridge - changed to no 3D Trellis version
Core - Illustrious Whiterun updated to 3.4.
Core - Mrf's Solitude updated to 3.0.
Core - Orc Settlements Enhanced updated to 1.4.1.
Core - Praedy's Castle Volkihar updated to 3.1.
Core - Praedy's Fort Dawnguard updated to 3.2.
Core - Weathered Road Signs - removed Falskaar
Core - Skyking Signs updated to 1.6.
Core - Daedric Shrines - Mehrunes Dagon - added Polar Peaks patch
Core - Northern Concept Northern Roads - updated delete instructions
Core - Improved Solitude Arch Updated to 1.31.
Core - Fancy Sleeping Tree Replacer updated to 2.0.
Core - Realistic HD Mushrooms Remastered - updated delete instructions
Core - Cathedral - 3D Clovers - updated delete instructions
Core - High Poly Blackreach Mushrooms - updated delete instructions
Core - Mari's Flora - updated delete instructions
Core - Better Effigy of King Olaf updated to 1.1.
Core - BURP Book Unity and Revamp Project - instructions updated
Core - Praedy's Repository position adjusted
Core - Skyrim Remstered Soul Gems - delete instructions updated
Core - Snazzy Silver Inkwells - optional files changed to Rudy ENB Complex Material
Core - Rally's Banners - removed Falskaar and Moonpath patch
Core - RUGNAROK updated to 1.1.1.
Core - SFCO3 updated to 3.20.
Core - wd Barrels updated to 1.2.1.
Core - Deadly Spell Impacts position changed
Core - Embers XD updated to 3.1.0.
Core - FYX Campfire Reacts to the Wind - EmbersXD Edition updated to 1.0.3.
Core - Animated Forge Water updated to 0.9.
Core - Better Bellows updated to 1.6.
Core - JS Unique Utopia SE Rings updated to 1.21.
Core - aMidianBorn Content Addon updated to 3.1.0.
Core - Ebony Armors and Weapons Retexture updated to 2.0.2.
Core - Forsworn Armors and Weapons Retexture updated to 1.0.1.
Core - Glass Armors and Weapons Retexture - removed Falskaar option
Core - Leather Armors Retexture order changed
Core - Iron Armors and Weapons Retexture updated to 2.0.1.
Core - Steel Armors and Weapons Retexture updated to 2.0.
Core - Wolf Armors and Weapons Retexture updated to 1.1.0.
Core - Skeleton Replacer HD - removed Majestic Mountains patch
Core - Water for ENB updated to 2.0.2.
Core - Natural Waterfalls updated to 3.0.
Core - Lux updated to 6.8.
Core - Lux Orbis updated to 4.5.
Core - NAT.ENB updated delete instructions no other changes nothing to see here
Core - Song of the Green - moved from addons
Core - Song of the Green - 3DNPC Banter Patch ESLified - moved from addons
Core - Song of the Green - Inigo Banter Patch ESLified - moved from addons
Core - Song of the Green - Enhanced Voice Remastered - moved from addons
Core - Song of the Green - Fancy Pod - moved from addons
Core - Project ja-Kha'jay Interesting NPCs Khajiit Addon moved to NPC Overhauls
Core - Better Argonian Horns updated to 2.2.
Core - Children of the Pariah updated to
Core - Elevated NPCs updated to 2.0.1.
Core - Song of the Green - Majestic Auri moved from addons
Core - CBBE - removed delete instructions
Core - OBody Next Generation updated to 4.3.0
Core - Racial Skin Variance SPID updated to 2.5.1.
Core - Brows High Poly Head Patch updated to 2.1.0.
Core - Kalilies Brows High Poly Head updated to 2.2.0.
Core - Comprehensive First Person Animation Overhaul updated to 1.5.1.
Core - Disable Turn Animation updated to 1.1.
Core - Flute Animation Fix updated to 1.3.
Core - Axarien's Animations Auri moved from addons.
Core - Conditional Expressions Extended updated to 2.0.6.
Core - Dynamic Crafting Animations updated to 1.2.2.
Core - Dynamic Female Weather Idles updated to 1.5.
Core - Extended Bandit Dialogue updated to 1.0.1.
Core - Extended Guard Dialogue updated to 1.0.5.
Core - Misc Dialogue Edits updated to
Core - Trade and Barter updated to 2.2.
Core - Armor and Clothing Extension updated to 1.6.0.
Core - Dragon War updated to 4.1.5.
Core - Improved Traps updated to 2.5.1.
Core - Reliquary of Myth updated to 4.8.2.
Core - Experience updated to 3.5.0.
Core - Custom Skills Menu moved to UI/HUD
Core - Dynamic Things Alternative updated to 0.3.
Core - Unique Markarth Doors Security Overhaul SKSE updated to 0.5.
Core - kryptopyr's Patch Hub updated to 4.1.2.
Core - CBBE 3BA Vanilla Outfits Redone updated to 4.1.1.
Core - CBBE 3BA WACCF and ACE updated to 1.0.9.
Core - Fixed Mesh Lighting install instructions updated
Core - Cathedral 3D Mountain Flowers Base Object Swapper renamed, moved
Core - OSHA-Compliant Sovengarde Mesh Fixes updated to 2.3.
Core - Please Polygon Increase - Whiterun Farm Fences updated to 1.2.
Core - Snazzy Mesh Fixes - added exterior fixes file
Core - Subdivide and Smooth Bandit Poles updated to 2.0.
Core - Fixed Meshes for Rugnarok updated to 1.4.
Core - ENB Lights - Effect Shaders updated to 2.2.0.
Core - ENB Light - Reasonably Round Dunmer Lanterns updated to 1.3.
Core - Rudy HQ More Lights for ENB Decal Fix updated to 0.5.
Core - wd - Taproots updated to 1.3.
Core - Bodyslide and Outfit Studio updated to 5.7.0.
Core - Mfg Fix NG updated to 1.0.1.
Core - Trade and Barter Settings Loader updated to 2.0.1.
Core - Dynamic Interface Patcher - DIP updated to 2.1.5.
Core - Descriptions for Various Mods updated to 2.6.1.
Core - Extravagant Blue Palace Base Object Swapper updated to 1.05.
Core - First Person Interactions updated to 1.6.0.
Core - lilebonymace's Patches updated to 2.45.
Core - Lux - Patch Hub updated to 6.8.
Core - Lux Orbis - Patch Hub updated to 4.5.
Core - Northern Roads Patch Collection updated to 1.32.
Core - Praedy's College of Winterhold updated to 3.1.
Core - Psychopatchist Purgatory updated to 0.9.
Core - SFCO3 Patch Collection updated to 1.14.
Core - Tiny But Useful updated to 2.3.
Core - Valhalla Combat Race Addons updated to 1.2.1.

Addons - Survival - Dirt and Blood updated to 2.37.
Addons - Survival - Immersive Hunting Animations updated to 2.3.1.
Addons - Survival - Simple Hunting Overhaul updated to 1.14.
Addons - Survival - Stress and Fear updated to 2.0.
Addons - Survival - Campfire Igniting Animation updated to 1.2.
Addons - Survival - Campfire Animations updated to 1.4.
Addons - Survival - Campfire Dynamic Activation Key updated to 1.2.
Addons - Survival - Sunhelm CACO Patch moved to Core - kryptopyr's Patch Hub
Addons - Survival - Final - Added ESL-C instructions for SunHelmWyrmstoothPatch

Addons - Followers - Khajiit Will Follow updated to 4.7.2a
Addons - Followers - Song of the Green (and patches) moved to Core
Addons - Followers - Xelzaz updated to 1.13.0.

Adventures - Farmhouse Chimneys [Adventures] - Removed Falskaar
Adventures - Lucien Patches [Adventures] - Removed Moonpath
Adventures - Missives - Worldspace Additions [Adventures] - Removed Falskaar
Adventures - RSC Patches [Adventures] - Removed Falskaar
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn updated to 6.8.0.
Adventures - Additional Hearthfire Dolls - Small Fixes - updated file to download
Adventures - Project ja-Kha'jay - moved to Core - NPC Overhauls
Adventures - Modpocalypse NPCs - Moon and Star - changed to v1 version
Adventures - Modpocalypse NPCs - The Forgotten City - changed to v1 version
Adventures - NVICO Patches moved to Core
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Patches updated to 6.7.4.
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Patches - Creation Club updated to 6.0.8.
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Patches - Followers updated to 4.8.
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - The Curator's Companion updated to 7.0.7.
Adventures - Additional Display Patches - removed Brotherhood of Old
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - CBBE 3BA Patch updated to 1.3.
Adventures - Snazzy Skyrim Unique Treasures updated to 1.3.1.
Adventures - Wyrmstooth Vulom Skeleton Replacer HD Patch updated to 2.2.
Adventures - Wyrmstooth CBBE 3BA Patch updated to 1.1.
Adventures - Final - removed instructions for Falskaar, FarmhouseChimneysFalskaar, The Brotherhood of Old

Arch - Modpocalypse NPCs - Expanded Towns and Cities - Changed to v1
Arch - Modpocalypse NPCs - Settlements Expanded - Changed to v1
Arch - COTN Dawnstar Patch Collection updated to 5.5.
Arch - COTN Falkreath Patch Collection updated to 1.25.
Arch - The Great Cities Resources updated to 1.1.1.
Arch - The Great City of Winterhold Updated to 4.2.3.
Arch - The Great City of Winterhold Patch Collection updated to 2.8.2.
Arch - Optimized Cities of the North Meshes - removed COTN Winterhold
Arch - GG's Thieves Guild HQ Patch Collection updated to 1.7.
Arch - JK's Riften Outskirts Patch Collection updated to 1.7.
Arch - Riften Docks Overhaul - High Poly Head patch moved to seperate mod entry
Arch - Drengin's Blue Palace Terrace updated to 2.1.
Arch - Drengin's Fortified Ramp to the Castle Dour updated to 1.2.
Arch - Drengin's Solitude Watchtower - CAO instruction added
Arch - JK's Blue Palace updated to 2.0.
Arch - JK's Blue Palace Terrace updated to 2.1.1.
Arch - JK's The Winking Skeever moved position
Arch - Blue Palace Frescoes Simplified JK's Blue Palace updated to 1.4.
Arch - JK's Solitude Outskirts Patch Collection updated to 1.9.
Arch - Rodryk's Dragon Bridge - removed Distinct Interiors patch
Arch - Snazzy Interiors Solitude Vittoria Vici's House updated to 1.5, delete instructions removed.
Arch - Snazzy Exteriors Solitude Bryling's Garden patches to download updated, CAO instructions added
Arch - JK's Candlehearth Hall moved position
Arch - JK's New Gnisis Cornerclub moved position
Arch - JK's The Drunken Huntsman updated to 1.1.
Arch - JK's Whiterun Outskirts updated to 1.6.1.
Arch - JK's Windhelm Outskirts Patch Collection updated to 1.5.1.
Arch - Whiterun Exteriors Patch Collection updated to 1.4.
Arch - Snazzy Interiors - Karthwasten Hall updated to 1.1.
Arch - JK's Dragonsreach updated to 1.1.3.
Arch - JK's Sky Haven Temple moved position.
Arch - JK's College of Winterhold Combo Patches updated to 2.8.2.
Arch - JK's Guild HQ Interiors Patch Collection updated to 1.27.
Arch - JK's Interiors Patch Collection updated to 5.25.
Arch - Capital Windhelm Expansion - Collision Fixes moved position.
Arch - Snazzy Interiors Patch Collection updated to 1.42.
Arch - Final - Removed ESMify instructions for Distinct Interiors, JK's Blue Palace, 
                  JK's Castle Volkihar, JK's The Drunken Huntsman, 
				  Markarth Mossy AF, OpulentThievesGuild
			   Added ESMify instructions for Environs Abandoned ABodes, Gonz Stonehills,
			      JK's Candlehearth Hall, JK's Fort Dawnguard, JK's New Gnisism
				  JK's Sky Haven Temple, JK's The Winking SKeever, JK's Thieves Guild,
				  JKs-ClefJs Fort Dawnguard, Snazzy Riften Aerin's House.
Final - Added ESMify instructions for Auri, Imperial Castles of Skyrim, Nature of the WIld Lands,
                  Ulvenwald Lite
	    Added ESL flag for BarbarianPaints, CommunityOverlays 1/2/3, Koralina's Eyebrows,
		          Lupine_Yyvengar/ZiovendianBodypaints, Nature of the Wild Lands Northern Roads Patch,
				  SkinFeatureOverlays, Sunstarved, WeatheredNordicBodypaints, Wolfpaint. RC10 - 2024-09-29


Core - SKSE Plugins (Framework) - Container Distribution Framework
Core - SKSE Plugins (Framework) - Container Item Distributor'
Core - SKSE Plugins (Framework) - Currency Swapper
Core - SKSE Plugins - Auto Resolution
Core - SKSE Plugins - Where Are You
Core - User Interface/UI - UI Extensions Ultrawide Patch
Core - User Interface/UI - The Dragonborn's Bestiary Widescreen Patch
Core - User Interface/HUD - Dear Diary Dark Mode Squish Fixes Widescreen Patch
Core - User Interface/HUD - Modern Wait Menu Dear Diary Dark Mode Ultrawide
Core - World Edits/Dynamic Edits - Diverse Tanning Racks Base Object Swapper
Core - Content/New Content - Elven Supremacy
Core - Content/New Content - Gibberish
Core - Content/New Content - Morrowind Mint
Core - Content/New Content - Skyrim Silver
Core - Meshes and Textures/Architecture (Foundations) - Praedy's Tel Mithryn
Core - Meshes and Textures/Ancient Structures - Praedy's Apocrypha
Core - Meshes and Textures/Landscape - Polar Peaks
Core - Meshes and Textures/Landscape - Septentrional Landscapes Complex 2K
Core - Meshes and Textures/Landscape - Majestic Landscapes - Meshes Only
Core - Meshes and Textures/Landscape - Skyrim Remastered Glaciers and Ice IMR Edition
Core - Meshes and Textures/Landscape - Sand on Stones
Core - Meshes and Textures/Food - Honey Pot
Core - Meshes and Textures/Clutter - Praedy's Soulgems and Holders
Core - Meshes and Textures/Furniture - Higher Poly Vanilla Noble Furniture
Core - Meshes and Textures/Armor and Weapons - Amber Refossilised Consistency Patches
Core - Meshes and Textures/Creatures and Wildlife - Forgotten Creatures
Core - New NPCs/Followers and NPCs - Interesting NPCs - Abandoned Prison Combat Fix
Core - Beauty and Appearance/NPC/NPC Resources - BeastHHBB
Core - Beauty and Appearance/NPC/NPC Resources - Project ja-Kha'jay
Core - Beauty and Appearance/NPC/NPC Resources - Project ja-Kha'jay - Interesting NPCs Khajiit Addon
Core - Beauty and Appearance/NPC/NPC Resources - HDT - Khajiit Alfiq Patch
Core - Beauty and Appearance/NPC/NPC Resources - Better Argonian Horns
Core - Beauty and Appearance/NPC/NPC Overhauls - BeastHHBB - Patches and Addons
Core - Beauty and Appearance/NPC/NPC Overhauls - Beef Unending
Core - Beauty and Appearance/NPC/NPC Overhauls - Bijin Redux
Core - Beauty and Appearance/NPC/NPC Overhauls - Children of the Hist
Core - Beauty and Appearance/NPC/NPC Overhauls - Children of the Hist - Fishing CC
Core - Beauty and Appearance/NPC/NPC Overhauls - Children of the Pariah
Core - Beauty and Appearance/NPC/NPC Overhauls - Elevated NPCs
Core - Beauty and Appearance/NPC/NPC Overhauls - Improved Bards Reborn
Core - Beauty and Appearance/NPC/NPC Overhauls - Kalilies NPCs De-Standalone
Core - Beauty and Appearance/NPC/NPC Overhauls - Pandorable's NPCs - Males 3
Core - Beauty and Appearance/NPC/NPC Overhauls - iBeasts - BeastHHBB for Interesting NPCs
Core - Beauty and Appearance/NPC/NPC Overhauls - Inigo the Suave
Core - Beauty and Appearance/NPC/Children Overhauls - Realistic RS Children Overhaul
Core - Animation/Conditional Idles and Misc - Dynamic Female Swimming Idles
Core - Late Loaders/Misc - Custom Skills Menu - Widescreen Patch
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - Glacierslab SSE
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - ERM Enhanced Rocks and Mountains
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - ERM Enhanced Rocks and Mountains Dyndolod Add-On
Core - Autoselecting Patch Hubs - Dunmeri Furniture in Gray Quarter
Core - Autoselecting Patch Hubs - Valhalla Combat - Race Addons

Adventures - Realistic RS Children Overhaul - Legacy of the Dragonborn Patch
Adventures - Realistic RS Children Overhaul - Helgen Reborn Patch
Adventures - Project ja-Kha'jay - Moonpath to Elsweyr Khajiit Overhaul
Adventures - Mannequin Management

Arch - Snazzy Black Briar Lodge
Arch - Snazzy Interiors - Riften Bolli's House
Arch - Solitude Docks Updated - Realistic RS Children Patch
Arch - Capital Whiterun Expansion - Realistic RS Children Patch
Arch - Capital Windhelm Expansion - Realistic RS Children Patch
Arch - Snazzy Interiors - Karthwasten Hall
Arch - Snazzy Interiors - Rorik's Manor


Core - Stones of Solitude - Majestic Mountain Rocks
Core - Radiance - Quests
Core - 3D Solitude Market Trellis 3.1
Core - ElSopa - Northern Roads Resculpted
Core - Majestic Mountains
Core - Majestic Mountains - DynDOLOD
Core - Vanaheimr - Mountains
Core - Subdivide and Smooth - Ash Pebbles
Core - Divide and Conquer
Core - Iconic's Falmer Rosetta Stone
Core - Ignoble Beds
Core - Skyrim 3D Misc - Tanning Rack
Core - Ice Wraiths Retexture
Core - Daughters of Malacath
Core - Followers Hirelings and Housecarls
Core - Fresh Faces
Core - The Men of Winter
Core - Improved Bards (see Added)
Core - Bijin NPCs (see Added)
Core - Bijin Warmaidens (see Added)
Core - Bijin Wives (see Added)
Core - Inigo - High Poly Replacer
Core - Majestic Mountains - More Accurate Collision
Core - Majestic Mountains - More Accurate Collision - AME Patch
Core - Praedy's Castle Volkihar - Simplicity of Snow Patch (part of main mod)
Core - Shingles - Alpha Patch
Core - Skyrim Remastered - Unreal Ice and Glaciers
Core - ENB Transparent Fix - Deadly Spell Impacts
Core - Praedy's College of Winterhold - Patches (part of main mod)

Addons - Campfire - Complete Camping System - Collectable Deadwood and Branches

Adventures - Headhunter - Bounties Redone [Addons - Adventures]

Arch - Solitude Docks Updated - RS Children Patch (see Added)
Arch - RS Children - Capital Windhelm Expansion (see Added)


Prerequisites - Synthesis updated to 0.30.
Prerequisites - DynDOLOD updated to Alpha-180.

Core - Base Object Swapper updated to 3.3.0.
Core - ENB Extender for Skyrim updated to 1.2.
Core - FormList Manipulator updated to 1.8.1
Core - More Informative Console updated to 1.2.2.
Core - Object Categorization Framework - Some KID Patches updated to 1.5.
Core - powerofthree's Papyrus Extender updated to 5.8.0.
Core - Pyramid Utils updated to 0.2.9.
Core - Better Third Person Selection updated to 0.7.1.
Core - Comprehensive Attack Rate Patch updated to
Core - Helmet Toggle 2 updated to 3.2.0.
Core - NPCs Use Potions updated to 3.3.
Core - Skyrim Particle Patch updated to 1.3.3.
Core - Navigator updated to 1.5.8.
Core - Relaxed Khajiits updated to 2.0.2.
Core - CoMAP updated to 4.2.1.
Core - Dear Diary Dark Mode Constructible Object Custom Keyword System updated to 3.0.
Core - Dear Diary Dark Mode Squish Fixes updated to 0.9.1.
Core - Utenlands Nordic Tents updated to 1.0.7.
Core - After the Civil War updated to 2.6.1.
Core - Andrealphus Scene Tweaks updated to 1.1.
Core - Face Sculptor Expanded updated to 1.02.
Core - White Phial Tweaks and Enhancements updated to 2.3.
Core - Infiltration Quest Expansion updated to 1.02, BUVARP patch moved to separate entry.
Core - The Heart of Dibella Quest Expansion updated to 1.04.
Core - The Only Cure Quest Expansion updated to 1.04.
Core - COIN updated to 3.1.1.
Core - Extended Encounters updated to 1.6.8.
Core - Headhunter updated to 1.56.
Core - New Armory Series Ash Spawn Weapons updated to 1.31.
Core - New Armory Series Dragon Cult Weapons updated to 1.21.
Core - DynDOLOD Resources updated to Alpha-52.
Core - Assorted Mesh Fixes updated to 0.116.
Core - Improved Jail Bars updated to 3.0.
Core - FYX 3D Whiterun Guard Towers updated to 1.02.
Core - SMIM Improvement Mod updated to 1.11.
Core - Illustrious Whiterun updated to 2.7.
Core - Praedy's Chantry of Auriel AIO updated to 3.0.
Core - Praedy's Chantry of Winterhold updated to 3.0, moved to Autoselecting Patch Hubs.
Core - Praedy's Soul Cairn updated to 3.0, moved to Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures.
Core - Praedy's Castle Volkihar updated to 3.0.
Core - Praedy's Fort Dawnguard updated to 3.0.
Core - FYX 3D Stockades - removed OPTI file.
Core - Skyking Unique Signs - changed to BOS file
Core - Daedric Shrines All In One updated to 1.02.
Core - Daedric Shrines All In One My Patchs by Xtudo updated to 4.3.
Core - Remiros' Statues position adjusted upwards
Core - Daedric Shrines - Mehunes Dagon - My Fixes by Xtudo - removed optional file
Core - Statue of Mara My Exterior Patches SE by Xtudo - updated file to download
Core - Stunning Statues of Skyrim - removed unnecessary delete instruction
Core - Overlooked Dungeon Objects Retexture updated to 1.6.
Core - Tomato's Complex Landscapes Parallax AIO updated to 4.0, position adjusted
Core - Nordic Northern Roads updated to 2.1.
Core - Snoblind - added download file
Core - Improved Solitude Arch - changed FOMOD options
Core - Happy Little Trees Add-On DynDOLOD 3 updated to 2.1.0.
Core - JS Knapsacks updated to 1.21.
Core - SFCO3 updated to 3.10.
Core - Vanilla Table Replacers position moved.
Core - Rally's Noble Furniture - removed optional BOS file
Core - Rally's Upper Furniture updated to 1.3.
Core - Deadly Spell Impacts updated to 1.9.0.
Core - Embers XD updated to 3.0.6.
Core - JS Barenziah updated to 1.4.
Core - LeanWolf's Better-Sized Weapons - FOMOD changes
Core - JS Helm of Yngol updated to 1.1.
Core - Ancient Falmer Armors and Weapons Retexture - added delete instructions.
Core - Iron Armors and Weapons Retexture updated to 2.0.
Core - Orcish Armors and Weapons Retexture updated to 2.0.1.
Core - Simplicity of Snow updated to 0.22, added delete instructions.
Core - Water for ENB updated to 1.94.
Core - Lux - added missing FOMOD instructions for chandeliers
Core - NPC Overhaul section reordered significantly.
Core - Pandorable's Initiates updated to 1.2.1.
Core - HIMBO updated to 5.4.1, added delete instructions.
Core - Kalilies Brows High Poly Head updated to 2.0.1.
Core - True Directional movement updated to 2.2.6.
Core - Offset Movement Animation - Nemesis updated to 1.2.
Core - Sonders Keyword Distribution Resources updated to 1.7.
Core - Arm Movement Animations updated to 2.2.0.
Core - Lively Cart Driver Animations updated to 2.0.1.
Core - Organic Player Animations updated to 2.0.0.
Core - Riding Animation Overhaul updated to 1.3.1.
Core - Extended Guard Dialogue updated to 1.0.3.
Core - NPCs React to Invisibility updated to 1.11.
Core - Immersive Interactions - Animated Actions updated to 1.78.
Core - Immersive Interactions - Ingredients and Poison updated to 1.3.
Core - Simply Knock Dynamic Activation key Patch updated to 1.0a.
Core - Dragon War updated to 4.1.2.
Core - Experience updated to 3.4.5, added delete instructions.
Core - The Dragonborn's Bestiary CACO Loot Patch updated to 1.0.1.
Core - CBBE 3BA Vanilla Outfits Redone updated to 3.5.5, added delete instructions.
Core - Missile's IED Preset updated to 3.0.3.
Core - Better Floors Whiterun updated to 1.4.
Core - Markarth Fixed AF - changed FOMOD options
Core - Snazzy Mesh Fixes Windhelm Interiors - added file to download
Core - Subdivide and Smooth Vines updated to 1.2.
Core - Tel Mithryn Overhaul - added delete instructions.
Core - Apocrypha ENB Light - added delete instructions
Core - Particle Lights for ENB Falmer Drips - changed file to download
Core - Lightning VFX Edit updated to 1.3.
Core - Dynamic Interface Patcher updated to 2.0.2.
Core - Descriptions for Various Mods updated to 2.4.2.
Core - First Person Interactions updated to 1.5.0.
Core - lilebonymace's Patches updated to 2.43.
Core - Northern Roads Patch Collection updated to 1.28.1.
Core - Psychopatchist Purgatory updated to 0.7.
Core - SFCO3 Patch Collection updated to 1.10.1

Addons - Simple Hunting Overhaul updated to 1.13.
Addons - Stress and Fear updated to 1.04.
Addons - Campfire Dynamic Activation Key updated to 1.1.1.
Addons - Serana Dialogue Add-on updated to
Addons - Remiel updated to 1.7.4.
Addons - Xelzaz updated to 1.12.1.

Adventures - RS Children Overhaul Patch Compendium [Adventures] - removed Helgen Reborn
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn updated to 6.6.0.
Adventures - Additional Hearthfire Dolls Small Fixes updated to 1.3.
Adventures - NVICO [Adventures] - removed Wyrmstooth
Adventures - Dynamic Treasure Map Journal - changed to Gdrive link pending update
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn Interesting NPCs Patch updated to 1.40.
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn Patches updated to 6.6.1, added WACCF patch
Adventures - Stacks of Septims - My Patchse SE by Xtudo - LOTD - removed delete instructions
   note: this may be extremely heavy on fps in filled safehouse treasure room but the old Tamira meshes
   were just awful when combined with the regular coins.

Adventures-Final: Added RRSC-HelgenReborn-Patch.esp ESL flag.
                  Removed old instructions for TreasureHunter/treasure_hunt.
Arch - Snazzy Interiors Falkreath Dengeir's House updated to 1.11.
Arch - Cities of the North Falkreath Patch Collection updated to 1.23.11.
Arch - The Great City of Winterhold Patch Collection updated to 2.7.1.
Arch - JK's Riften Outskirts Patch Collection updated to 1.6.
Arch - JK's Blue Palace Terrace updated to 1.5.1.
Arch - JK's Solitude Outskirts Patch Collection updated to 1.8.1.
Arch - Drengin's Solitude Patch Collection updated to 1.1.2.
Arch - JK's Whiterun Outskirts updated to 1.6.0.
Arch - JK's Windhelm Outskirts Patch Collection updated to 1.5.
Arch - Whiterun Exteriors Patch Collection updated to 1.3.1.
Arch - Anga's Mill Cities of the North Addon Patch Collection updated to 1.3.
Arch - Cultured Orc Furniture - added delete instruction.
Arch - Denizens of Morthal updated to 1.4, delete instructions updated.
Arch - Environs Hroggar's House updated to 2.0.3.
Arch - Environs Hroggar's House Patch Collection updated to 2.0.6.
Arch - Environs Kolskeggr updated to 3.0.3.
Arch - Environs Kolskeggr Patch Collection updated to 3.03.
Arch - Snazzy Drelas' Cottage updated to 1.1.
Arch - JK's Radiant Raiment updated to 1.0.2.
Arch - JK's Silver-Blood Innn updated to 1.0.1.
Arch - Lux Interiora Distincta updated to 1.3.
Arch - Snazzy Interiors JK's Palace of the Kings updated to 1.3.
Arch - JK's Castle Dour updated to 1.3.0.
Arch - JK's Dark Brotherhood Sanctuaries updated to 1.1.0.
Arch - JK's High Hrothgar updated to 1.0.2.
Arch - JK's Sky Haven Temple updated to 1.0.1.
Arch - JK's Interiors Patch Collection updated to 5.20.2.
Arch - Snazzy Interiors Patch Collection updated to 1.31.

Arch-Final: Added RRSC-SurWR-Patch.esp ESL flag.
            Added Snazzy Interiors - Karthwasten Hall.esp ESMify. RC9 - 2024-08-01


Core - Gameplay and Quality of Life Tweaks - Snowy Statics Consistency
Core - User Interface/UI - The Dragonborn's Bestiary
Core - User Interface/UI - The Dragonborn's Bestiary - Patches
Core - User Interface/Map - Wyrmstooth Paper Map for FWMF
Core - World Edits/Dynamic Edits - More Silver and Dwemer Kitchenware - Base Object Swapper
Core - World Edits/Dynamic Edits - Uterlands Nordic Tents
Core - Meshes and Textures/General World Improvement - Mrf's Riften
Core - Meshes and Textures/Architecture (Buildings) - Tomato's Wood - Grungier Dungeons
Core - Meshes and Textures/Architecture (Buildings) - FYX 3D Stockades Collision Improvements
Core - Meshes and Textures/Architecture (Objects) - Pride of the Companions - Shields of Jorrvaskr
Core - Meshes and Textures/Ancient Structures - Golden Statue of Mara
Core - Meshes and Textures/Landscape - Tomato's Complete Landscapes Parallax AIO
Core - Meshes and Textures/Flora - Cathedral 3D Stonecrop 75 Percent Size
Core - Meshes and Textures/Clutter - Slightly Better Kettles
Core - Meshes and Textures/Clutter - Snazzy Bloody Rags
Core - Meshes and Textures/Creatures - Draugrs New Models and Textures
Core - Meshes and Textures/Creatures - Dragurs - My Patches - SE by Xtudo
Core - Beauty and Appearance/Body and Skin - OBody Next Generation
Core - Late Loaders/Patches - Gate to Sovngarde Small Mods and Resources
Core - Late Loaders/Patches - The Dragonborn's Bestiary - CACO Loot Patch
Core - Late Loaders/Patches - CBBE 3BA WACCF and ACE
Core - Late Loaders/Patches - Missile's IED Preset
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - Cooking Pots SMIMed
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - Higher Poly Vanilla Gildergreen
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - Metallurgy - Consistency Patches and Collision Fix
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - Touch of Detail - Shack Doors
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - Touch of Detail - Shack Meshes
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - Fixed Meshes for Rugnarok
Core - Late Loaders/ENB Meshes - Lightning VFX Edit
Core - Autoselecting Patch Hubs - First Person Interactions
Core - Overrides/Ultrawide - Dear Diary Dark Mode Widescreen Patch
Core - Overrides/Ultrawide - Dear Diary Dark Mode Squish Fixes Widescreen Patch
Core - Overrides/Ultrawide - The Dragonborn's Bestiary Widescreen Patch

Addons - Survival - Snoblind Footprints Retexture
Addons - Survival - Campfire Dynamic Activation Key
Addons - Survival - Xelzaz HIMBO Patch

Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Patches - Followers
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Additional Display Patches
Adventures - Snazzy Interiors - LotD The Wayward Rest
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Fate Cards New Style - 2023 Remaster
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Snazzy Excavation Tent
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Tweaks and Options

Arch - Capital Whiterun Expansion - Fixed Meshes
Arch - JK's Dark Brotherhood Sanctuaries


Prerequisites - Removed BOBW, Downgrader instructions
Core - Dear Diary Dark Mode Compact UI
Core - Sepolcri
Core - Northern Roads - Patches Compendium
Core - Faction Crossbows Cleaned and Upscaled Textures
Core - SMIM Upscaled Textures
Core - Shack Roofs Restored
Core - WiZkiD Riften and Ratway
Core - Dwemer Glowmapped Automatons
Core - Dwemer Glowmapped Tech
Core - Ancient Dwemer Metal - Patches - Dwemer Glowmapped Automatons
Core - Ancient Dwemer Metal - Patches - Dwemer Glowmapped Tech
Core - Septentrional Landscapes
Core - Northern Shores
Core - Blended Roads Redone
Core - Snowy Surfaces Sound Collision and Aesthetics
Core - Cathedral 3D Nightshade
Core - TMD Winery
Core - BURP Spell Tomes
Core - BURP Spell Tomes Patches
Core - ElSopa Gem Holders Redone
Core - Torture Rack
Core - Deadly Spell Impacts Upscaled Texture
Core - Daedric Armor Remastered
Core - Ancient Dwemer Metal - Patches - Daedric Armor Remastered - Spellbreaker
Core - Ancient Dwemer Metal - Patches - JS Unique Utopia - Keening
Core - Weapons Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes - CBBE - Bodyslide
Core - Weapons Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes - CBBE 3BA
Core - WiZkiD Hagraven Clutter and Bones
Core - FYX 3D Shack Kit Roofs
Core - FYX 3D Shack Kit Walls
Core - Solitude Interiors Meshes Fixes
Core - WiZKiD Hall of the Dead Stained Glass Windows

Addon - Followers - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Followers Patch [Followers Addon]
Adventures - The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal Daedric Shrines AIO Patch
Adventures - Wyrmstooth World Map Edge Fix
Adventures - Wyrmstooth World Map Unique Weather
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - The Brotherhood of Old Patch
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Volkihar Knight Patch
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Your Choices Matter Patch
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Fate Cards New Style
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Safehouse Desk Fix
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Wyrmstooth Metallurgy Patch

Arch - Distinct Interiors ElSopa Potions Redone


Prerequisites - SKSE updated to 2.2.6
Prerequisites - LOOT updated to 0.23
Prerequisites - Mod Organizer 2 updated to 2.5

Core - Base Object Swapper updated to 3.2
Core - Custom Skills Framework file to download changed
Core - ENB Extender For Skyrim updated to 1.1
Core - More Informative Console updated to 1.2.1
Core - Mu Skeleton Editor updated to 0.6.1
Core - Open Animation Replacer updated to 2.3.6
Core - powerofthree's Papyrus Extender updated to 5.7.0
Core - Scaleform Translation Plus Plus NG changed to - Updated 1.0
Core - Actor Limit Fix updated to 6.0
Core - Menu Zoom updated to 1.0.2
Core - No Grass In Objects updated to 1.1.0
Core - Photo Mode updated to 1.6.0
Core - powerofthree's Tweaks updated to 1.11.0
Core - Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch updated to 4.3.2
Core - Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB updated to 1.3.1
Core - Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods updated to 5.5
Core - Robber's Gorge Fixes updated to 1.4
Core - SkyUI - Fix Note Icon updated to 1.2.6
Core - Select One Skip updated to 0.2
Core - Dear Diary Dark Mode Squish Fixes updated to 0.9
Core - Duncan's Paper Maps for FWMF - removed Wyrmstooth
Core - Skuldafn Paper Map for FWMF changed to Skuldafn Paper Map for FWMF by Limon
Core - Snazzy Diverse Carriages updated to 1.2
Core - Alternate Start updated to 4.2.2
Core - Gildergreen Regrown updated to 2.0.3
Core - House of Horrors Quest Expansion updated to 1.13
Core - The Only Cure Quest Expansion updated to 1.03
Core - Heavy Armory updated to 6.1.2
Core - DynDOLOD DLL updated to Alpha-32
Core - SMIM Improvement Mod updated to 1.10, moved to later in this section
Core - Assorted Mesh Fixes updated to 0.109
Core - Forgotten Retex Project delete instructions updated (pickaxe)
Core - Ancient AF Windhelm changed to 2k
Core - Illustrious Whiterun updated to 2.5, changed main file to 2k, added main gate
Core - Illustrious Whiterun Alt Stonefloor changed to 2k
Core - Praedy's Chantry of Auriel AIO changed to 2k
Core - Praedy's College of Winterhold changed to 2k
Core - Praedy's Soul Cairn changed to 2k, Sky file removed, bone piles changed to Vanilla quality
Core - Rally's Solstheim AIO changed to 2k
Core - Stony AF Markarth changed to 2k
Core - Mrf's Solitude changed to 2k
Core - Riften of Reverie changed to 2k
Core - Better Blending Helgen Mud updated to 1.1
Core - Inverterate Imperium changed to 2k
Core - Orc Settlements Enhanced updated to 1.4, changed to 2k
Core - Praedy's Castle Volkihar changed to 2k
Core - Skyrim Remastered High Hrothgar changed to Performance Version
Core - Tomato's V3 Farmhouse Parallax changed to 2k
Core - Weathered Stockades Retexture changed to 2k
Core - Boreal Boats changed to 2k
Core - My Road Signs are Beautiful changed to 2k
Core - Glorious Doors of Skyrim changed to 2k (except Ruin Door), updated instructions
Core - Skyking Signs updated to 1.5, added Balthazar Books patch
Core - SD Farmhouse Fences changed to 2k
Core - Windhelm Fence 3D changed to 2k
Core - Astral Aspect changed to 2k
Core - JS Shrines of the Divines changed to 2k
Core - Better Dirt Cliffs changed to 2k
Core - Skyrim Remastered Azura and Blackreach Crystals changed to 2k
Core - Skyrim Remastered Caves changed to 2k
Core - CC's HQ Mines changed to 2k
Core - Overlooked Dungeon Objects changed to 2k
Core - JS Dwarven Oil changed to 2k
Core - JS Dwemer Artifacts changed to 2k
Core - JS Dwemer Control Cube changed to 2k
Core - JS Dwemer Kitchenware changed to 2k
Core - JS Essence Extractor changed to 2k
Core - Northern Concept Northern Roads updated to 3.2.2
Core - ElSopa Northern Roads Resculpted changed to 2k
Core - Vanaheimr Mountains changed to Grey in FOMOD
Core - Northern Nordic Roads changed to 2k
Core - Snoblind changed to 2k
Core - HD Stone Quarry and Clay Deposit changed to 2k
Core - Mari's Flora changed to Medium
Core - Medieval Potions changed to non-ENB version
Core - Iconic's Remastered Paragon Gems changed to 2k
Core - JS Dragon Claws changed to 2k
Core - JS Instruments changed to 2k
Core - Praedy's Elder Scroll changed to 2k
Core - Praedy's Repository changed to 2k, instructions updated
Core - Snazzy Silver Inkwells optional file changed to GGs Complex
Core - Unique Skulls HD changed to 2k
Core - Ignoble Beds LOTD patch added
Core - Rally's Banners of Skyrim moved to this section, optional files added, changed to 2k
Core - Rally's Common Furniture changed to 2k
Core - Rally's Thrones changed to 2k
Core - RUSTIC MAPS changed to 2k
Core - Sigils of Skyrim Banners Upscale changed to 2k
Core - Skyland Chests changed to 2k
Core - Stations of Sorcerers changed to 2k
Core - Vanilla Table Replaces changed to 2k
Core - wd Barrels changed to 2k
Core - Rally's Barsets changed to 2k
Core - Rally's Chests SMIM changed to 2k
Core - Rally's Noble Furniture changed to 2k
Core - Rally's Orc Furniture changed to 2k
Core - Rally's Upper Furniture changed to 2k
Core - Embers XD updated to 3.0.4
Core - JS Barenziah changed to 2k
Core - Frankly HD Masque of Clavicus Vile changed to 2k
Core - Daedric Armor and Weapons Retexture updated to 2.0
Core - Dragon Armors and Weapons Retexture changed to 2k
Core - Arcs Chillrend Redux changed to 2k
Core - Iconic's Werewolf and Werebear Retexture changed to 2k
Core - Real Elks changed to 2k
Core - Imperial Saddle Retexture changed to 2k
Core - Shadowmere Saddle Retexture changed to 2k
Core - Yee Haaaa Horse Saddle Retexture changed to 2k
Core - Simplicity of Snow updated to 0.20
Core - Water for ENB updated to 1.92, changed to 2k in FOMOD
Core - Natural Waterfalls updated to 2.5, FOMOD updated
Core - Rally's Water Foam changed to 2k
Core - Pandorable's Lucien Replacer updated to 2.0
Core - Bits and Pieces RSV Patch changed to 2k
Core - Bits and Pieces Child Skin changed to 2k
Core - Racial Skin Variance SPID updated to 2.4.2
Core - Offset Movement Animation updated to 1.1
Core - CBPC COnfig Pete to Plenty updated to 9.0
Core - Flute Animation Fix updated to 1.2
Core - Immersive Folded Hands renamed Arm Movement Animations, updated to 2.1.0
Core - Female Player Animations updated to 1.1.0
Core - Lively Cart Driver Animations updated to 2.0
Core - Male Player Animations updated to 1.1.0
Core - NPC Animation Remix updated to 2.0
Core - Riding Animation Overhaul updated to 1.3
Core - Civil War Lines Expansion updated to 1.1
Core - NPCs React to Invisibility updated to 1.10
Core - Immersive Interactions Animated Actions updated to 1.77
Core - Immersive Interactions Ingredients and Poison updated to 1.2.1
Core - Simply Knock Dynamic Activation Key Patch updated to 0.5a
Core - Dragon War updated to 4.1.1
Core - Wildcat Combat of Skyrim SPID updated to 1.01
Core - Dragonborn Shouts Perk Tree updated to 3.2
Core - Experience updated to 3.4.4
Core - CBBE 3BA Vanilla Outfits Redone updated to 3.5.3
Core - Rally's Bees and More changed to 2k
Core - Subdivide and Smooth Hagraven - removed WiZkiD Hagraven Clutter patch
Core - Windhelm Bridge Revived updated to 1.6.1
Core - Windhelm Bridge Revived Patches updated to 1.6
Core - GG's Complex Silverware updated to 1.5, Assorted Vampire Tweaks moved to own mod
Core - ENB Lights - Dwarven Spiders - removed Dwemer Tech Glowmapped patch
Core - Rally's Dark Elf Furniture changed to 2k
Core - Rudy ENB - NAT - Required Files updated to 2.01
Core - ENB - Rudy NAT updated to 2.01
Core - Dynamic Interface Patcher updated to 2.0.1
Core - lilebonymace's Patches updated to 2.42
Core - Lux Orbis Patch Hub updated to 4.4
Core - Northern Roads Patch Collection updated to 1.27.1
Core - Praedy's College of Winterhold Patches changed to 2k
Core - SFCO3 Patch Collection updated to 1.7.2

Addons/Survival - Immersive Aggressive Opponents updated to 1.8
Addons/Survival - Simple Hunting Overhaul updated to 1.12
Addons/Survival - Campfire Animations updated to 1.3
Addons/Followers - Remiel updated to 1.7.3

Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn updated to 6.3.0
Adventures - Relic Hunter updated to 3.0
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn Visual Overhaul updated to 1.3 (optional file)
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn Patches updated to 6.3.0
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn Patches Creation Club updated to 6.0.3
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn Player Home Displays updated to 1.1
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn The Curator's Companion updated to 7.0.2
Adventures - Antique Statue HD changed to 2k
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn CBBE 3BA and HIMBO Patch updated to 1.2
Adventures - Wyrmstooth Upscaled Textures - updated instructions (delete banner)
Adventures - Final Steps - Added ESM instructions for Snazzy Wayward Rest

Arch - Distinct Interiors Patch Collection updated to 1.1.1
Arch - Cities of the North Dawnstar Patch Collection updated to 5.2
Arch - Cities of the North Falkreath Patch Collection updated to 1.22.2
Arch - Optimized Cities of the North Meshes updated to 2.1, position changed
Arch - The Great City of Winterhold Patch Collection updated to 2.6
Arch - JK's Riften Outskirts Patch Collection updated to 1.5
Arch - Snazzy Interiors Markarth Endon's House updated to 1.3
Arch - Snazzy Interiors Markarth Guard Tower delete instructions added
Arch - Snazzy Interiors Markarth Nepos' House updated to 1.2
Arch - Snazzy Interiors Markarth Treasury House updated to 1.2
Arch - Snazzy Interiors Riften Black-Briar Manor updated to 1.5
Arch - Blue Palace Frescoes Simplified merged into one mod for JK BPT.
Arch - JK's Blue Palace moved position
Arch - JK's Blue Palace Terrace moved position
Arch - JK's Solitude Outskirts Patch Collection updated to 1.7
Arch - Drengin's Solitude Patch Collection updated to 1.1.1, position changed
Arch - Rodryk's Dragon Bridge Retexture changed to 2k
Arch - Solitude Docks Updated - delete instruction no longer necessary
Arch - Snazzy Interiors Solitude Bryling's House updated to 1.3
Arch - Snazzy Interiors Solitude Erikur's House updated to 1.4
Arch - Snazzy Interiors Vittoria Vici's House updated to 1.3, delete instructions added
Arch - Snazzy Exteriors Solitude Bryling's Garden patches changed
Arch - Whiterun Exteriors Patch Collection changed FOMOD instructions
Arch - Snazzy Honningbrew Meadery updated to 1.1
Arch - Snazzy Interiors Whiterun House Battle-Born updated to 1.4
Arch - Snazzy Interiors Whiterun House Grey-Mane updated to 1.2
Arch - Snazzy Interiors Windhelm Blacksmith updated to 1.11
Arch - Snazzy Interiors Windhelm House of Clan Cruel-Sea updated to 1.3
Arch - Snazzy Interiors Windhelm House of Clan Shattershield updated to 1.2
Arch - Snazzy Interiors Windhelm Viola Giordano's House updated to 1.3
Arch - Snazzy Interiors JK's Dragonsreach updated to 1.4
Arch - Snazzy Interiors JK's Palace of the Kings updated to 1.2
Arch - JK's College of Winterhold Combo Patches updated to 2.7.1
Arch - JK's Guild HQ Interiors Patch Collection updated to 1.23
Arch - JK's Interiors Patch Collection updated to 5.20.1
Arch - Snazzy Interiors Patch Collection updated to 1.27
Arch - Final Steps - added ESM instructions for JK's Blue Palace and JK's Blue Palace Terrace

Final Steps - Added ESL instruction for DragonbornSHoutsPerksOrdinator
Final Steps - Updated Nemesis instructions
Final Steps - Updated Bodyslide instructions RC8 - 2024-06-19


Core - SKSE Plugins (Framework) - Crash Logger SSE AE VR - PDB Support
Core - SKSE Plugins (Framework) - ENB Extender for Skyrim
Core - SKSE Plugins (Framework) - KiLoader for Skyrim
Core - SKSE Plugins (Framework) - Object Categorization Framework
Core - SKSE Plugins (Framework) - Object Categorization Framework - Some KID Patches
Core - SKSE Plugins - Behavior Data Injector Universal Support
Core - SKSE Plugins - IFrame Generator RE AE Support
Core - SKSE Plugins - Inventory Interface Information Injector
Core - SKSE Plugins - Mum's The Word NG
Core - SKSE Plugins - No Follower Attack Collision NG
Core - SKSE Plugins - No Opposite Gender Animations NG
Core - SKSE Plugins - dTry Plugin Updates

Core - User Interface/UI - I4 - MVV Forgotten Icons
Core - User Interface/UI - I4 - Shouts Overhaul
Core - User Interface/UI - I4 - SkyUI Weapons Pack
Core - User Interface/HUD - Dear Diary Dark Mode - Squish Fixes
Core - User Interface/HUD - Dear Diary Dark Mode - Compact UI
Core - User Interface/HUD - Modern Wait Menu
Core - User Interface/HUD - Modern Wait Menu - Dear Diary Dark Mode Reskin
Core - User Interface/HUD - TrueHUD - HUD Additions
Core - User Interface/HUD - TrueHUD - iHUD Patch
Core - User Interface/HUD - Kome's Inventory Tweaks
Core - User Interface/Map - Skyrim Paper Map by FreelanceCartography for FWMF

Core - World Edits/Towns and Settlements - Environs - Western Watchtower Doesn't Stay Broken
Core - World Edits/Towns and Settlements - Environs - Western Watchtower Doesn't Stay Broken - Patches
Core - World Edits/Dynamic Edits - Diverse Windmill Sails - Base Object Swapper
Core - World Edits/Dynamic Edits - Real Water for Wash Basins - Base Object Swapper
Core - Content/Modified Vanilla Content - Assorted Vampire Fixes and Tweaks
Core - Content/Modified Vanilla Content - Quest Expansions - Destroy the Dark Brotherhood - Quest Expansion
Core - Meshes and Textures/LOD Generator - DynDOLOD The Little Things
Core - Meshes and Textures/Architecture (Buildings) - Tomato's V3 Farmhouse Parallax
Core - Meshes and Textures/Architecture (Objects) - Glorious Doors of Skyrim - Missing Door Sounds
Core - Meshes and Textures/Ancient Structures - Daedric Shrines - All in One
Core - Meshes and Textures/Ancient Structures - Daedric Shrines - All in One - My Patches by Xtudo
Core - Meshes and Textures/Ancient Structures - Daedric Shrines - Jyggalag
Core - Meshes and Textures/Ancient Structures - Daedric Shrines - Jyggalag - My Patches by Xtudo
Core - Meshes and Textures/Ancient Structures - Daedric Shrines - Mehrunes Dagon - My Patches by Xtudo
Core - Meshes and Textures/Ancient Structures - Lux Via Kynareth Addon
Core - Meshes and Textures/Ancient Structures - Statue of Dibella
Core - Meshes and Textures/Ancient Structures - Statue of Kynareth
Core - Meshes and Textures/Ancient Structures - Statue of Mara
Core - Meshes and Textures/Ancient Structures - Statue of Mara - My Exterior Patches SE by Xtudo
Core - Meshes and Textures/Ancient Structures - Statue of Sithis
Core - Meshes and Textures/Landscape - Vanaheimr - Mountains
Core - Meshes and Textures/Flora - Slightly Better Sabre Cat Eyes
Core - Meshes and Textures/Food - Medieval Potions
Core - Meshes and Textures/Furniture - Divide and Conquer - A Noble Divider Replacer
Core - Beauty and Appearance/Body and Skin - RSV SPID Patches for Consistency
Core - Beauty and Appearance/Hair Brows Beards - Eyebrow Specularity Fix
Core - Animation/Foundation - Comprehensive First Person Animation Overhaul
Core - Animation/Foundation - EVG CLAMBER
Core - Animation/Conditional Idles and Misc - New Creature Animation - Falmer
Core - Immersion/General - Honed Metal Integration Patches
Core - Immersion/General - Hunters Loot - And Skin Animals
Core - Immersion/General - Immersive Interactions - Ingredients and Poison
Core - Immersion/General - Skeuomorphism of Skyrim - Immersive Plaque Reading Interface
Core - Gameplay/Combat - TK Dodge RE - Distance Adjustment
Core - Gameplay/Combat - TK Dodge NG
Core - Gameplay/Combat - Valhalla Combat
Core - Gameplay/Combat - Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim
Core - Gameplay/Perks Leveling Classes - Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim - No Timed Block
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - H.I.T.S. - Hands Itch To Steal - A Silverware Worthy Of The Nords
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - GG's Complex Silverware
Core - Late Loaders/ENB Meshes - Dragon Breath VFX Edit
Core - Utilities - Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim - Settings Loader

Addons/Survival - Stress and Fear - A Dynamic Sanity System
Addons/Survival - Stress and Fear - CACO Patch

Adventures - Daedric Shrines - All in One - My Patches by Xtudo [Addons - Adventures]
Adventures - Statue of Mara - My Patches SE by Xtudo [Addons - Adventures]
Adventures - The Grey Cowl of Nocturnal - Daedric Shrines AIO Patch
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Mara Statue Patch

Arch - Statue of Mara - My Patches SE by Xtudo [Addons - Project Arch]
Arch - Solitude Docks Updated - High Poly NPCs
Arch - GG's Temple of Kynareth
Arch - Snazzy Honningbrew Meadery
Arch - Daedric Shrines - Quaint Raven Rock Add-on


Core - .Net Script Framework
Core - Dynamic Armor Variants for Skyrim 1.5
Core - Beard Mask Fix for Skyrim 1.5
Core - Better Stealing
Core - Screenshot Helper
Core - Simple Block Sparks
Core - SSE Fixes
Core - SSE Gameplay Tweaks
Core - RaceMenu Memory Leak Hotfix
Core - SkyUI - Better Config - Smart Sorting by Type - DDDM
Core - Nordic Ruins Tower Rework
Core - Skyland Imperial Forts and Dungeons
Core - WiZkiD Farmhouses
Core - Majestic Mountains - Northside
Core - ElSopa - Potions Redone
Core - ElSopa - Potions Redone - Patches
Core - ElSopa - Potions Redone - My Patches - Vanilla - LOTD
Core - ElSopa - Potions Redone - My Patches - Falmer Blood Elixir
Core - ElSopa - Potions Redone - My Patches - ELIF Inventory SIze Patch
Core - ElSopa - Potions Redone - Less Emissive and Fixed Inventory Size
Core - Xtudo's Potion of Blood
Core - Xtudo's Sleeping Tree Sap
Core - Xtudo's The White Phial
Core - Xtudo's Vaermina's Torpor
Core - Dynamic Sprint
Core - Savage Skyrim
Core - Supreme Vampire Lords
Core - Tyrannical Trolls
Core - Wicked Werewolves
Core - No More Silver In Castle Volkihar
Core - No More Silver In Castle Volkihar - WACCF Patch
Core - IFrame Generator RE
Core - Zxlice Hitstop SSE
Core - Blade and Blunt
Core - Weapons Repositioner SE
Core - Nordic Farmhouse Walls

Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Rudy's Silver Patch


Note - change from 1.5.97 to 1.6.1170! Many FOMOD options changed to select the correct version.

Prerequisites - Creation Kit Platform Extended updated to 0.3-b298.
Prerequisites - DynDOLOD updated to Alpha-173.

Core - Address Library for SKSE Plugins updated to v11 (Anniversary Edition)
Core - Base Object Swapper updated to 3.1.1, FOMOD changed
Core - Console Commands Extender changed to Anniversary Edition Update v.1.12.0
Core - ConsolePlusPlus updated to 1.4.1, FOMOD changed
Core - Description Framework updatedd to 2.1.1
Core - ENB Helper updated to 2.2.0
Core - ENB Light Inventory Fix file to download changed
Core - Formlist Manipulator FOMOD changed
Core - Open Animation Replacer updated to 2.3.4
Core - Open Animation Replacer IED Conditions FOMOD changed
Core - Pyramid Utils FOMOD changed
Core - Actor Limit Fix file to download changed
Core - Alchemy XP Fix FOMOD changed
Core - Animated Object Swapper FOMOD changed
Core - Behavior Data Injector - added Payload Interpreter patch
Core - Better Combat Escape changed to Better Combat Escape NG 1.01
Core - Better Jumping file to download changed
Core - Better Third Person Selection updated to 0.7.0
Core - Bug Fixes updated to 10.0 (AE)
Core - Classic Paralysis FOMOD updated
Core - Classic Sprinting Redone updated to 2.3.1 (AE)
Core - Dual Casting Fix FOMOD updated
Core - Equip Enchanting Fix FOMOD updated
Core - Equipment Toggle FOMOD updated
Core - Encounter Zones Unlocked file to download changed
Core - Enhanced Invisibility FOMOD updated
Core - Essential Favorites FOMOD updated
Core - Faster HDT-SMP updated to 2.5.0, FOMOD updated
Core - Favorite Misc Items FOMOD updated
Core - Fuz Ro Doh updated to 2.5 (AE)
Core - Horse Stamina HUD updated to 1.0.4. (AE)
Core - Immersive Equipment Displays file to download changed
Core - Magic Sneak Attacks FOMOD changed
Core - Menu Zoom FOMOD changed
Core - Naked Dead NPC Fix updated to 1.0.8
Core - No Crime Teleport RE file to download changed
Core - No Grass In Objects file to download changed
Core - Photo Mode FOMOD changed
Core - powerofthree's Tweaks SE FOMOD changed
Core - Read or Take FOMOD changed
Core - Reading Is Good updated to 1.1.2 (AE)
Core - Scrambled Bugs updated to 21.0 (AE), optional file removed
Core - Security Overhaul SKSE FOMOD changed
Core - Simple Offense Suppression FOMOD changed
Core - Soaking Wet file to download changed
Core - Splashes of Skyrim FOMOD changed
Core - Splashes of Storms FOMOD changed
Core - SSE Engine Fixes file to download changed (Part 1)
Core - Stagger Direction Fix changed to Stagger Effect Fix
Core - To Your Face updated to 1.0u (AE)
Core - Use Or Take FOMOD changed

Core - Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB updated to 1.3.0
Core - Navigator updated to 1.5.7.
Core - Rock Traps Trigger Fixes updated to 1.6.
Core - RaceMenu updated to (AE)
Core - SmoothCam FOMOD changed
Core - SkyUI Fix Note Icon file to download changed
Core - MCM Helper updated to 1.5.0 (AE), instructions removed
Core - Dynamic Activation Key updated to 1.12
Core - Dynamic Activation Key MCM updated to 2.1.0
Core - moreHUD updated to (AE)
Core - moreHUD Inventory Edition file to download changed
Core - SkyHUD FOMOD changed
Core - CoMAP updated to 4.1.0 (AE), FOMOD changed
Core - Compass Navigation Overhaul updated to 2.2 (AE)
Core - Flat World Map Framework FOMOD changed
Core - Phoenix Compendium updated to 2.3.0
Core - Northern Roads Patches Compendium updated to 6.6.3
Core - Even Better Quest Objectives updated to 1.10.0
Core - Innocence Lost updated to 1.11
Core - Favor Quests Separated updated to 2.10
Core - Extended Encounters updated to 1.6.7
Core - DynDOLOD Resources updated to Alpha-50
Core - DynDOLOD Resources Large Reference Workaround file to download changed
Core - Static Mesh Improvement Mod Improvement Mod updated to 1.9
Core - Assorted Mesh Fixes updated to 0.100
Core - Skyking Signs updated to 1.4
Core - Stunning Statues of Skyrim - FOMOD updated
Core - Remiros' Statues HD - files to download changed
Core - JS Dwarven Oil upddated to 1.1
Core - Snowy Surfaces Sound Collision and Aesthetics updated to 1.7
Core - Aspens Ablaze updated to 2.37
Core - Cabbage updated to 1.1
Core - Scallions of Skyrim updated to 0.2
Core - BURP Book Unity and Revamp Project FOMOD changed (LOTD V6 prep)
Core - BURP Spell Tomes marked as optional
Core - BURP Spell Tomes Patches marked as optional
Core - Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul SFCO3 updated to 3.04
Core - Dragon Priests Retexture SE updated to 1.1
Core - Silver Armors and Weapons Retexture SE updated to 2.0.1
Core - Lux updated to 6.7.2
Core - Lux Orbis updated to 4.3
Core - Storm Lightning FOMOD updated
Core - Moons and Stars FOMOD updated
Core - Bits and Pieces RSV patch - added update file
Core - Racial Skin Variance SPID updated to 2.4.1
Core - KS Hairdows Salt and Wind Foamimi's Retexture Hub updated to 3.0
Core - CBPC FOMOD changed
Core - EVG Conditional Idles updated to 1.51
Core - EVG Conditional Idles Extended updated to 1.41
Core - Conditional Expressions Extended updated to 2.0.5
Core - Female Player Animations updated to 1.0.2
Core - New Praying Animations updated to 1.0.2
Core - Honed Metal updated to 1.26.1, FOMOD changed
Core - Simply Knock - SKSE Update - file to download changed
Core - Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul - FOMOD changed
Core - Dragon War updated to 4.0.3
Core - Experience updated to 3.3.0
Core - Simple Dual Sheath file to download changed, XPM patch moved to new mod entry
Core - YASTM FOMOD changed
Core - CBBE 3BA Vanilla Outfits Redone updated to 3.3.3, misc files moved to new mod entries
Core - Cathedral 3D Mountain Flowers Base Object Swapper updated to 0.2
Core - Windhelm Bridge Revived updated to 1.5.1
Core - Windhelm Bridge Revived Patches updated to 1.5
Core - ENB Lights - Effect Shaders FOMOD changed
Core - JContainers file to download changed
Core - PapyrusUtil file to download changed
Core - EVG Conditional Idles Setting Loader updated to 3.0
Core - lilebonymace's Patches updated to 2.41
Core - Lux Patch Hub updated to 6.7
Core - Lux Orbis Patch Hub updated to 4.3
Core - SFCO3 Patch Collection updated to 1.5

Addons/Survival - Survival Control Panel updated to 1.1.2
Addons/Survival - Go To Bed file to download changed
Addons/Survival - Immersive Hunting Animations updated to 2.2
Addons/Survival - Immersive Spell Learning DESTified FOMOD changed
Addons/Survival - Campfire Complete Camping System Igniting Animation updated to 1.1
Addons/Survival - Go To Bed DAR Patch file to downloadd changed
Addons/Followers - Section moved below Addons Survival
Addons/Followers - Serana Dialogue Add-On updated to
Addons/Followers - Serana Dialogue Add-On Patch Hub updated to 2.9.4

Adventures - There Is No Umbra updated to 1.12.
Adventures - Wyrmstooth - Upscaled Textures - added file to delete (dragonpriesthelm)

Arch - Cities of the North Falkreath Patch Collection updated to 1.22.1
Arch - Shadow's Markarth Patch - Mossy City of Stone updated to 1.1
Arch - Solitude Docks Updated updated to 3.2c
Arch - GG's Capital JK's Whiterun additional files added (Kynareth, Fancy road)
Arch - Environs Hroggar's House updated to 2.02
Arch - Environs Hroggar's House Patch Collection updated to 2.03
Arch - Snazzy Interiors Patch Collection updated to 1.25.1
Arch - Final Steps updated: ESM Snazzy Honningbrew Meader, Snazzy Interiors Moravyn Manor

Final Steps updated: ESL DEST_ISL, remove IcyFixesLite instruction, ESL man_dibella
   Removed OppositeAnimationDisabler from Synthesis
   Revised Nemesis instructions (IMPORTANT, RERUN) RC7 - 2024-05-22


Core - SKSE/Framework - Andrealphus' Papyrus Functions
Core - SKSE - Alchemy XP Fix
Core - SKSE - Beard Mask Fix
Core - SKSE - Beard Mask Fix for Skyrim 1.5
Core - SKSE - Dynamic Wait SKSE
Core - SKSE - Menu Zoom
Core - SKSE - Universal Rim Lighting Fix
Core - User Interface/Map - Extended Cut - Saints and Seducers Paper Map for FWMF
Core - World Edits/Dynamic Edits - Slightly Better Nordic Henges - Wintersun Patch
Core - Content/Modified Vanilla Content - Andrealphus Scene Tweaks
Core - Content/Modified Vanilla Content/Quest Expansions - Infiltration - Quest Expansion
Core - Content/Modified Vanilla Content/Quest Expansions - Skyrim Extended Cut - Saints and Seducers
Core - Meshes and Textures/Architecture (Buildings) - Inveterate Imperium
Core - Meshes and Textures/Architecture (Buildings) - Nordic Ruins Tower Rework
Core - Meshes and Textures/Architecture (Buildings) - FYX Imperial Doors Collisions
Core - Meshes and Textures/Ancient Structures - Astral Aspect
Core - Meshes and Textures/Furniture - Rally's Thrones
Core - Meshes and Textures/Armor and Weapons - Improved Closefaced Helmets Lite
Core - Meshes and Textures/Armor and Weapons - Semi-Open Guard Helmets
Core - Beauty and Appearance/Body and Skin - CBBE 3BA
Core - Beauty and Appearance/Body and Skin - Highly Improved Male Body Overhaul -HIMBO-
Core - Beauty and Appearance/Body and Skin - Bits and Pieces - RSV Patch
Core - Beauty and Appearance/Body and Skin - Bits and Pieces - Child Skin
Core - Beauty and Appearance/Body and Skin - Bits and Pieces - Teeth Overhaul
Core - Beauty and Appearance/Body and Skin - Racial Skin Variance - SPID
Core - Beauty and Appearance/Body and Skin - Nordic Feel
Core - Beauty and Appearance/Body and Skin - HIMBO Regular Guy Preset
Core - Beauty and Appearance/Body and Skin - Quarter Cranks
Core - Animation/Foundation - CBPC Config - Petite to Plenty
Core - Animation/Conditional Combat - Varangand Animations II - Unarmed Normal and Power Attacks
Core - Animation/Conditional Idles and Misc - Dynamic Crafting Animations
Core - Animation/Conditional Idles and Misc - Dynamic Looting and Harvesting Animations
Core - Immersion/Dialogue and Relationship - Extended Bandit Dialogue
Core - Immersion/Dialogue and Relationship - Extended Guard Dialogue
Core - Late Loaders/Patches - CBBE 3BA Vanilla Outfits Redone
Core - Late Loaders/Patches - Weapons Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes - CBBE 3BA
Core - Late Loaders/Patches - Armor Variants Expansion - HIMBO Refit
Core - Late Loaders/Patches - Creation Club ARmor Clothing Refits - HIMBO
Core - Late Loaders/ENB Meshes - Flame VFX Edit
Core - Late Loaders/ENB Meshes - Frost VFX Edit
Core - Autoselecting Patch Hubs - Descriptions for Various Mods
Core - Autoselecting Patch Hubs - Lux Via - Patch Hub

Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - CBBE 3BA and HIMBO Patch
Adventures - Volkihar Knight - CBBE 3BA
Adventures - Wyrmstooth - CBBE 3BA and HIMBO Patch
Adventures - Rally's Banners of Skyrim

Addons - Survival - More Realistic Antlers for Carry Your Carcasses
Addons - Survival - Dirt and Blood - Dynamic Visual Effects - New Dirt Textures
Addons - Followers - Remiel - CBBE 3BA

Arch - Shadow's Markarth Patch - Mossy City of Stone
Arch - Snazzy Interiors - Morvayn Manor
Arch - JK's Castle Volkihar


Core - Headpart Whitelist
Core - Skyrim Landscape and Water Fixes
Core - Vanilla Plus Writing Purity Patch
Core - Mundus Stones
Core - Ancient Dwemer Metal - Patches - Aetherial Crown
Core - Improved Closefaced Helmets
Core - Vitruvia
Core - Bijin Skin CBBE
Core - Eye Normal Map Fix SSE
Core - Dynamic Bow Animation

Note: Several mods merged into upcoming LOTD V6
Adventures - Dragon War (Adventures-specific install)
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Safehouse Plus
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Fossil Mining
Adventures - New Treasure Hunt
Adventures - Treasure Hunter
Adventures - Fossil Mining - Map Markers
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Better Rkund Navmesh
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Better Sancre Tor Navmesh
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Followers Patch
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Quest and Reward Delay
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - CBBE Patch
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Dome Retexture
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Dwemer Compass Replacer
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Fixes and Tweaks
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Gemstones Remade
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Museum Dome Improved
Adventures - Volkihar Knight - CBBE Bodyslide

Addons - Survival - Favor Jobs Overhaul


Prereqs - Synthesis updated to 0.28.
Prereqs - xLODGEN updated to Beta 111.

Core - Base Object Swapper updated to 3.0.3.
Core - Description Framework updated to 2.1.0.
Core - More Informative Console updated to 1.2.0.
Core - Open Animation Replacer updated to 2.3.0.
Core - Spell Perk Item Distributor updated to 7.1.3.
Core - Faster HDT-SMP updated to 2.4.0.
Core - Items Stolen Bug Fix updated to 1.0.7.
Core - Naked Dead NPC Fix updated to 1.0.7.
Core - No Grass In Objects updated to 1.0.14.
Core - Read Or Take updated to 1.4.0.
Core - Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch updated to 4.3.1.
Core - Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods updated to 5.4.
Core - Scripts Carefully Reworked Optimized and Tactically Enhanced updated to 1.0.2.
Core - Unaggressive Dragon Priests Fix updated to 1.3.1.
Core - Constructible Object Custom Keyword System updated to 1.1.1.
Core - Constructible Object Keyword System NG updated to 1.1.1.
Core - Diverse Witcher Missive Boards updated to 1.5.
Core - Snazzy Wall Mounted Trophies updated to 1.2.
Core - Northern Roads Patch Compendium updated to 6.6.2.
Core - BUVARP RE updated to 1.3.3.
Core - Even Better Quest Objectives updated to 1.10.0.
Core - Missives - Worldspace Additions - Solstheim updated to 2.09.
Core - Beyond Skyrim Morrowind Bonemold Weapon Pack updated to 1.4.
Core - Beyond Skyrim Wares of Tamriel updated to 1.5.3.
Core - New Armory Series Dragon Cult Weapons updated to 1.2.
Core - DynDOLOD Resources Large Reference Workaround Scripts updated to Alpha-29.
Core - LOD Model Library for DynDOLOD updated to 1.6.
Core - Assorted Mesh Fixes updated to 0.98.1.
Core - Forgotten Retex Project updated to 8.4.
Core - Better Floors - Whiterun moved to Late Loaders, updated to 1.2.
Core - Better Imperial Forts updated to 1.1.
Core - Skyking Signs - added SSEC optional file.
Core - Aspens Ablaze Add-on DynDOLOD updated to 2.36.3.
Core - Sigils of Skyrim - Banners updated to 1.1.
Core - Skyrim Objects SMIMed - Noble Furniture updated to 0.6.
Core - Ignoble Beds moved here from Late Loaders
Core - Rally's Noble Furniture updated to 1.5, BOS addon added.
Core - Embers XD updated to 3.0.3.
Core - Natural Waterfalls updated to 2.4.
Core - Lux updated to 6.7.1.
Core - Lux Orbis updated to 4.2.2.
Core - Lux Via updated to 2.2.
Core - Brows High Poly Head Patch updated to 2.0.
Core - Sonders Keyword DIstribution Resources updated to 1.4.
Core - Dynamic Sprint updated to 2.2.
Core - Conditional Expressions Extended updated to 2.0.4.
Core - Guards Pose With Weapons updated to 1.1.
Core - Lively Children Animations updated to 2.2.1.
Core - NPC Animation Remix updated to 1.9.0.
Core - Misc Dialogue Edits updated to
Core - More Dialogue Options updated to 1.5.1.
Core - Nether's Follower Framework updated to 2.8.6b.
Core - Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul updated to 2.1.5.
Core - Complete Crafting Overhaul Remastered updated to 2.5.9.
Core - Dragon War updated to 4.0. Added Adventures patches back into main mod install.
Core - Blunt and Blade updated to 3.7.2.
Core - Dynamic Things Alternative - updated delete instructions.
Core - kryptopyr's Patch Hub - FOMOD updated
Core - Sconces of Skyrim updated to 0.3.
Core - Better Pelts and Hides - updated delete instructions.
Core - ENB Light - Reasonably Round Dunmer Lanterns updated to 1.2.
Core - ENB - Rudy NAT updated to 1.2a.
Core - Lux - Patch Hub updated to 6.6.
Core - Northern Roads Patch Collection updated to 1.26.
Core - Psychopatchist Purgatory updated to 0.6.
Core - SFCO3 Patch Collection updated to 1.4.

Final Steps - Removed compact instructions from fallentreebridges.esp.
              Added compact instructions for Semi-Open Guard Helmets SE.esp.

Adventures - Wyrmstooth updated to 1.20.2
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Patches - updated delete instructions
Adventures - Wyrmstooth Vulom Skeleton Replacer HD Patch updated to 2.0.1.
Adventures Final Steps - Removed ESM instructions from moonpath.esp.

Addons - Survival - Simple Hunting Overhaul updated to 1.10.
Addons - Followers - Serana Dialogue Add-On updated to
Addons - Followers - Serana Dialogue Add-On Patch Hub updated to 2.9.3.

Arch - Distinct Interiors Patch Collection updated to 1.1.
Arch - Cities of the North - Falkreath Patch Collection updated to 1.22.
Arch - Distinct Interiors for Cities of the North updated to 2.4.
Arch - Optimized Cities of the North Meshes updated to 1.5.1.
Arch - Markarth - City of Stone updated to 1.3.3.
Arch - Snazzy Interiors - Markarth Endon's House - updated delete instructions.
Arch - JK's Solitude Outskirts updated to 1.2.1.
Arch - JK's Solitude Outskirts Patch Collection updated to 1.6.
Arch - Snazzy Interiors - Solitude Erikur's House - updated delete instructions.
Arch - Capital Windhelm Expansion - HPNPC patch moved to new mod entry
Arch - GG's Capital JK's Whiterun updated to 2.1.
Arch - Whiterun Exteriors Patch Collection updated to 1.2.2.
Arch - JK's Blue Palace updated to 1.4.1.
Arch - JK's Blue Palace Terrace updated to 1.4.6.
Arch - JK's College of Winterhold Combo Patches updated to 2.7.
Arch - JK's Guild HQ Interiors Patch Collection updated to 1.19.2.
Arch - Snazzy Interiors Patch Collection updated to 1.24.
Arch Final Steps - Added ESM instructions for JK's Castle Volkihar.esp and Markarth - City of Stone.esp. RC6 - 2024-04-10


Core - SKSE/Framework - Open Animation Replacer - Dialogue Plugin
Core - SKSE/Framework - Pyramid Utils
Core - SKSE - Subtitles
Core - Bug and Mesh Fixes - Dragon Mounds - Better Collision and Mesh Fixes
Core - User Interface/UI - ImGui Icons
Core - World Edits/Dynamic Edits - Diverse Witcher Missive Boards - Base Object Swapper
Core - World Edits/Dynamic Edits - Snazzy Diverse Carriages - Base Object Swapper
Core - World Edits/Dynamic Edits - Snazzy Wall Mounted Trophies - Base Object Swapper
Core - Content/New Content - Missives - Quest Edits for Unique Missive Board Mods
Core - Meshes and Textures/Architecture (Buildings) - Weathered Stockades Retexture
Core - Meshes and Textures/Architecture (Objects) - Skyking Signs
Core - Meshes and Textures/Architecture (Objects) - Skyking Unique Signs
Core - Meshes and Textures/Dwemer Ruins - Ancient Dwemer Metal - Patches - Skyking Signs
Core - Meshes and Textures/Landscape - Slightly Better Nordic Burial Cairns
Core - Meshes and Textures/Food - TMD Winery
Core - Meshes and Textures/Clutter - Stacks of Septims
Core - Meshes and Textures/Clutter - Stacks of Septims - My Patches SE
Core - Meshes and Textures/Furniture - Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul (SFCO3) - Base Object Swapper
Core - Meshes and Textures/Furniture - wd - Barrels
Core - Meshes and Textures/Furniture - Rally's Barsets
Core - Meshes and Textures/Furniture - Rally's Chests SMIM
Core - Meshes and Textures/Furniture - Rally's Noble Furniture
Core - Meshes and Textures/Furniture - Rally's Orc Furniture
Core - Meshes and Textures/Furniture - Rally's Upper Furniture
Core - Meshes and Textures/Effects - Heat Shimmer Fix for ENB
Core - Meshes and Textures/Armor and Weapons - Arcs Chillrend Redux
Core - New NPCs/Followers and NPCS - Interesting NPCs - Vigram Enable
Core - Animations/Conditional Idles and Misc - Player Character Gestures - OAR
Core - Immersion/General - NPCs Take Cover
Core - Immersion/General - No More Silver In Castle Volkihar
Core - Immersion/General - No More Silver In Castle Volkihar - WACCF Patch
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - Ignoble Beds
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - Nordic Farmhouse Walls
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - Riften Plaza Well - 3D Trellis
Core - Late Loaders/ENB Meshes - Rally's Dark Elf Furniture - ENB Light
Core - Late Loaders/ENB Meshes - wd - Taproots
Core - Autoselecting Patch Hubs - Lux - Patch Hub
Core - Autoselecting Patch Hubs - Lux Orbis - Patch Hub
Core - Autoselecting Patch Hubs - Navigator Patch Collection
Core - Autoselecting Patch Hubs - SFCO3 Patch Collection

Adventures - Stacks of Septims - My Patches - LOTD

Addons - Survival - Campfire Animations
Addons - Followers - Thistlefoot Is Totally Stable

Arch - Towns and Villages - ClefJ's Morthal
Arch - Towns and Villages - ClefJ's Morthal - Patch Collection
Arch - Towns and Villages - ClefJ's Morthal - Expanded Towns and Cities Patch
Arch - Towns and Villages - Environs - Hroggar's House
Arch - Towns and Villages - Environs - Hroggar's House - Patch Collection
Arch - Towns and Villages - Expanded Towns and Cities - Must-Foot Wine Patch
Arch - Towns and Villages - Snazzy Drelas' Cottage


Core - Dragon Mound Dirt FIX
Core - Improved Alternate Conversation Camera
Core - Obscure's College of Winterhold - Creation Club and Other Patches
Core - WiZkiD - Signs
Core - WiZkiD - Specific Signs
Core - Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul
Core - Solstheim Objects SMIMed - High Poly Dark Elf Furniture
Core - Rally's Display Cases
Core - Weathered Furniture - Bars and Counters
Core - Weathered Furniture - Common and Upper Class
Core - Animated Coffins
Core - Less Repetitive Farmhouse Stonewalls
Core - ENB Lights - Dark Elf Lantern - Animated Glow
Core - ENB Lights - Dark Elf Lantern - Animated Glow - Particle Patch
Core - ENB Light - Subdivide and Smooth - Hagraven
Core - Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul Patch Collection

Addons - Followers - Song of the Green - Dismount AI Fix


Prereqs - Persistentify Those Plugisn updated to 0.20.1.
Prereqs - Synthesis updated to 0.27.
Prereqs - xLODGEN updated to beta 108.
Prereqs - DynDOLOD updated to Alpha-169.

Core - Description Framework updated to 1.4.0.
Core - Infinity UI updated to 2.0.2.
Core - Keyword Item Distributor updated to 3.4.0.
Core - Mu Skeleton Editor updated to 0.6.0.
Core - Open Animation Replacer updated to 2.2.2.
Core - Scaleform Translation Plus Plus NG updatd to 1.8.
Core - Sound Record Distributor updated to 1.5.1.
Core - Spell Perk Item Distributor updated to 7.0.0.
Core - Comprehensive Attack Rate Patch updated to
Core - Helmet Toggle 2 updated to 2.8.4.
Core - NPCs Use Potions updated to 3.2.2.
Core - Photo Mode updated to 1.4.0.
Core - powerofthree's Tweaks updated to 1.9.2.
Core - Stones of Solitude Majestic Mountain Rocks updated to 1.3.
Core - Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB updated to 1.2.9.
Core - Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods updated to 5.3.
Core - Skyrim Landscape and Water Fixes updated to 8.5.2.
Core - CritterSpawn Congestion Fix updated to 1.54.
Core - Interesting NPCs Script Optimization renamed Interesting NPCs Script Fixes, updated to 2.1.
Core - Immersive DIsplay Overhaul updatd to 1.31.
Core - moreHUD Inventory Edition updated to 1.0.20.
Core - Phoenix Compendium updated to 2.3.0.
Core - Outlaws Refuge Base Object Swapper updated to 1.2.
Core - World Edits - Small Wilderness Edits renamed to World Edits - Dynamic Edits
       Many BOS mods moved to this section.
Core - Diverse Farm Fences - Base Object Swapper updated to 1.5b.
Core - World Edits - Large Wilderness Edits renamed to World Edits - Wilderness
	   Unique Border Gates Fixes, Windhelm Lighthouse moved to this section.
Core - Northern Roads Patches Compendium updated to 6.6.1.
Core - Blood and Silver Cidhna Mine Expanded updated to 2.3b.
Core - The Heart of Dibella Quest Expansion updated to 1.03.
Core - The Whispering Door Quest Expansion updated to 1.11.
Core - Extended Encounters updated to 1.6.6.
Core - Missives World Additions Solstheim updated to 2.08.
Core - Beyond Skyrim Morrowind Bonemold Weapon Pack updated to 1.3.
Core - Heavy Armory New Weapons updated to 6.0.5.
Core - New Armory Series Ash Spawn Weapons updated to 1.3.
Core - New Armory Series Dragon Cult Weapons upddated to 1.11.
Core - DynDOLOD Resources updated to Alpha-49.
Core - DynDOLOD Resources Large Ref Workaround updated to Alpha-17.
Core - LOD Model Library to DynDOLOD updated to 1.5.1.
Core - Blended Roads Redone updated to 2.1.
Core - HD Terrain Noise Texture updated to 1.1.
Core - Aspens Ablaze updated to 2.36.
Core - Fancy Sleeping Tree Replacer updated to 1.7.
Core - Rally's Feather and Ink updated to 1.2.
Core - Rally's Common Furniture updated to 1.7.
Core - Embers XD updated to 2.9.7.
Core - aMidianBorn Content Addon update to 3.0.8.
Core - Ebony Armors and Weapons Retexture updated to 2.01.
Core - Glass Armors and Weapons Retexture updated to 2.1.1.
Core - Water for ENB updated to 1.90.
Core - Natural Waterfalls updated to 2.2.
Core - Lux updated to 6.5.4.
Core - Lux Orbis updated to 4.2.1.
Core - Storm Lightning updated to 1.4.21.
Core - Immersive Patrols updated to 3.0b.
Core - Interesting NPCs - Al'Hassan's Smithy Patch updated to 1.1.
Core - CBBE updated to 2.0.3.
Core - CBBE AE-CC Outfits updated to 2.0.3.
Core - CBBE No Rim Lighting updated to 2.0.3.
Core - Kaliles Brows High Poly Head updated to 2.0.
Core - CBPC updated to 1.6.4.
Core - Dynamic Sprint updated to 1.9.
Core - Conditional Expressions Extended updated to 2.0.3.
Core - Dynamic Female Weather Idles updated to 1.3.
Core - Gesture Animation Remix updated to 2.1.1.
Core - NPC Animation Remix updated to 1.8.2.
Core - XPMSSE updated to 5.06.
Core - Honed Metal updated to 1.26.
Core - Simply Knock Dynamic Activation Key Patch updated to 0.3.
Core - Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul updated to 2.1.3.
Core - Complete Crafting Overhaul Remastered updated to 2.5.7.
Core - Blade and Blunt updated to 3.5.0.
Core - Reliquary of Myth updated to 4.8.1.
Core - Subclasses of Skyrim 2 updated to 1.0.3.
Core - Your Own Thoughts updated to 1.2AE.
Core - kryptopyr's Patch Hub updated to 4.0.5.
Core - High Hrothgar Fixed updated to 1.0.7 - Lux and Lux Orbis patches removed
Core - Icy Mesh Remaster updated to 2.41.
Core - Mesh Patches - Lux and Lux Orbis updated to 1.7.1.
Core - Water in Wells updated to 0.8.
Core - Improved Solitude Windmill updated to 1.4.
Core - Praedy's College of Winterhold - Patches moved to Autoselecting Patch Hubs.
Core - Rally's Bees and More updated to 1.5.
Core - More Realistic Fur and Antlers For Hagraven Clutter updated to 1.4.
Core - Mfg Fix changed to Mfg Fix NG 0.1.5.
Core - Complete Crafting Overhaul Remastered Settings Loader updated to 2.1.0.
Core - lilebonymace's Patches updated to 2.38.
Core - Northern Roads Patch Collection updated to 1.25.1.
Core - Psychopatchist Purgagory updated to 0.5.
Core - Tiny But Useful Yet Another Patch Hub updated to 2.1.1.

Adventures - Moonpath to Elsweyr Music Weather and Other Fixes updated to 3.1.
Adventures - Wyrmstooth - Brimstone and Wyrmstone Armory updated to 1.4.
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Patches updated to 5.6.2.

Addons - Survival - Immersive Hunting Animation updated to 2.1.2.
Addons - Survival - Simple Hunting Overhaul updated to 1.09.
Addons - Followers - Remiel updated to 1.7.1.
Addons - Followers - Xelzaz updated to 1.11.2.

Arch - Expanded Towns and Cities instructions updated (CFTO patch)
Arch - Cities of the North Dawnstar Patch Collection updated to 5.1.
Arch - The Great City of Winterhold updated to 4.1.1.
Arch - The Great City of Winterhold Patch Collection updated to 2.4.1.
Arch - Riften Docks Overhaul updated to 2.5.7b.
Arch - JK's Solitude Outskirts updated to 1.2.
Arch - JK's Solitude Outskirts Patch Collection updated to 1.5.2.
Arch - Solitude Docks Updated updated to 3.1.
Arch - JK's The Bannered Mare updated to 1.1.1.
Arch - Snazzy Interiors - JK's Dragonsreach updated to 1.2.
Arch - JK's Guild HQ Interiors Patch Collection updated to 1.18.
Arch - JK's Interiors Patch Collection updated to 5.19.1.
Arch - Snazzy Interiors Patch Collection updated to 1.22.
Arch - Final steps updated (ESMify ClefJ Morthal, Environs Hroggar, Environs Kolskeggr, Snazzy Drelas Cottage)

Final Steps updated - clean SkyKing Signs Interesting NPCs Patch
      Updated instructions for IcyFixesLite, Skyking Signs Interesting NPCs Patch
	  Added Slow sprint bug fix to Nemesis patch list - 2024-02-09


Core - SKSE/Framework - Dynamic Armor Variants
Core - SKSE/Framework - Dynamic Armor Variants for Skyrim 1.5
Core - SKSE - Dynamic Lowered Hoods
Core - SKSE - Equipment Toggle
Core - SKSE - Helmet Toggle 2
Core - World Edits/Large Wilderness Edits - Diverse Campfires - Base Object Swapper
Core - Content/Modified Vanilla Content - Face Sculptor Expanded
Core - Meshes and Textures/General World Improvement - Rally's Burned and Ruined Books
Core - Meshes and Textures/Architecture (Buildings) - FYX - 3D Stockades - Wall and Gate
Core - Meshes and Textures/Architecture (Buildings) - FYX - 3D Stockades - Compatibility Tweaks
Core - Meshes and Textures/Landscape - HD Terrain Noise Texture SE
Core - Meshes and Textures/Flora - Cathedral - 3D Stonecrop
Core - Meshes and Textures/Flora - ICFur's Yellow Shrubs
Core - Meshes and Textures/Food - Realistic HD Food Remastered
Core - Meshes and Textures/Clutter - High Poly Dwemer Bowls and Pots
Core - Meshes and Textures/Clutter - Rally's Spell Tomes
Core - Meshes and Textures/Furniture - Rally's Common Furniture
Core - Meshes and Textures/Effects - No Glowing Frost Impacts
Core - Meshes and Textures/Effects - TB's Improved Smoke
Core - Meshes and Textures/Clothing - Robes Retexture SE
Core - Animation/Framework - Offset Movement Animation - Nemesis
Core - Animation/Conditional Combat - Varangand Animations II - OAR - Unarmed Pugilism Stance
Core - Animation/Conditional Idles and Misc - Guards Pose With Weapons
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - FYX - 3D Shack Kit Roofs
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - FYX - 3D Shack Kit Walls
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - FYX - Vanilla Table Replacers
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - More Realistic Fur and Antlers for Hearthfire Elks
Core - Late Loaders/ENB Meshes - ENB Light - Reasonably Round Dunmer Lanterns
Core - Autoselecting Patch Hubs - lilebonymace's Patches
Core - Autoselecting Patch Hubs - Tiny But Useful Yet Another Patch Hub

Adventures - New Lands and Quests - Moon and Star - Better Navmesh

Arch - Cities of the North - Snazzy Interiors - Falkreath Dengeir's House
Arch - JK Interiors/Temples and Palaces - Snazzy Interiors - JK's Dragonsreach
Arch - JK Interiors/Temples and Palaces - Snazzy Interiors - JK's Palace of the Kings


Core - Dynamic Equipment Manager
Core - Small Nordic Tent Replacer
Core - HD Stone Quarry and Clay Deposit - Majestic Mountains - Patch
Core - Read the Room
Core - Honed Metal Revoiced
Core - Read the Room Settings Loader
Addons - Contraband Confiscation - lilebonymace's Patches (covered in Autoselecting)


Prerequisites - Creation Kit Platform Extended updated to 0.2.
Prerequisites - DynDOLOD updated to Alpha-167.
Prerequisites - ENB updated to 0.499.
Core - Mu Skeleton Editor updated to 0.5.0.
Core - Sound Record Distributor updated to 1.5.0.
Core - Dynamic Collision Adjustment link fixed.
Core - Enemies Respect Encounter Zones updated to 1.4.2.
Core - Faster HDT-SMP updated to 2.2.1.
Core - Paired Animation Improvements updated to 1.0.2.
Core - Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB updated to 1.2.8.
Core - Navigator updated to 1.5.6.
Core - Select One Skip updated to 0.1.2.
Core - Outlaws Refuges Dynamic Progression Patch - fixed format error, added missing compact tag
Core - Mundus Stones - fixed download link
Core - Northern Roads Patch Compendium - updated FOMOD instr (remove Rocks patch)
Core - Obscure's College of Winterhold Creation Club and Other Patches - removed Cheesemod patch
Core - BUVARP RE SE updated to 1.3.2, removed CAO instruction.
Core - Blood and Silver - Cidhna Mine Expanded updated to 2.3a.
Core - The Heart of Dibella Quest Expansion updated to 1.02.
Core - Favor Quests Separated updated to 2.9.
Core - Favor Quests Separated Patches updated to 2.8.
Core - C.O.I.N. updated to
Core - LOD Model Library for DynDOLOD updated to 1.4.1.
Core - Rally's Solstheim AIO updated to 1.2.
Core - Northern Concept - Northern Roads updated to 3.2.
Core - HD Stone Quarry and Clay Deposit - updated instructions (delete stonequarry tex, nif)
Core - Improved Solitude Arch updated to 1.2.
Core - Removed "Little Things" from Meshes and Textures separator names.
Core - Cathedral - 3D Clovers updated to 4.0.
Core - Skyrim Remastered - Soul Gems - Updated delete instructions (gem holder mesh)
Core - Rudy HQ Misc - updated FOMOD instructions (-beds)
Core - Embers XD updated to 2.9.4.
Core - aMidianBorn Content Addon updated to 3.0.5.
Core - Northbourne NPCs Resources updated to 1.3.
Core - Northbourne NPCs of Whiterun Hold updated to 3.9.2.
Core - Dynamic Bow Animation updated to 1.5.
Core - Axarien's Animations - Teldryn Solo updated to 1.1.
Core - Conditional Tavern Cheering updated to 1.3.0.
Core - Gesture Animation Remix updated to 2.1.0.
Core - NPC Animation Remix updated to 1.8.1.
Core - Honed Metal updated to 1.25.2.
Core - Stay In Shape updated to 2.0.
Core - WACCF updated to 2.9.5.
Core - Armor and Clothing Extension updated to 1.5.2.
Core - CCOR updated to 2.5.5.
Core - Dynamic Things Alternative instructions updated (delete deer skull)
Core - kryptopyr's Patch Hub updated to 4.0.3.
Core - Fixed Mesh Lighting updated to 1.9.1, instructions updated (tundrascrub)
Core - High Hrothgar Fixed updated to 1.04.
Core - FYX Smooth Wells Mesh Fixes renamed Compatibility Tweaks, updated to 1.4.3.
Core - More Realistic Fur and Antlers for Mounted Elks - files updated (mounted leather/dta)
Core - moreHUD SE Settings Loader updated to 2.2.0.
Core - Extravagant Blue Palace BOS updated to 1.03.
Core - Northern Roads Patch Collection updated to 1.24.1.

Adventures - Moonpath to Elsweyr Music Weather and Other Fixes updated to 3.0.
Adventures - Assorted 3DNPC Patches - updated files (removed MAS patch)
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn The Curator's Companion updated to 6.2.5.

Arch - Cities of the North Falkreath Patch Collection updated to 1.21.2.
Arch - Anga's Mill Cities of the North Addon Patch Collection moved to section Towns and Villages.
Arch - Half-Moon Mill Cities of the North Addon Patch Collection moved to section Towns and Villages.
Arch - The Great Cities - Resources - added ESM tag
Arch - The Great City of Winterhold Patch Collection - added ESM tag
Arch - Distinct Opulent Thieves Guild - updated FOMOD instr (manually select JK's Ragged Flagon)
Arch - JK's Riften Outskirts updated to 1.1.
Arch - JK's Riften Outskirts Patch Collection updated to 1.4.2.
Arch - Markarth Outskirts - added update file.
Arch - Riften Docks Overhaul updated to 2.5.7.
Arch - RYFTEN Consistency of windows in Riften - updated file instructions for either/or based on JK Interiors
Arch - Drengin's Fortified Ramp to the Castle Dour - removed compact tag
Arch - Snazzy Interiors Solitude Vittoria Vici's House updated to 1.2.
Arch - Capital Windhelm Expansion Rob's Bug Fixes - added ESM tag
Arch - JK's Windhelm Outskirts Patch Collection updated to 1.4.2.
Arch - Whiterun Exteriors Patch Collection - added ESM tag
Arch - Snazzy Interiors Whiterun House Battle-Born updated to 1.3.
Arch - Better Tel Mithryn CFTO Patch updated to 2.0.1.
Arch - Snazzy Interiors Patch Collection updated to 1.21, moved to Autoselecting Patch Hubs section.
Arch - JK's Blue Palace Terrace updated to 1.4.3.
Arch - JK's Guild HQ Interiors Patch Collection updated to 1.15.2.

Arch - Final - Added ESMify instructions for: 
                  JKs Ryns Whiterun Exterior.esp
				  Resources - The Great Cities.esp
				  Snazzy Interiors - Falkreath Dengeir's House.esp
Addons - Survival - Speechcraft Randomization updated to 1.2.
Addons - Survival - Campfire Igniting Animation updated to 1.04.
Addons - Followers - Serana Dialogue Addon updated to
Addons - Followers - Serana Dialogue Addon Patch Hub updated to 2.9.2, FOMOD/instructions updated.
Addons - Followers - Xelzaz updated to 1.11.0, CAO tag removed.

Final - Added compact/ESL instructions for OutlawsRefugesProgressionPatch.esp. - 2024-01-17


Core - SKSE/Framework - Backported Extended ESL Support
Core - SKSE/Framework - Description Framework
Core - SKSE - Headpart Whitelist
Core - Bugs and Mesh Fixes - Whiterun Dragonsreach Double Door Mesh and Placement Fix
Core - Gameplay and Quality of Life Tweaks - Ill Met Bolar's Oathblade
Core - Gameplay and Quality of Life Tweaks - Raven Rock - Fix Exit on Horseback
Core - World Edits/Dungeons - Outlaws Refuge - Dynamic Progression Patch
Core - World Edits/Dungeons - Outlaws Refuge - Skyrim Sewers Patch
Core - World Edits/Large Wilderness Edits - Northern Roads - Patches Compendium
Core - Content/Guilds and Factions - Obscure's College of Winterhold - Creation Club and Other Patches
Core - Content/Guilds and Factions - Obscure's College of Winterhold - NPC Stuck In Staircase Fix 
Core - Meshes and Textures/Architecture (Buildings) - FYX - Palace of the Kings
Core - Meshes and Textures/Ancient Structures - Solitude and Temple Frescoes - Vanilla Shrinebase
Core - Meshes and Textures/Landscape - Northern Concept - Northern Roads
Core - Meshes and Textures/Little Things/Flora - Cathedral - 3D Tundra Shrubs
Core - Meshes and Textures/Little Things/Flora - Cathedral - 3D Tundra Shrubs - Alternate Textures
Core - Meshes and Textures/Little Things/Food - Retexture for Bread - Hearthfire
Core - Meshes and Textures/Little Things/Clutter - Rally's Feather and Ink
Core - Meshes and Textures/Little Things/Clutter - Snazzy Silver Inkwells - Base Object Swapper
Core - Meshes and Textures/Armor and Weapons - Unique Armors and Weapons Retexture SE
Core - Environment - Rally's Water Foam
Core - Lighting - Lux - Variants
Core - New NPCs/Followers and NPCs - Interesting NPCs - Al'Hassan's Smithy Patch
Core - New NPCs/Followers and NPCs - Lucien - Room Markers for Dumzbthar
Core - Animation/Foundation - Dynamic Sprint Stop
Core - Animation/Conditional Combat - Varangand Animations II - OAR - Unarmed Non Combat Locomotion
Core - Immersion/Dialogue and Relationships - NPCs React To Frenzy
Core - Immersion/General - Mythos of Skyrim - Immersive Artifact Descriptions
Core - Late Loaders/Patches - Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul - Patch For Potion Remodels
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - Drengin's Angeline's Aromatics Rework
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - Drengin's Radiant Raiment Rework
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - Drengin's Vittoria Vici's House Rework
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - Snazzy Mesh Fixes - Windhelm Interiors
New section added - Z01 Autoselecting Patch Hubs. Existing Z sections have been incremented.
Core - Autoselecting Patch Hubs - Extravagant Blue Palace - Base Object Swapper
Core - Autoselecting Patch Hubs - Janquel's Arguably Needed Quixotically Unifying ESP Library
Core - Autoselecting Patch Hubs - Outlaws Refuges - Misc Patches
Core - Autoselecting Patch Hubs - Psychopatchist Purgatory
Core - Autoselecting Patch Hubs - Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul Patch Collection

Adventures - New Lands and Quests - Wyrmstooth - Assorted Patches
Adventures - Treasures and World Expansion - Artifacts - The Tournament of the Ten Bloods - Update.esm Patch
Adventures - Late Loaders/Misc - Assorted 3DNPC Patches 
Adventures - Late Loaders/Misc - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Artifact Immersion Patch Collection
Adventures - Late Loaders/Misc - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Better Rkund Navmesh
Adventures - Late Loaders/Misc - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Better Sancre Tor Navmesh
Adventures - Late Loaders/Misc - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Item Descriptions
Adventures - Late Loaders/Textures and Meshes - Snazzy - Skyrim's Unique Treasures
Adventures - Late Loaders/Textures and Meshes - Wyrmstooth - Vulom - Skeleton Replacer HD Patch

Project Arch - Install Changes - Thieves' Night On The Town
Project Arch - Core - Distinct Interiors Patch Collection
Project Arch - Core - JK's Skyrim - Rob's Bug Fixes
Project Arch - Cities of the North - Anga's Mill - Cities of the North Addon Patch Collection
Project Arch - Cities of the North - Half-Moon Mill - Cities of the North Addon Patch Collection
Project Arch - Markarth and Riften - GG's Thieves Guild HQ Patch Collection
Project Arch - Markarth and Riften - JK's Riften Outskirts Patch Collection
Project Arch - Markarth and Riften - Snazzy Interiors - Markarth Endon's House
Project Arch - Solitude and Dragon Bridge - JK's Solitude Outskirts
Project Arch - Solitude and Dragon Bridge - Modular Blue Palace Terrace and Solitude Patches
Project Arch - Solitude and Dragon Bridge - Rodryk's Dragon Bridge - Patch Collection
Project Arch - Solitude and Dragon Bridge - Drengin's Solitude Patch Collection
Project Arch - Capital Whiterun and Windhelm - Capital Whiterun Expansion - NPC Sleep Fixes
Project Arch - Capital Whiterun and Windhelm - Capital Windhelm Expansion - ESO Imports Patch
Project Arch - Capital Whiterun and Windhelm - Capital Windhelm Expansion - Rob's Bug Fixes
Project Arch - Capital Whiterun and Windhelm - Capital Windhelm Expansion - Rob's Bug Fixes - JK's Skyrim United
Project Arch - Capital Whiterun and Windhelm - Whiterun Plains Sewer - Moved Entrance
Project Arch - Capital Whiterun and Windhelm - SB - Fixed Windhelm Entrance
Project Arch - Capital Whiterun and Windhelm - Whiterun Exteriors Patch Collection
Project Arch - Capital Whiterun and Windhelm - Snazzy Interiors - Windhelm Viola Giordano's House
Project Arch - Dawnguard and Dragonborn - Better Tel Mithryn - CFTO Patch
Project Arch - Dawnguard and Dragonborn - ClefJ's Fort Dawnguard Patch Collection
Project Arch - Dawnguard and Dragonborn - Quaint Raven Rock Patch Collection
Project Arch - Dawnguard and Dragonborn - Quaint Raven Rock Navm Cleaned and Optimized
Project Arch - Towns and Villages - Environs - Kolskeggr - Patch Collection
Project Arch - Towns and Villages - Snazzy Interiors - Morthal Falion's House
Project Arch - JK Interiors - Cities - RYFTEN - Consistency of windows in Riften - JK Cities
Project Arch - JK Interiors - Cities - Lux Interiora Distincta - JK's Silver-Blood Inn Variante
Project Arch - JK Interiors - Temples and Palaces - Blue Palace Frescoes Simplified - JK's Blue Palace
Project Arch - JK Interiors - Temples and Palaces - RYFTEN - Consistency of windows in Riften - JK Mistveil Keep
Project Arch - JK Interiors - Guild HQs - JK's Guild HQ Interiors Patch Collection
Project Arch - JK Interiors - Towns and Misc - JK's Interiors Patch Collection
Project Arch - JK Interiors - Towns and Misc - JK's Interiors Lite

Addons - Followers - Axarien's Animations - Auri


Prerequisites - Skyrim Creation Kit Downgrader
Prerequisites - SSE CreationKit Fixes
Core - Dear Diary Dark Mode - Red Circle In Paper Map
Core - Ancient Dwemer Metal - Patches - JS Attunement Sphere and Lexicons
Core - Ancient Dwemer Metal - Patches - JS Dwarven Oil
Core - Ancient Dwemer Metal - Patches - JS Dwemer Artifacts
Core - Ancient Dwemer Metal - Patches - JS Dwemer Control Cube
Core - Ancient Dwemer Metal - Patches - JS Dwemer Ichor Barrels
Core - Ancient Dwemer Metal - Patches - JS Dwemer Kitchenware
Core - Ancient Dwemer Metal - Patches - JS Dwemer Puzzle Cube
Core - Ancient Dwemer Metal - Patches - JS Essence Extractor
Core - Skyrim Remastered - Glaciers and Ice
Core - Skyrim Remastered - Glaciers and Ice - DynDOLOD
Core - Skyrim Remastered - Glaciers and Ice - IMR Edition
Core - No Snow Under the Roof - Patched Edition
Core - Water Effects Brightness and Reflection Fix
Core - Natural Waterfalls - Dawnguard
Core - Natural Waterfalls - Dragonborn
Core - FYX - Smooth Wells - Invisible Well Fix
Core - Solitude Interiors Meshes Fixes - Extravagant Blue Palace


Prerequisites - SSE CreationKit Fixes Updated renamed to Creation Kit Platform Extended, v0.1.
Prerequisites - DynDOLOD Standalone updated to Alpha-165.
Core - ConsoleUtilSSE NG updated to 1.5.1.
Core - Keyword Item Distributor updated to 3.1.0.
Core - Scaleform Translation Plus Plus NG updated to 1.7.
Core - Sound Record Distributor updated to 1.4.0.
Core - Spell Perk Item Distributor updated to 6.8.2.
Core - Better Third Person Selection updated to 0.6.0.
Core - Equip Enchantment Fix updated to 1.3.6.
Core - Faster HDT-SMP updated to 2.1.3.
Core - Immersive Equipment Displays updated to 1.7.4.
Core - NPCs Use Potions updated to 3.1.9.
Core - Soaking Wet updated to 1.2.1.
Core - Sprint Sneak Movement Speed Fix updated to 1.1.2.
Core - SSE Display Tweaks updated to 0.5.16.
Core - Unofficial High Definition Audio Project files changed (only Music).
Core - Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch updated to 4.3.0a.
Core - Load Screen Shading Fix updated to 0.3.
Core - Landscape Fixes for Grass Mods updated to 5.2.
Core - Zero Bounty Hostility Fix updated to 0.4.
Core - Constructible Object Custom Keyword System updated to 1.1.0.
Core - Constructible Object Custom Keyword System NG updated to 1.1.0.
Core - Dear Diary Dark Mode Compass Navigation Overhaul Updated Patch updated to 2.0.
Core - Sepolcri - Added optional file for JK Skyrim patch.
Core - Stendarr Rising - updated FOMOD instructions.
Core - Diverse Farm Fences - Base Object Swapper updated to 1.4.
Core - Northern Marsh Bridges - removed compact instructions, reinstall.
Core - Northern Roads Patch Collection moved to new section Z01 Autoselecting Patch Hubs, instr. changed.
Core - Obscure's College of Winterhold - FOMOD instructions updated
Core - Alternate Start Live Another Life updated to 4.2.1.
Core - Better Courier updated to 2.1.1, added optional file.
Core - Even Better Quest Objectives - FOMOD instructions updated.
Core - Finding Derkeethus - FOMOD instructions updated.
Core - Blood and Silver - Cidhna Mine Expanded updated to 2.3.
Core - Caught Red Handed Quest Expansion - added optional file.
Core - Innocense Lost Quest Expansion - changed FOMOD instructions.
Core - The Heart of Dibella Quest Expansion updated to 1.01.
Core - The Whispering Door Quest Expansion - changed FOMOD instructions.
Core - Favor Quests Separated - Patches - Added files to download (Radiant Requirements, USSEP).
Core - Radiant Requirements - Added file to download (QAIS USSEP).
Core - Coins of Interesting Natures updated to, updated FOMOD instructions.
Core - Headhunter Bounties Redone updated to 1.52.
Core - New Armory Series Dragon Cult Weapons updated to 1.1, updated FOMOD instructions.
Core - DynDOLOD Resources updated to Alpha-46, updated FOMOD instructions.
Core - Assorted Mesh Fixes updated to 0.91.
Core - Praedy's Fort Dawnguard - updated instructions (no longer delete DawnGuardDoors, reinstall).
Core - WiZKiD Signs - updated instructions (no longer delete Interesting NPC patch, reinstall).
Core - Solitude and Temple Frescoes - updated file to download (ESL instead of compacting ESP)
Core - Overlooked Dungeon Objects Retextures updated to 1.5.
Core - Nordic Northern Roads updated to 1.5.
Core - Subdivide and Smooth - Ash Pebbles updated to 1.1.
Core - Skyrim 3D Cooking - added delete instructions.
Core - BURP Book Unity and Revamp Project - updated FOMOD instructions.
Core - BURP Spell Tomes - removed delete instructions (reinstall).
Core - Gemstones Replacer HD - removed delete instructions (reinstall).
Core - JS Dragon Claws - changed FOMOD instructions, removed delete instructions (reinstall).
Core - Skyrim Objects SMIMed Noble Furniture updated to 0.5.1.
Core - Embers XD updated to 2.9.3., FOMOD instructions changed.
Core - aMidian Book of Silence Content Addon moved down one space under Leanwolf, updatedd to 3.0.2.
Core - JS Unique Utopia SE Daggers - added optional file (LOTD).
Core - Dragon Armors and Weapons Retexture SE updated to 2.1.
Core - Horker updated to 3.0.
Core - Skeleton Replacer HD - FOMOD instructions changed (no M'Rissi).
Core - Simplicity of Snow updated to 0.19.
Core - Water for ENB updated to 1.87.
Core - Natural Waterfalls updated to 2.0, FOMOD instructions changed.
Core - Lux updated to 6.4.1, update files added, FOMOD instructions changed, delete instructions changed.
Core - Lux Orbis updated to 4.0, FOMOD instructions changed, delete instructions changed.
Core - Lux Via updated to 2.1, FOMOD instructions changed, delete instructions changed.
Core - Storm Lightning updated to 1.4.20.
Core - Sonders Keyword Distribution Resources updated to 1.3.
Core - CBPC updated to 1.6.3.
Core - Dynamic Sprint updated to 1.8.
Core - UNDERDOG changed to UNDERDOG - Death Animations OAR (reinstall).
Core - Weapon Styles Draw-Sheathe Animations updated to 2.2.
Core - Dynamic Bow Animation updated to 1.4.
Core - Conditional Expressions Extended updated to 1.5.3.
Core - Conditional Tavern Cheering updated to 1.2.0.
Core - Immersive Folded Hands updated to 1.6.1.
Core - Lively Children Animation updated to 2.1.0.
Core - NPC Animation Remix updated to 1.8.0.
Core - Organic Player Animations updated to 1.2.1.
Core - XPMSSE updated to 5.05.
Core - Bandit Lines Expansion updated to 1.09.
Core - Civil War Lines Expansion updated to 1.09.
Core - Forsworn and Thalmor Lines Expansion updated to 1.02.
Core - Immersive Rejections updated to 1.13.
Core - Misc Dialogue Edits updated to 1.9.4, FOMOD instructions updated.
Core - Vampire Lines Expansion updated to 1.02.
Core - Honed Metal updated to 1.24.
Core - Immersive Death Cycle updated to 1.04.
Core - Immersive Interactions Animated Actions updated to 1.75.
Core - Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul updated to 2.1.2.
Core - Complete Crafting Overhaul Remastered updated to 2.5.3.
Core - Dragon War updated to 3.2.1.
Core - Blade and Blunt updated to 3.3.1.
Core - Reliquary of Myth updated to 4.8.0.
Core - Simple Dual Sheath updated to 1.5.7.
Core - Icy Mesh Remaster updated to 2.38.
Core - Drengin's Bryling's House Rework updated to 3.0.
Core - Drengin's Erikur's House Rework updated to 3.0.
Core - Drengin's The Winking Skeever Rework updated to 3.0.
Core - FYX - Smooth Wells - Alternate Texture Patch renamed - Mesh Fixes, updated to 1.3.
Core - Icy Cave Remaster - updated FOMOD (removed ICRFixes)
Core - Windhelm Bridge Revived - updated FOMOD (add CWE patch)
Core - More Realistic Antlers for Male Elk updated to 1.1.

Core - Final Steps - Added QAC instruction for OCW_LotD_FEPatch.esp.
                     Removed compact instructions for Northern Marsh Bridges.esp (reinstall).
					 Added compact instructions for FWMF for Fantasy Paper Maps.esp.
					 Added ESMify instructions for OutlawsRefuges.esp.
					 Removed ESMify instructions for SimplicityOfSnow.esp.
					 Removed all instructions for SMIM-SE-Merged-All.esp (replacer).

Adventures - Erikur's House Rework [Addons-Adventures] updated to 3.0.
Adventures - Moonpath to Elsweyr Music Weather and Other Fixes updated to 2.8.
Adventures - The Tools of Kagrenac updated to 1.62.
Adventures - Wyrmstooth updated to 1.20.1.
Adventures - Wyrmstooth Brimstone and Wyrmstone Armory updated to 1.3.
Adventures - Skyrim's Unique Treasures updated to 4.7.
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Patches updated to 5.6.1, FOMOD instructions updated, delete instructions updated.
Adventures - Replacement Plugins - removed Moonpath replacer.
Adventures - Final Steps - Removed unrequired ESMify instr for ktWeaponPackSE, Wyrmstooth. Added ESMify instr. for LegacyoftheDragonborn.esm.

Project Arch - Expanded Towns and Cities - updated FOMOD instructions (+Finding Helgi patch)
Project Arch - COTN Dawnstar Patch Collection - updated FOMOD instructions, removed delete instructions (reinstall).
Project Arch - COTN Falkreath Patch Colelction - updated FOMOD instructions, delete instructions (reinstall).
Project Arch - The Great City of Winterhold Patch Collection updated to 2.3.1, FOMOD instructions updated, delete instructions removed.
Project Arch - Distinct Opulent Thieves Guild - updated FOMOD instructions (reinstall).
Project Arch - Blue Palace Frescoes Simplified - updated FOMOD instructions (reinstall).
Project Arch - Rodryk's Dragon Bridge - added download file (JK's Skyrim).
Project Arch - Snazzy Interiors - Solitude Bryling's House updated to 1.2.
Project Arch - GG's Capital JK's Whiterun - removed delete instructions (reinstall).
Project Arch - JK's Whiterun Outskirts - optional tag removed
Project Arch - JK's Windhelm Outskirts Patch Collection updated to 1.4.1, FOMOD instructions updated, removed delete instruction.
Project Arch - ClefJ's Fort Dawnguard updated to 1.6.
Project Arch - Snazzy Interiors Patch Collection updated to 1.19, FOMOD instructions updated, removed delete instruction.
Project Arch - JK's Blue Palace updated to 1.4.2.
Project Arch - JK's Blue Palace Terrace updated to 1.4.1, FOMOD instructions updated.
Project Arch - JK's College of Winterhold Combo Patches - updated FOMOD instructions, removed delete instructions (reinstall).
Project Arch - Final Steps - Added ESMify for: ClefJ's Fort Dawnguard.esp, JK's Solitude Outskirts.esp, JKs Skyrim - Rob's Bug Fixes.esp,
                             Solitude Docks.esp, Snazzy Interiors - Markarth Endon's House.esp, Snazzy Interiors - Morthal Falion's House.esp, 
							 Snazzy Interiors - Windhelm Viola Giodano's House.esp.
					         Added Compact/ESL instructions for SB_WindhelmEntrance.esp.
							 Removed Compact/ESL instructions for Fortified ramp to the Castle Dour.esp (reinstall).

Addons - Survival - Dirt and Blood updated to 2.34.
Addons - Survival - Favor Jobs Overhaul updated to 2.7.8.
Addons - Survival - Immersive Hunting Animation updated to 2.0.1, FOMOD updated.
Addons - Survival - Simple Hunting Overhaul updated to 1.07.
Addons - Survival - Survival Control Panel Settings Loader updated to 1.0.2.
Addons - Followers - Serana Dialogue Add-on updated to 4.1.0.
Addons - Followers - Serana Dialogue Add-on Patch Hub updated to 2.9.1.
Addons - Followers - Khajiit Will Follow eeekie's Replacer updated to 1.2.
Addons - Followers - Song of the Green Enhanced Voice Remastered updated to 2.0.2.
Addons - Followers - Song of the Green Auri's Fancy Pod optional file added (Lux). - 2023-11-25


Core - SKSE - Comprehensive Attack Rate Patch
Core - User Interface/HUD - Dear Diary Dark Mode - Red Circle In Paper Map
Core - User Interface/Map - Flat Map World Framework
Core - User Interface/Map - Apocrypha Paper Map for FWMF
Core - User Interface/Map - Blackreach Paper Map for MWMF
Core - User Interface/Map - Dayspring Canyon Paper Map for MWMF
Core - User Interface/Map - Deepwood Vale Paper Map for MWMF
Core - User Interface/Map - Duncan's Paper Maps for FWMF
Core - User Interface/Map - Forgotten Vale Paper Map for FWMF
Core - User Interface/Map - Skuldafn Paper Map for FWMF
Core - User Interface/Map - Soul Cairn Paper Map for FWMF
Core - User Interface/Map - Sovngarde Paper Map for FWMF
Core - User Interface/Map - Updates to Various Maps for FWMF
Core - World Edits/Large Wilderness Edits - Diverse Birds Nests Base Object Swapper
Core - World Edits/Large Wilderness Edits - Diverse Farm Fences Base Object Swapper
Core - World Edits/Large Wilderness Edits - Evil Dead Trees Base Object Swapper
Core - Meshes and Textures/Architecture (Buildings) - Better Floors - Whiterun
Core - Meshes and Textures/Architecture (Objects) - SD's Farmhouse Fences
Core - Trees and Grasses - High Poly Solstheim Mushroom Trees
Core - Meshes and Textures/Little Things/Flora - Sowables of Skyrim - Wheat
Core - Meshes and Textures/Little Things/Clutter - JS Emblaming Tools
Core - Meshes and Textures/Little Things/Clutter - Slightly Better Large Antlers
Core - Meshes and Textures/Little Things/Clutter - Slightly Better Small Antlers and Deer Hide
Core - Meshes and Textures/Little Things/Clutter - ElSopa - Training Dummies Redone
Core - Meshes and Textures/Little Things/Clutter - FYX - 3D Ragged Flagon Sign Chains
Core - Meshes and Textures/Effects - FYX - Campfire Reacts To The Wind - EmbersXD Edition
Core - Environment - Natural Waterfalls
Core - Environment - Natural Waterfalls - Dawnguard
Core - Environment - Natural Waterfalls - Dragonborn
Core - Animation/Conditional Idles and Misc - Riding Animation Overhaul - OAR
Core - Immersion/General - Simply Knock Dynamic Activation key Patch
Core - Gameplay/Perks, Leveling, and Classes - Subclasses of Skyrim 2
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - Less Repetitive Farmhouse Walls
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - Optional Round Farmhouse Posts
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - Drengin's Proudspire Manor Rework
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - Skyrim Remastered - Unreal Ice and Glaciers
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - Stairs of Safety - Farmhouses
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - Tel Mithryn Overhaul - High Poly
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - JS Solitude Sewer Cover
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - More Realistic Antlers for Female Elk
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - More Realistic Antlers for Male Elk
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - More Realistic Fur and Antlers for Hagraven Clutter
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - More Realistic Fur and Antlers for Wall Mounted Female Elks
Core - Late Loaders/Meshes and Textures - More Realistic Fur and Antlers for Wall Mounted Male Elks

Adventures - Falskaar - SunHelm Cold Patch
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Rudy's Silver Patch
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Safehouse Desk Fix

Addons - Survival - Contraband Confiscation - lilebonymace's Patches
Addons - Survival - SunHelm Survival and Needs - 4K Waterskin

Arch - Distinct Interiors for Cities of the North
Arch - The Lone Whale - JK's Skyrim Adddon
Arch - The Great Cities - Resources
Arch - Winterhold Docks
Arch - Markarth Extra Mountains Edit
Arch - Solitude Watchtower
Arch - Snazzy Interiors Patch Collection


Core - Unique Map Weather
Core - A Clear Map of Skyrim and Other Worlds
Core - Unique Border Gates - Better Dawnguard Entrance Patch
Core - Beyond Skyrim Morrowind Bonemold Weapon Pack aMidianBorn Color Match
Core - KG's Fences (part of Diverse Farm Fences BOS)
Core - Happy Little Trees No Dead Twig Branches
Core - Sets of Skills
Core - Sets of Skills - Improved UI
Core - Sets of Skills - Custom Skill Framework
Core - Sets of Skills - Standardization of Spelling of Sets of Skills
Core - 3D Manhole
Core - Ancient Dwemer Metal - Patches - 3D Manhole
Core - Icy Mesh Remaster - ENB Addon


Prerequisites - xEdit updated to 4.1.5.
Prerequisites - BethINI updated to 4.10, instructions updated.
Prerequisites - DynDOLOD updated to Alpha-156.
Core - ConsolePlusPlus updated to 1.4.0.
Core - Faster HDT-SMP updated to 2.0.4-beta1.  If you get crashes, try disabling.
Core - Security Overhaul SKSE Addons updated to
Core - Skyrim Landscape and Water Fixes updated to 8.4.
Core - Rock Traps Trigger Fixes updated to 1.5.
Core - Unaggressive Dragon Priests Fix updated to 1.3.
Core - Press E to Heal Followers - Added CACO patch
Core - Immersive Sounds Compendium Sound Record Distributor Patch updated to 2.3.1.
Core - Unique Border Gates changed to Unique Border Gates Fixes
Core - Simple Snow Improvements Skyrim updated to 2.2.
Core - Simple Snow Improvements Giant Obelisks updated to 1.4.
Core - College of Winterhold Quest Expansion updated to 1.15.
Core - Beyond Skyrim Morrowind Bonemold Weapon Pack updated to 1.2.
Core - Beyond Skyrim Wares of Tamriel updated to 1.5.
Core - DynDOLOD Resources Large Reference Workaround Scripts updated to Alpha-13.
Core - Snoblind updated to 1.01.
Core - Snowy Surfaces Sound Collision and Aesthetics updated to
Core - Kabu's Cathedral 3D Nightshade Redone - Added snowy patch
Core - Scallions of Skyrim - position changed
Core - Sowables of Skyrim - Leeks - position changed
Core - Sowables of Skyrim - Potatoes - position changed
Core - Sowables of Skyrim - Scrumptious Cabbages - position changed
Core - Embers XD updated to 2.9.1
Core - Embers XD Fire Them Sparks updated to 1.3.
Core - Better Bellows updated to 1.5.
Core - JS Unique Utopia Rings updated to 1.2.
Core - LeanWolf's Better Shaped Weapons - added delete instruction
Core - JS Unique Utopia Daggers updated to 1.2.1.
Core - Real Elks changed to 4k.
Core - Simplicity of Snow updated to 0.16.
Core - Water for ENB updated to 1.84.
Core - Lux - instructions updated
Core - CBBE updated to 2.0.2.
Core - CBBE AE-CC Outfits updated to 2.0.2.
Core - CBBE No Rim Lighting updated to 2.0.2.
Core - True Directional Movement updated to 2.2.5.
Core - Ice Skating Fixed For Real updated to 1.4.
Core - Improved Table Transition updated to 1.3.
Core - Underdog updated to 1.9.6.
Core - Weapon Styles Draw-Sheathe Animations updated to 2.0.
Core - Conditional Expressions Extended updated to 1.5.2.
Core - Misc Dialogue Edits Updated to
Core - Immersive Death Cycle updated to 1.03.
Core - Immersive Interactions Animated Actions DAR updated to 1.74.
Core - Reliquary of Myth updated to 4.7.4.
Core - kryptopyr's Patch Hub updated to 4.0.1, instructions changed.
Core - Late Loaders Meshes and Textures - positions of nearly every mod changed
     - some mods renamed like Drengin's house reworks
Core - Icy Mesh Remaster updated to 2.35, instructions changed

Adventures - kryptopyr's Patch Hub [Addons-Adventures] - changed from FOMOD to indiv. files
Adventures - Moonpath to Elsweyr Fixes updated to 2.5.
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn Curator's Companion updated to 6.2.4.
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn Fate Cards Remade - updated delete instructions

Addons - Survival - Favor Jobs Overhaul updated to 2.7.6.
Addons - Survival - Immersive Aggressive Opponents updated to 1.7.
Addons - Survival - Simple Hunting Overhaul updated to 1.06.
Addons - Followers - Serana Dialogue Add-on Patch Hub updated to 2.7.
Addons - Followers - Xelzaz updated to 1.10.2.

Arch - Cities of the North Dawnstar updated to 1.4.
Arch - Cities of the North Patch Collection updated to 5.0.
Arch - The Great City of Winterhold updated to 4.1.
Arch - The Great City of Winterhold Patch Collection updated to 2.2.
Arch - Fortified Ramp to the Castle Dour updated to 1.1, compact instructions added
Arch - JK's Windhelm Outskirts updated to 1.1.2.
Arch - Environs Kolskeggr updated to 3.02.
Arch - JK's Blue Palace Terrace updated to 1.3.
Arch - JK's modules given proper information
Arch - JK's College of Winterhold Combo Patches updated to 2.6.5.

Final - ESMify instructions updated for +Unique Border Gates - Fixes, +IDDP Unique Border Gates Patch,
        +Simplicity of Snow, -IcyFixes. - 2023-10-23


Prerequisites - Creation Kit Downgrader
Core - User Interface - UI - Press E To Heal Followers
Core - User Interface - HUD - Dear Diary Dark Mode - Constructibe Object Custom Keyword System
Core - Content-Modified Vanilla Content-Quest Expansions - Blood and Silver - Cidhna Mine Expanded
Core - Meshes and Textures - Architecture (Buildings) - Skyland Windows
Core - Meshes and Textures - Landscape - Improved Solitude Arch
Core - Meshes and Textures - Trees and Grasses - Higher Poly Vanilla Eldergleam Roots
Core - Meshes and Textures - Little Things - Flora - Kabu's Cathedral 3D Nightshade Retexture
Core - Meshes and Textures - Little Things - Clutter - Sacks Remodeled
Core - Meshes and Textures - Effects - Embers XD - Fire Them Sparks
Core - Meshes and Textures - Effects - FYX - SParks of Fire React To The Wind
Core - Meshes and Textures - Clothing, Jewelry, and Accessories - JS Unique Utopia - Rings
Core - Meshes and Textures - Armor and Weapons - Dragon Priests Retexture SE
Core - Meshes and Textures - Creatures and Wildlife - Higher Poly Vanilla Dragons
Core - Meshes and Textures - Creatures and Wildlife - Iconic's Werewolf and Werebear Retexture
Core - Meshes and Textures - Creatures and Wildlife - Imperial Saddle Retexture
Core - Meshes and Textures - Creatures and Wildlife - Shadowmere Saddle Retexture
Core - Meshes and Textures - Creatures and Wildlife - Yee Haaaa Horse Saddle Retexture
Core - Meshes and Textures - Creatures and Wildlife - Higher Poly Vanilla Saddles
Core - Beauty and Appearance - NPC - NPC Overhauls - Northbourne NPCs Resources
Core - Beauty and Appearance - Body and Skin - Female Hands Redone
Core - Late Loaders - Meshes and Textures - Subdivide and Smooth - Vines
Core - Late Loaders - Meshes and Textures - Windhelm Bridge Revived
Core - Late Loaders - Meshes and Textures - Windhelm Bridge Revived - Patches
Core - Late Loaders - Meshes and Textures - Pleasing Polygon Increase - Whiterun Farm Fences

Addons - Survival - Footprints - Bright Snow FIx
Addons - Survival - Give Me Shelter
Addons - Survival - Dirt and Blood Widget Addon Sunhelm Patch
Addons - Followers - Song of the Green - Enhanced Voice Remastered

Adventures - Late Loaders Misc - Legacy of the Dragonborn Player Home Displays


Prerequisites - MO2 Root Builder
Core - Ruins Clutter Improved Upscaled Textures (covered elsewhere)
Core - Icy Windhelm (new approach)
Core - Rally's Barrels (in AIO)
Core - RUSTIC WINDOWS (Skyland)
Core - FYX - Solitude Arch (Improved Solitude Arch)
Core - Rally's Honey Pots (in AIO)
Core - Elsopa - Potions Redone - My Patches - CACO Patch (covered elsewhere)
Core - Rally's Crates (in AIO)
Core - Rally's Market Stalls (in AIO)
Core - Rally's Weapon Racks (in AIO)
Core - Dragon Priest Retexture (xavbio)
Core - DRAGON PRIEST (xavbio)
Core - Stairs of Skyrim Windhelm Bridge Stairs (new approach)
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn Cathedral 3D Mountain Flowers Patch
Adventures - Konahrik's Accoutrements Upscaled Textures
Adventures - Wyrmstooth Suleyk Retexture SE


Prerequisites - FallrimTools updated to 6.0.643.
Prerequisites - xLODGEN updated to Beta 101.
Prerequisites - DynDOLOD updated to Alpha-155.

Core - Mu Skeleton Editor updated to 0.4.3.
Core - Skyrim Skill Uncapper updated to 2.2.3.
Core - Naked Dead NPC Fix updated to 1.0.6.
Core - powerofthree's Tweaks updated to 1.8.1.
Core - Navigator updated to 1.5.4.
Core - Skyrim Landscape and Water Fixes updated to 8.2.
Core - CritterSpawn Congestion Fix updated to 1.52.
Core - Vanilla Script (micro)Optimizations updated to 1.17.
Core - Dynamic Activation Key Addons Collection updated to 2.1.1.
Core - Outlaws Refuges Base Object Swapper updated to 1.1.
Core - Northern Roads Patch Collection updated to 1.21.
Core - Simple Snow Improvements - Skyrim updated to 2.1.
Core - BUVARP updated to 1.3.1.
Core - Forgotten Retex Project - updated delete instructions.
Core - Illustrious Whiterun updated to 2.1.
Core - Skyland Solitude updated to 1.8.
Core - Mrf's Solitude Optional Files FOMOD updated
Core - Orc Settlements Enhanced updated to 1.3.
Core - Skyland Imperial Forts and Dungeons updated to 2.61.
Core - Skyland Nordic Ruins updated to 2.6.
Core - Skyland Skyhaven Temple updated to 1.1
Core - Skyland Sovngarde updated to 1.1.
Core - Skyland Imperial and Nordic Tents updated to 1.7.
Core - Snoblind renamed in list to be properly searchable on non-EU keyboards
Core - Snowy Surfaces Sound Collision updated to 1.6.5.
Core - Kabu's Pumpkin Plant Overhaul updated to 1.2e.
Core - High Poly Swamp Fungal Pods updated to 2.1.
Core - Skyland Chests updated to 1.2.
Core - Better Bellows updated to 1.4.
Core - JS Unique Utopia - Daggers updated to 1.2.
Core - Lux updated to 6.4.
Core - Northbourne NPCs of Whiterun Hold updated to 3.6.
Core - Dynamic Sprint updated to 1.5.
Core - Underdog - Animations updated to 1.9.5. (pending FOMOD revision)
Core - Weapon Switch Animation Fix updated to 1.4.
Core - Vanargand Animations Sprint updated to Vanargand II.
Core - Conditional Expressions Extended updated to 1.5.1.
Core - Improved Idle Laydown Animations updated to 1.1.
Core - NPC Animation Remix updated to 1.6.2.
Core - Civil War Lines Expansion updated to 1.08.
Core - Misc Dialogue Edits updated to 1.9.3.
Core - Immersive Interactions - Animated Actions updated to 1.73.
Core - Dragon War updated to 3.1.4.
Core - Reliquary of Myth updated to 4.7.3.
Core - Animated Coffins updated to 1.1.
Core - OSHA-Compliant Sovengarde Mesh Fixes updated to 2.2.
Core - Icy Mesh Remaster updated to 2.30.
Core - Icy Mesh Remaster ENB Addon updated to A1.21.

Addons - Survival - Favor Jobs Overhaul updated to 2.7.5.
Addons - Survival - Go To Bed Patches FOMOD changed (-Tent Collision Disabler patch)
Addons - Survival - Immersive Hunting Animation updated to 1.2.
Addons - Survival - Campfire Igniting Animation updated to 1.03.
Addons - Survival - Dirt and Blood Widget Addon Settings Loader changed to SunHelm version.
Addons - Followers - Song of the Green 3DNPC Banter Patch changed to ESLified version.
Addons - Followers - Song of the Green Inigo Banter Patch changed to ESLified version.
Addons - Followers - Xelzaz updated to 1.10.1.

Adventures - Moonpath to Elsweyr Fixes updated to 1.7, added 3d Docks patch, CAO instructions
Adventures - The Tools of Kagrenac updated to 1.60a.
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn Patches updated to 5.6.

Final - Added ESMify instructions for Windhelm Bridge Revived. RC1 - 2023-09-23


Core - SKSE Plugins (Framework) - Mu Skeleton Editor
Core - SKSE Plugins (Framework) - Rogue's Gallery
Core - SKSE Plugins - Female Equipment Scale Fix
Core - SKSE Plugins - Items Stolen Bug Fix
Core - SKSE Plugins - Locked Empty Container Activate Text Fix
Core - SKSE Plugins - LOD Unloading Bug Fix
Core - SKSE Plugins - Naked Dead NPC Fix
Core - SKSE Plugins - No Furniture Camera
Core - SKSE Plugins - Paired Animation Improvement
Core - User Interface - UI - Show Follower Carry Weight
Core - User Interface - UI - Show NPC Disposition Relationship Rank
Core - User Interface - HUD - Dear Diary Dark Mode - More Notifications
Core - World Edits - Large Wilderness Edits - Diverse Firewood Base Object Swapper
Core - Meshes and Textures - General World Improvement - Improved Jail Bars
Core - Meshes and Textures - Architecture (Buildings) - Icy Windhelm
Core - Meshes and Textures - Architecture (Buildings) - FYX Hrothgar Steps Collisions
Core - Meshes and Textures - Landscape - Snowy Surfaces Sound Collision and Aesthetics
Core - Meshes and Textures - Trees and Grasses - Improved Vanilla Reach Trees
Core - Meshes and Textures - Little Things - Flora - Cathedral 3D Mountain Flowers for Hearthfire
Core - Meshes and Textures - Little Things - Food - High Poly Salmon Roe
Core - Meshes and Textures - Little Things - Food - Slightly Better Honey Nut Treat
Core - Meshes and Textures - Little Things - Food - Sowables of Skyrim - Scrumptious Cabbages
Core - Meshes and Textures - Little Things - Clutter - ElSopa Potions Redone Less Emissive and Fixed Inventory Size
Core - Meshes and Textures - Little Things - Clutter - High Poly Project
Core - Meshes and Textures - Little Things - Clutter - High Poly Project - My Fixes - Chopping Blocks and Firewood
Core - Meshes and Textures - Armor and Weapons - Forsworn Armors and Weapons Retexture SE
Core - Beauty and Appearance - Hair Brow Beards - KS Hairdos Salt and Wind Foamimi's Retexture Hub
Core - Animation - Conditional Combat - Weapon Switch Animation Fix
Core - Animation - Conditional Combat - Leviathan Animations II Greatsword Sneak Locomotion and Attacks
Core - Animation - Conditional Idles and Misc - Improved Idle Laydown Animations OAR
Core - Animation - Conditional Idles and Misc - Organic Player Animation OAR
Core - Late Loaders - Meshes and Textures - Ancient Dwemer Metal - Patches - 3D Manhole
Core - Late Loaders - Meshes and Textures - Shingles Alpha Patch
Core - Late Loaders - Meshes and Textures - Medieval Spirits Empty Hearthfire Wine Bottles Patch
Core - Utilities - Immersive Interactions Legacy Settings Loader
Addons - Survival - Dirt And Blood Expanded
Addons - Survival - Footprints
Addons - Survival - Footprints - Sand Patch
Addons - Survival - Footprints - SPID
Addons - Survival - Footprints - SPID - Ultimate Fix
Addons - Survival - Immersive Carcass Carrying
Addons - Survival - Immersive Hunting Animation
Addons - Survival - Simple Hunting Overhaul
Addons - Survival - Campfire - Igniting Animation
Addons - Survival - Campfire - Hotkey Modded Menu Fix
Addons - Survival - Dirt and Blood Expanded - Animation Patch
Addons - Survival - SunHelm CACO Patch
Addons - Survival - Go To Bed Settings Loader
Addons - Survival - Survival Control Panel Settings Loader
Addons - Survival - SunHelm Settings Loader


Core - Better Honey Nut Treats
Core - Ancient aMidianBorn Dwarven Armory
Core - Large Portcullis Collision Mesh Fix
Core - Mesh Patch for Various Mods
Core - Rally's Torchbugs - Bliss Bug AE
Core - Rally's Torchbugs - Bugs in Jars
Addons - Survival - Suspicious City Guards


Prerequisites - DynDOLOD updated to Alpha-148.
Core - Base Object Swapper updated to 2.6.1.
Core - dMenu updated to 1.2.1.
Core - Keyword Item Distributor updated to 3.0.4.
Core - Open Animation Replacer updated to 2.0.2.
Core - Open Animation Replacer - IED Conditions updated to 1.0.2.
Core - Skyrim Skill Uncapper updated to 2.2.2.
Core - Spell Perk Item Distributor downgraded to 6.4.0.
Core - Better Third Person Selection updated to 0.5.9.
Core - Immersive Equipment Displays updated to 1.7.3.
Core - Photo Mode updated to 1.2.0.
Core - Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB to 1.2.6.
Core - Navigator updated to 1.5.2.
Core - Skyrim Landscape and Water Fixes updated to 8.0.
Core - CritterSpawn Congestion Fix updated to 1.4.
Core - Interesting NPCs Script Optimization updated to 2.0.
Core - Scripts Carefully Reworked Optimized and Tactically Enhanced updated to 1.0.1.
Core - Zero Bounty Hostility Fix updated to 0.3.
Core - Dynamic Activation Key updated to 1.02.
Core - Wheeler updated to 1.2.
Core - Farmhouse Chimneys updated to 4.2.1.
Core - Northern Roads Patch Collection updated to 1.20.1.
Core - Simple Snow Improvements - Skyrim - Base Object Swapper updated to 2.0.
Core - BUVARP RE updated to 1.3.
Core - House of Horrors Quest Expansion updated to 1.12.
Core - C.O.I.N. updated to
Core - New Armory Series Ash Spawn Weapons updated to 1.2.
Core - DynDOLOD Resources updated to Alpha-45.
Core - DynDOLOD Resources Scripts and DLL NG updated to Alpha-12.
Core - LOD Model Library for DynDOLOD updated to 1.3.2.
Core - Rally's All The Things updated to 1.6, download and instructions changed.
Core - Gemstones Replacers HD - added FalmerEyeGemstone download
Core - Sigils of Skyrim Banners - updated instructions.
Core - Sigils of Skyrim Banners Upscale - updated instructions.
Core - Embers XD updated to 2.8.9.
Core - Animated Forge Water updated to 0.8.
Core - Water for ENB upddated to 1.83.
Core - True Directional Movement updated to 2.2.4.
Core - CBPC updated to 1.5.9.
Core - Collision Reset updated to 1.3.
Core - Dynamic Sprint updated to 1.4a.
Core - Varangand Animations OAR CATA Female Idle Walk Run changed to Varangand II
Core - Varangand Animations OAR CATA Male Idle Walk RUn changed to Varangand II
Core - Immersive Folded Hands updated to 1.5.0.
Core - NPC Animation Remix updated to 1.6.0.
Core - Savage Skyrim instructions updated.
Core - Immersive Death Cycle updated to 1.02.
Core - Trade and Barter updated to 2.1.
Core - Nether's Follower Framework updated to 2.8.5.
Core - Dragon War updated to 3.1.3.
Core - Reliquary of Myth updated to 4.7.2.
Core - Better Windhelm Ground Meshes optional file added for Icy Windhelm
Core - Fixed Mesh Lighting instructions updated
Core - Rally's Torchbugs renamed to Rally's Sparkling Torchbugs, updated to 1.3.
Core - Bodyslide and Outfit Studio updated to 5.6.3.
Core - A Matter Of Time Settings Loader swapped to MCM Helper version.
Adventures - Moonpath to Elsweyr Fixes updated to 1.5.
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Patches updated to 2.9.9.
Addons - Survival - Favor Jobs Overhaul updated to 2.7.3.
Addons - Survival - Immersive Spell Learning DESTified updated to 2.0.
Addons - Followers - Serana Dialogue Add-On Patch Hub updated to 2.6.
Final - Added ESMify instructions for FarmhouseChimneys.esp, Icy Windhelm.esp.


- (Base): Set ScriptEquipEventFix to true in EquipEnchantmentFix.ini
- (Base): SkinHandFemaleAfflicted using the MaleHands texture path. Changed Actors\Character\Male\MaleHandsAfflicted.dds to Actors\Character\Female\FemaleHandsAfflicted.dds (97A39).
- (Base): Folded esp for dedicated textures for Armor of the Old Gods.
- (Base): Folded edits for snowy wood chopping blocks for HPP.
- (Base): Folded edits for Xtudo White Phial mesh path.
- (Base): Folded esp for dedicated texture for Rally's Torygg's War Horn
- (Base): Resolved conflicts with NAT rainy weather
- (Addon - Followers): Forwarded changes from SDA Wintersun Patch.esp into Skyrim Unification Project - Addon - Followers. Added Magic Effect conditions to WSN_Divine_Dibella_Boon1_Perk (xx100517BE) and quest property to WSN_TrackerQuest_Quest (xx5901).
- (Addon - Followers): Forwarded changes from SDA NFF Patch.esp into Skyrim Unification Project - Addon - Followers. Added conditions to text and adjusted text for various dialog topics, added script properties to nwsFollowerTavernScene (xxFAC6F).
- (Addon - Followers): Forwarded changes from SDA RDO Patch.esp into Skyrim Unification Project - Addon - Followers. Added Global Value condition and adjusted game flags to aa_RDODLC1SeranaNonHate (xx29050).
- (Addon - Followers): Forwarded changes from NPCs_Wear__Amulets_Of_Mara - SDA Patch.esp into Skyrim Unification Project - Addon - Followers. Added PlayerRef conditions regarding SDA_MarriageFaction to various dailog topics in RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtingIntroTopic (74DDB).
- (Addon - Followers): Khajiit Will Follow display quest objectives to find the followers. Added conditions to prevent the quest objectives displaying where to find the followers (xx042D8D,xx855543).
- (Addon - Followers): Auri's Pod map marker is visible at the start of the game. Removed visible flag (xx313987).
- (Addon - Followers): Script conflict between USSEP, Winterun, and Auri (QF_DA04_0002D512). Combined script properties from all three scripts (2D512).
- (Addon - Followers): Auri will not recognize the player as a vampire for a specific lines of dialogue. Fixed dialogue conditions to allow Auri recognize the player when they are a vampie (xx0CC7C1,xx0CC7C2,xx0C0190,xx280985). 
- (Addon - Followers): Auri refuses to use non-ranged weapons. Auri while still prefering ranged weapons, can now also use melee weapons (xx337129).
- (Addon - Adventures): Changed landscape textures from MaterialDirt to MaterialMud to allow Footprints to appear in sand for the Gray Cowl.
- (Addon - Survival): Edited _camp_vendorstock.pex to remove its ability to distribute items to vendors via script. Script is now essenitally empty.
- (Addon - Survival): Forwarded changes from CampfireTextEdit.esp and YOT into Skyrim Unification Project - Addon - Survival. Various text is in first-person and other changes were made to be consistent with SUP and vanilla.
- (Addon - Survival): Forwarded changes from SunHelmOCWPatch.esp into Skyrim Unification Project - Addon - Survival. Added Get In Faction conditions to dialog topics (xx54DFD8, xx5530DC).
- (Addon - Survival): Forwarded changes from Sunhelm Magical Heat Sources.esp into Skyrim Unification Project - Addon - Survival. Added SummonAtronachFlame and FireBarrierHazard as heat sources for Sunhelm (xx785118, xx78511A).
- (Addon - Survival): Changed _SHRefillInnsTopicdialog text from "Can you refill my waterskins and bottles? (10 gold)" to "Can you refill my waterskins and bottles? (10 Septims)" (xx54DFD8).
- (Addon - Survival): Changed landscape textures from MaterialDirt to MaterialSand to allow Footprints to appear in the Soul Cairn.
- (Addon - Survival): Removed meal dialog from Sunhelm (xx5530DB).
- (Addon - Adventures): Folded Blackread's Wyrmstooth patches for crates and FYX East Empire navmesh.



Core - SKSE Plugins (Framework) - dMenu
Core - SKSE Plugins (Framework) - Open Animation Replacer - IED Conditions
Core - Bugs and Mesh Fixes - Load Screen Shading Fix
Core - Bugs and Script Fixes - Stuck on Screen Load Door Prompt Fix
Core - UI - Dynamic Activation Key - MCM
Core - UI - Dynamic Activation Key - Addons Collection
Core - UI - Select One Skip - Hold Key To Skip Quantity Menu
Core - HUD - Dear Diary Dark Mode - RaceMenu Patch - Dynamic Interface Patcher
Core - HUD - Wheeler - Quick Action Wheel of Skyrim
Core - HUD - Wheeler - THana Khan Dear Diary Dark Mode Preset
Core - World Edits - Dungeons - Outlaws Refuges - Base Object Swapper
Core - World Edits - Large Wilderness Edits - Slightly Better Nordic Henges - Base Object Swapper
Core - Content - Modified Vanilla Content - Quest Expansions - The Heart Of Dibella Quest Expansion
Core - Meshes and Textures - General World Improvement - FYX - Water Mesh Optimization
Core - Meshes and Textures - Trees and Grasses - Happy Little Trees No Dead Twig Branches
Core - Meshes and Textures - Armor and Weapons - Thieves Guild Armors Retexture SE
Core - Beauty and Appearance - NPC - NPC Overhauls - Simply Original and Unadulterated People from BUVARP
Core - Animation - Framework - Sonders Keyword Distribution Resources
Core - Animation - Foundation - First Person Animation Teleport Bug Fix
Core - Animation - Foundation - Weapon Styles - Draw-Sheathe Animations for IED
Core - Animation - Conditional Idles and Misc - Dynamic Female Rail Leaning
Core - Animation - Conditional Idles and Misc - Dynamic Female Weather Idles
Core - Animation - Conditional Idles and Misc - Subtle Feminine Carriage Sitting Animation
Core - Immersion - General - Immersive Death Cycle
Core - Utilities - Dynamic Interface Patcher
Adventures - New Lands and Quests - Moonpath To Elsweyr - Music - Weather and Other Fixes
Adventures - NPC Retextures - Simply Original and Unadulterated People from Wyrmstooth
Addons - Followers - Serana Dialogue Add-On
Addons - Followers - Serana Dialogue Add-On - Patch Hub
Addons - Followers - Khajiit Will Follow
Addons - Followers - Khajiit Will Follow - Forgotten City Patch
Addons - Followers - Khajiit Will Follow - eeekie's Replacer
Addons - Followers - Remiel
Addons - Followers - Remiel - BiR's Replacer
Addons - Followers - Song of the Green
Addons - Followers - Song of the Green - 3DNPC Banter Patch
Addons - Followers - Song of the Green - Inigo Banter Patch
Addons - Followers - Song of the Green - Dismount AI Fix
Addons - Followers - Song of the Green - Fancy Pod
Addons - Followers - Song of the Green - Majestic Auri
Addons - Followers - Xelzaz
Addons - Followers - Xelzaz - Wyrmstooth Patch
Addons - Followers - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Followers Patch [Followers Addon]
Addons - Followers - Final Steps


Core - Frankly HD Thieves Guild Armors


Core - MCM Recorder moved to Utilities. (SkyUI script overwrite)
Core - Immersive Equipment Displays updated to 1.7.2.
Core - NPC Stuck In Bleedout Fix updated to 0.1.3.
Core - DynDOLOD Resources DLL updated to Alpha-11.
Core - Embers XD updated to 2.8.6.
Core - Simplicity of Snow updated to 0.15.
Core - XPMSSE updated to 5.04.
Core - kryptopyr's Patch Hub - Added CACO-Survival to FOMOD.
Core - Cathedral 3D Mountain Flowers Base Object Swapper updated to 0.1.22.
Core - Icy Mesh Remaster updated to 2.21.
Core - ENB Lights Misc Effects updated to 1.6.
Final - Added Dynamic Interface Patcher instructions (already done for WJ)
Final - Updated Nemesis instructions (rerun for manual guide)
Final - Restored MCM settings as purely informational, MCM Recorder should now autorun
Adventures - Final - Added ESM instructions for moonpath.esp.



Core - Bugs and Script Fixes - Scripts Carefully Reworked Optimized and Tactically Enhanced
Core - World Edits - Large Wilderness Edits - Simple Snow Improvements - Solstheim Ruins - Base Object Swapper
Core - Trees and Grasses - Cathedral - 3D Happy Little Pine Shrubs
Core - Meshes and Textures - Little Things - Furniture - Snazzy SMIM Common and Upper Chests Replacer
Core - Meshes and Textures - Little Things - Furniture - Snazzy Strongbox Replacer
Core - Meshes and Textures - Armor and Weapons - Guards and Stormcloaks Armors Retexture SE
Core - Meshes and Textures - Armor and Weapons - Vampire Armors and Weapons Retexture SE
Arch - Core - Distinct Interiors - ElSopa Potions Redone
Arch - Core - Distinct Interiors - Skeleton Replacer HD Patch
Arch - Solitude and Dragon Bridge - Fortified Ramp to the Castle Dour
Arch - Solitude and Dragon Bridge - Snazzy Interiors - Solitude Erikur's House
Arch - Capital Whiterun and Windhelm - Rob's Bug Fixes - Capital Whiterun Expansion


Core - DLC2AudioRepeaterActivator01Script Tweak
Core - DLC2dunFrostmoonTriggerScript Optimization
Core - DLC2dunNchardakDoorSeal Script Infinite Loop Fix
Core - DLC2dunSeekerInvisScript Fix
Core - DLC2MiraakScript Fix
Core - DLC2PillarBuilderActorScript Tweak
Core - DLC2TribalWerebearScript Fix
Core - dunFolgunthurBossBattle Script Fix
Core - MQ105SprintTriggerScript Fix
Core - Shroud Hearth Barrow Script Fix
Core - aMidianBorn Stormcloak Officer Armor
Core - Dwarven Black Bow of Fate
Core - Frankly HD - Stormcloak and City Guards
Core - Sigils of Skyrim - Shields
Core - Stormcloak Armor Revival
Core - TDN Vampire Armor Retexture
Core - XPMSSE - Fixed Scripts
Core - XPMSSE - Papyrus Stack Fix
Core - XPMSSE - Uncloaked
Core - Vanilla Armors and Clothing - CBBE SSE - No Rim Lighting
Core - XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended - Settings Loader


Prereqs - Synthesis updated to 0.26.
Prereqs - DynDOLOD updated to Alpha-134.
Core - Formlist Manipulator updated to 1.7.1.
Core - Keyword Item Distributor updated to 3.0.3.
Core - powerofthree's Papyrus Extender updated to 5.6.1.
Core - Enemies Respect Encounter Zones updated to 1.4.1.
Core - Immersive Equipment Displays updated to 1.7.1.
Core - NPCs Use Potions updated to 3.1.7.
Core - Security Overhaul SKSE updated to 0.1.8.
Core - Navigator updated to 1.4.7.
Core - Scribes of Skyrim updated to 0.9.5.
Core - Farmhouse Chimneys updated to 4.2.0.
Core - College of Winterhold Quest Expansion updated to 1.14.
Core - Headhunter updated tro 1.51.
Core - DynDOLOD Resources updated to Alpha-38.
Core - DynDOLOD DLL updated to Alpha-9, new link
Core - Assorted Mesh Fixes updated to 0.90.
Core - HD Stone Quarry updated to 2.0MMP.
Core - Sigils of Skyrim 4K upscale moved to Furniture with Sigils of Skyrim-Banners.
Core - Embers XD updated to 2.8.5.
Core - Animated Forge Water updated to 0.7.3.
Core - Simplicity of Snow updated to 0.14.
Core - Water for ENB updated to 1.80.
Core - Rudy Fix for Smoke moved to Weather Systems.
Core - CBBE updated to 2.0.1, AE-CC Outfits and No Rim Lighting optionals added as new mod entries
Core - Assorted Animation Fixes updated to 1.02.
Core - CBPC updated to 1.5.8.
Core - Flute Animation Fix updated to 1.1.
Core - Female Player Animations updated to 1.0.1.
Core - Male Player Animations updated to 1.0.1.
Core - XPMSSE install instructions updated.
Core - Immersive Interactions updated to 1.72.
Core - Blade and Blunt updated to 3.1.1.
Core - Experience updated to 3.2.0.
Core - Dynamic Things Alternative updated to 0.2.2.
Core - Unique Markarth Doors updated to 0.4.
Core - Fixed Mesh Lighting install instructions updated.
Core - ENB Transparency Fix - Word Wall updated to 0.3.
Core - Bodyslide and Outfit Studio updated to 5.6.2.
Adventures - Farmhouse Chimneys additional install updated to 4.2.0. (-Wyrmstooth)
Adventures - Final Steps updated (-FarmhouseChimneysWyrmstooth)
Arch - Great City of Winterhold Simple Snow Improvement updated to 1.6.
Arch - Riften Docks Overhaul updated to 2.5.6.
Arch - Snazzy Interiors - Markarth Nepos' House updated to 1.1.
Arch - Snazzy Interiors - Markarth Treasury House updated to 1.1.
Arch - Snazzy Interiors - Riften Black-Briar Manor updated to 1.4.
Arch - Snazzy Interiors - Riften Snow-Show Manor updated to 1.2.
Arch - Rodryk's DB Mesh and Collision Optimization updated to 1.4.
Arch - Snazzy Interiors - Solitude Bryling's House updated to 1.1.
Arch - JK's Whiterun Outskirts updated to 1.5.0.
Arch - Ryn's Whiterun City Limits updated to 2.6.
Arch - Snazzy Interiors - Whiterun House Battle-Born updated to 1.2.
Arch - Snazzy Interiors - Whiterun House Gray-Mane updated to 1.1.
Arch - Snazzy Interiors - Windhelm House of Clan Cruel-Sea updated to 1.2.
Arch - Snazzy Interiors - Windhelm House of Clan Shattershield updated to 1.1.
Arch - Environs - Kolskeggr updated to 3.01.
Arch - Final - Added ESM instructions for Fortified Ramp, Snazzy Interiors
Addons - Dirt and Blood updated to 2.30.
Addons - Favor Jobs Overhaul updated to 2.7.2.



Core - SKSE - Open Animation Replacer
Core - SKSE - Dual Casting Fix
Core - SKSE - Dynamic Animation Casting NG Plus
Core - SKSE - Dynamic Collision Adjustment
Core - SKSE - Photo Mode
Core - SKSE - Scattered Object Solution
Core - Bug and Script Fixes - Disable Havok Script Tweak Resource
Core - Bug and Script Fixes - DLC2AudioRepeaterActivator01Script Tweak
Core - Bug and Script Fixes - Green Water Cubemap Fix
Core - Bug and Script Fixes - MagicAttachAshPileOnDeath Fix
Core - Bug and Script Fixes - MQ105SprintTriggerScript Fix
Core - Bug and Script Fixes - NPC Stuck In Bleedout Fix
Core - Bug and Script Fixes - TrapSwingingWall Script Fix
Core - Bug and Script Fixes - Zero Bounty Hostility Fix
Core - Gameplay and QOL Tweaks - Simplicity of Seeding
Core - Gameplay and QOL Tweaks - Simplicity of Seeding - CACO Patch
Core - Gameplay and QOL Tweaks - Universal Unwanted Effects Clearer
Core - UI HUD - Dynamic Activation Key
Core - UI HUD - SkyUI 3D Item Offset Fix
Core - UI HUD - Dear Diary Dark Mode Compass Navigation Overhaul Updated Patch
Core - LOD - LOD Model Library for DynDOLOD
Core - General World Improvement - Skyrim Objects SMIMed - Farm Mills
Core - General World Improvement - Whiterun Objects SMIMed - Dragonsreach Stairs
Core - Meshes and Textures - Architecture - Better Imperial Forts
Core - Meshes and Textures - Landscape - Snöblind
Core - Meshes and Textures - Landscape - FYX Solitude Arch
Core - Meshes and Textures - Trees and Grass - Cathedral 3D Pine Shrubs
Core - Meshes and Textures - Little Things (Flora) - Cathedral 3D Thicket and Dead Shrub
Core - Meshes and Textures - Little Things (Flora) - High Poly Pearls
Core - Meshes and Textures - Little Things (Flora) - High Poly Swamp Fungal Pods
Core - Meshes and Textures - Little Things (Clutter) - Xtudo's Potion of Blood
Core - Meshes and Textures - Little Things (Clutter) - Xtudo's Sleeping Tree Sap
Core - Meshes and Textures - Little Things (Clutter) - Xtudo's The White Phial
Core - Meshes and Textures - Little Things (Clutter) - Xtudo's Vaermina's Torpor
Core - Meshes and Textures - Armor and Weapons - Ancient Falmer Armors and Weapons Retexture SE
Core - Meshes and Textures - Armor and Weapons - Bonemold Armors and Weapons Retexture SE
Core - Meshes and Textures - Armor and Weapons - Chitin Armors Retexture SE
Core - Meshes and Textures - Armor and Weapons - Dark Brotherhood Armors Retexture SE
Core - Meshes and Textures - Armor and Weapons - Dwemer Armors and Weapons Retexture SE
Core - Meshes and Textures - Armor and Weapons - Stalhrim Armors and Weapons Retexture SE
Core - Weather - No more Blurry Constellation Stars
Core - NPC Overhauls - RS Children Overhaul BUVARP SE RE Patch
Core - Animation - Foundation - Assorted Animation Fixes
Core - Animation - Foundation - Dynamic Sprint
Core - Animation - Combat - Dynamic Bow Animation
Core - Animation - Combat - Leviathan Animations II Greatsword Normal Attacks
Core - Animation - Combat - Leviathan Animations II Greatsword Power and Sprint Attacks
Core - Animation - Conditional - Random Male Wall leaning Animations
Core - Animation - Conditional - Self-Targeting Staff Animation Fix
Core - Immersion - Dialogue and Relationships - Brawl Lines Expansion and Fixes
Core - Immersion - Dialogue and Relationships - NPCs React To Invisibility
Core - Gameplay - TK Dodge SE (readded)
Core - Late Loaders Meshes - Improved Solitude Windmill
Core - Late Loaders Meshes - Icy Cave Remaster
Adventures - New Lands and Quests - Moon and Star Moss Creek Camp
Adventures - Late Loaders Textures - The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal SE Retexture
Arch - Core - High Poly NPC Overhaul JK's Skyrim
Arch - Markarth and Riften - JK's Riften Outskirts
Arch - Markarth and Riften - Markarth City of Stone
Arch - Markarth and Riften - Snazzy Interiors Markarth Guard Tower
Arch - Markarth and Riften - Snazzy Interiors Markarth Nepos' House
Arch - Markarth and Riften - Snazzy Interiors Markarth Treasury House
Arch - Markarth and Riften - Snazzy Interiors Riften Black-Briar Manor
Arch - Solitude and Dragon Bridge - Solitude Docks Updated RS Children Patch
Arch - Solitude and Dragon Bridge - Snazzy Interiors Solitude Bryling's House
Arch - Capital Whiterun and Windhelm - GG's Capital JK's Whiterun (BETA)
Arch - Capital Whiterun and Windhelm - Snazzy Interiors Windhelm Blacksmith
Arch - Capital Whiterun and Windhelm - Windhelm House of Clan Cruel-Sea
Arch - Capital Whiterun and Windhelm - Windhelm House of Clan Shattershield
Arch - Capital Whiterun and Windhelm - High Poly NPC Overhaul Capital Whiterun Expansion


Core - Staves On Self Fix
Core - Grass Terrain Remade
Core - Better Wooden Spikes Retexture
Core - Glacies
Core - Pearls
Core - Renthal Nettle
Core - Frankly HD Shrouded Armor
Core - Remiros' Ancient Falmer Armor HD
Core - Remiros' Auri-El HD Redone
Core - Remiros' Chitin Armor HD
Core - Shield of Stamina
Core - Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul Patch for Potion Remodels
Core - Flowers and Plants Meshes Fix
Core - HD Sleeping Tree Sap Replacer
Core - Cathedral Weathers MCM
Arch - Modpocalypse NPCs JK's Skyrim
Arch - Rodryk's Dragon Bridge Retexture Matching LOD Textures


Prereq - CAO updated to 5.3.15.
Core - Base Object Swapper updated to 2.6.0.
Core - Custom Skills Framework updated to 2.0.2.
Core - ConsolePlusPlus updated to 1.3.0.
Core - PAPER updated to 2.2.4.
Core - Skyrim Skill Uncapper changed to new modpage, reinstall
Core - Enemies Respect Encounter Zones updated to 1.4.0.
Core - NPCs Use Potions updated to 3.1.6.
Core - Stones of Solitude updated to 1.2.1.
Core - Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB updated to 1.2.4.
Core - Navigator updated to 1.4.6.
Core - Dragonactorscript Infinite Loop Fix updated to 1.3.2.
Core - World Encounter Hostility Fix updated to 0.4.
Core - Relaxed Khajiits updated to 2.0.
Core - Constructible Object Custom Keyword System Cooking Categories Improvement updated to 2.0.1.
Core - Compass Navigation Overhaul link changed to archived file 2.1.0
Core - Stendarr Rising updated to 1.6.0.
Core - Northern Roads Patch Collection updated to 1.19.
Core - Alternate Start Live Another Life updated to 4.2.0.
Core - College of Winterhold Quest Expansion updated to 1.13.
Core - House of Horrors Quest Expansion updated to 1.11.
Core - The Only Cure Quest Expansion updated to 1.02.
Core - C.O.I.N updated to 2.1.2.
Core - Extended Encounters updated to 1.6.5.
Core - DynDOLOD Resources updated to Alpha-37.
Core - Assorted Mesh Fixes updated to 0.86.
Core - Stony AF Markarth updated to 2.2.
Core - My Road Signs Are Beautiful updated to 1.6.1EN.
Core - Happy Little Logs updated to 1.7.
Core - Aspens Ablaze DynDOLOD updated to 2.36.1.
Core - Cathedral 3D Sword Ferns updated to 4.0.
Core - Elsopa Potions Redone - updated FOMOD instructions to ENB Smaller
Core - Skyrim Objects SMIMed Noble Furniture updated to 0.5.
Core - Embers XD updated to 2.8.0.
Core - Daedric Armors and Weapons Retexture updated to 1.2.
Core - Dragon Armors and Weapons Retexture updated to 1.3.
Core - Ebony Armors and Weapons Retexture updated to 1.21.
Core - Elven Armors and Weapons Retexture updated to 1.01.
Core - Imperial Armors and Weapons Retexture updated to 1.2.
Core - Iron Armors and Weapons Retexture updated to 1.1.
Core - Orcish Armors and Weapons Retexture updated to 1.1
Core - Steel Armors and Weapons Retexture updated to 1.1.
Core - Simplicity of Snow updated to 0.12.1.
Core - Water for ENB updated to 1.79.
Core - Lux updated to 6.3.
Core - Lux Orbis updated to 3.3.
Core - NAT.ENB III updated to 3.1.1.C-F.
Core - Interesting NPCs - Interesting Follower Requirements updated to 2.02.
Core - CBBE updated to 1.8.1.
Core - Conditional Armor Type Animations updated to 1.3c.
Core - Runway Walk Animation updated to 1.3c.
Core - Goeta Animations CATA Female Idle Walk and Run updated to 1.2c.
Core - Goeta Animations CATA Male Idle Walk and Run updated to 1.3c.
Core - Goeta Animations CATA Sprint updated to 1.0c.
Core - Leviathan Animations II CATA Female Idle Walk and Run updated to 2.3c.
Core - Leviathan Animations II CATA Male Idle Walk and Run updated to 2.3c.
Core - Leviathan Animations II CATA Sprint updated to 2.4c.
Core - Vanargand Animations CATA Female Idle Walk and Run updated to 1.3.1c.
Core - Vanargand Animations CATA Male Idle Walk and Run updated to 1.3.1c.
Core - Vanargand Animations CATA Sprint updated to 1.3c.
Core - Conditional Expressions Extended updated to 1.4.5.
Core - Conditional Tavern Cheering updated to 1.1.0.
Core - Customizable Faster Mining Animation updated to 2.0.0.
Core - Customizable Faster Woodcutting Animation updated to 2.0.0.
Core - Dynamic Female Hand Warming updated to 1.6.
Core - Dynamic Female Ledge Sitting updated to 1.3.
Core - Dynamic Female Wall Leaning updated to 1.3.
Core - Immersive Folded Hands updated to 1.4.1.
Core - NPC Animation Remix updated to 1.5.0.
Core - Smooth Random Idle Animation updated to 1.7.
Core - Bandit Lines Expansion updated to 1.08.
Core - Civil War Lines Expansion updated to 1.07.
Core - Hunters Not Bandits updated to 4.1.
Core - Immersive Rejections updated to 1.11.
Core - Misc Dialogue Edits updated to 1.9.2.
Core - Immersive Interactions Animated Actions updated to 1.71.
Core - WACCF updated to 2.9.4.
Core - Dragon War updated to 3.0.5.
Core - Blade and Blunt updated to 3.0.6.
Core - TK Dodge RE updated to 0.55-rc3.
Core - Custom Skills Menu updated to 1.1.7.
Core - Poppy's Assorted CBBE Patches - removed FranklyHD
Core - Dwemer Pipework Reworked - moved to v4 Old Files
Core - Mesh Patches Lux and Lux Orbis - position updated within section, updated to 1.7.
Core - Mesh Patch for Various Mods - updated delete instructions.
Core - Fixed Mesh Lighting updated to 1.9.0.
Core - Icy Mesh Remaster updated to 2.20.
Core - GG's High Hrothgar Fixed Stairs updated to 1.2.
Core - xLODGen Resource SSE Terrain Tamriel updated to 2.0.

Adventures - Dragon War instructions changed.
Adventures - There Is No Umbra updated to 1.11.
Adventures - Aetherium Armor and Weapons updated to 1.1.1.
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn Visual Overhaul updated to 1.2.
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn Creation Club Patches instructions updated.
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn Perk Menus updated to 2.0.

Addons - Favor Jobs Overhaul updated to 2.7.1.
Addons - Immersive Aggressive Opponents updated to 1.5f.
Addons - Speechcraft Randomization updated to 1.1.

Arch - Optimized Cities of the North Meshes updated to 1.5.
Arch - Snazzy Interiors Riften Snow-Shod Manor ESM instruction added.
Arch - Rodryk's Dragon Bridge Retexture updated to 2.0.
Arch - JK's Windhelm Outskirts updated to 1.1.1.
Arch - JK's Wundhelm Outskirts Patch Collection updated to 1.2.
Arch - Snazzy Interiors Whiterun House Battle-Born - added ESM instruction
Arch - Snazzy Interiors Whiterun House Gray-Mane - added ESM instruction
Arch - Denizens of Morthal updated to 1.3.
Arch - Environs Kolskeggr - added ESM instruction

Final - Updated Nemesis instructions.



Core - SKSE - AnimObject Swapper
Core - SKSE - Dynamic Animation Casting NG
Core - SKSE - Faster HDT-SMP
Core - SKSE - Payload Interpreter
Core - Bugs and Script Fixes - DLC2dunFrostmoonTriggerScript Optimization
Core - Bugs and Script Fixes - DLC2dunNchardakDoorSeal Script Infinite Loop Fix
Core - Bugs and Script Fixes - DLC2dunSeekerInvisScript Fix
Core - Bugs and Script Fixes - DLC2MiraakScript Fix
Core - Bugs and Script Fixes - DLC2PillarBuilderActorScript Tweak
Core - Bugs and Script Fixes - DLC2TribalWerebearScript Fix
Core - Bugs and Script Fixes - Dragonactorscript Infinite Loop Fix
Core - Bugs and Script Fixes - dunFolgunthurBossBattle Script Fix
Core - Bugs and Script Fixes - Ill Met By Moonlight - Hung Quest - Pathing Bug Fix
Core - Bugs and Script Fixes - Motionless Rocks Killing People Fix
Core - Bugs and Script Fixes - MQ104PlayerScript Fix
Core - Bugs and Script Fixes - Shroud Hearth Barrow Script Fix
Core - Bugs and Script Fixes - The Taste of Death Improved Shutdown
Core - Bugs and Script Fixes - World Encounter Hostility Fix
Core - Gameplay and QOL Tweaks - Neutral Whiterun Guards
Core - Gameplay and QOL Tweaks - Staves on Self Fix
Core - Gameplay and QOL Tweaks - Thalmor Don't Report To Stormcloaks
Core - Gameplay and QOL Tweaks - Truly Neutral Prisoners
Core - UI - Constructible Object Custom Keyword System
Core - UI - Constructible Object Custom Keyword System NG
Core - UI - Constructible Object Custom Keyword System - Cooking Categories Improvement
Core - UI - Constructible Object Custom Keyword System - Seperate Weapon and Armor
Core - Meshes and Textures - Architecture (Buildings) - Better Blending Helgen Mud
Core - Meshes and Textures - Architecture (Buildings) - Improved Theater
Core - Meshes and Textures - Trees and Grasses - Happy Little Trees - DLC Trees (BOS)
Core - Meshes and Textures - Little Things (Flora) - Kabu's Really Gourd Plant Replacer
Core - Meshes and Textures - Little Things (Flora) - Pumpkin Plant Overhaul
Core - Meshes and Textures - Little Things (Flora) - Sowables of Skyrim - Potatoes
Core - Meshes and Textures - Little Things (Flora) - Cathedral - 3D Snow Berries
Core - Meshes and Textures - Little Things (Flora) - Cathedral - 3D Snow Berries - Inventory - Wreath - Hearthfires
Core - Meshes and Textures - Little Things (Clutter) - Better Effigy of King Olaf
Core - Meshes and Textures - Little Things (Clutter) - ElSopa - Potions Redone
Core - Meshes and Textures - Little Things (Clutter) - Elsopa - Potions Redone - Patches
Core - Meshes and Textures - Little Things (Clutter) - Elsopa - Potions Redone - My Patches - Vanilla - LOTD
Core - Meshes and Textures - Little Things (Clutter) - Elsopa - Potions Redone - My Patches - Falmer Blood Elixir
Core - Meshes and Textures - Little Things (Clutter) - Elsopa - Potions Redone - My Patches - ELIF Inventory Size Patch
Core - Meshes and Textures - Little Things (Clutter) - Elsopa - Potions Redone - My Patches - CACO Patch
Core - Meshes and Textures - Little Things (Furniture) - Skyland Chests
Core - Meshes and Textures - Armor and Weapons - Ancient Nord Armors and Weapons Retexture SE
Core - Meshes and Textures - Armor and Weapons - Blades Armors and Weapons Retexture SE
Core - Meshes and Textures - Armor and Weapons - Carved Nordic Armors and Retexture SE
Core - Meshes and Textures - Armor and Weapons - Dawnguard Armors and Weapons Retexture SE
Core - Meshes and Textures - Armor and Weapons - Daedric Armors and Weapons Retexture SE
Core - Meshes and Textures - Armor and Weapons - Dragon Armors and Weapons Retexture SE
Core - Meshes and Textures - Armor and Weapons - Ebony Armors and Weapons Retexture SE
Core - Meshes and Textures - Armor and Weapons - Elven Armors and Weapons Retexture SE
Core - Meshes and Textures - Armor and Weapons - Falmer Armors and Weapons Retexture SE
Core - Meshes and Textures - Armor and Weapons - Glass Armors and Weapons Retexture SE
Core - Meshes and Textures - Armor and Weapons - Leather Armors Retexture SE
Core - Meshes and Textures - Armor and Weapons - Imperial Armors and Weapons Retexture SE
Core - Meshes and Textures - Armor and Weapons - Iron Armors and Weapons Retexture SE
Core - Meshes and Textures - Armor and Weapons - Nightingale Armors and Weapons Retexture SE
Core - Meshes and Textures - Armor and Weapons - Orcish Armors and Weapons Retexture SE
Core - Meshes and Textures - Armor and Weapons - Silver Armors and Weapons Retexture SE
Core - Meshes and Textures - Armor and Weapons - Steel Armors and Weapons Retexture SE
Core - Meshes and Textures - Armor and Weapons - Wolf Armors and Weapons Retexture SE
Core - Meshes and Textures - Creatures and Wildlife - Falmer Overhaul - New Models and Textures
Core - Meshes and Textures - Creatures and Wildlife - Iconic's Vampire Lord Retexture
Core - Weather Systems - Moons and Stars
Core - Weather Systems - NAT.ENB III - Natural and Atmospheric Tamriel ENB
Core - Animation - Foundation - Collision Reset
Core - Animation - Foundation - High Heels Condition Spell
Core - Animation - Foundation - Improved Table Transition
Core - Animation - Conditional Idles - EVG Conditional Idles - Extended
Core - Animation - Conditional Idles - Conditional Expressions - Extended
Core - Animation - Conditional Idles - Customizable Faster Woodcutting Animation - DAR
Core - Animation - Conditional Idles - Dynamic Female Hand Warming - DAR
Core - Animation - Conditional Idles - Dynamic Female Ledge Sitting - DAR
Core - Animation - Conditional Idles - Dynamic Female Wall Leaning - DAR
Core - Animation - Conditional Idles - Male Player Animations - DAR
Core - Immersion - Dialogue and Relationships - Married NPCs Wear Wedding Bands
Core - Late Loaders Meshes - TMD Jars of Skyrim
Core - Late Loaders Meshes - TMD Jars of Skyrim - Patches - Improved Dragonfly
Core - Late Loaders Meshes - TMD Jars of Skyrim - Patches - Inigo
Core - Late Loaders Meshes - GG's High Hrothgar Fixed Stairs
Core - Late Loaders Meshes - Rally's Bees and More
Core - Late Loaders Meshes - Rally's Torchbugs
Core - Late Loaders Meshes - Rally's Torchbugs - Bliss Bug AE
Core - Late Loaders Meshes - Rally's Torchbugs - Bugs in Jars
Core - Late Loaders ENB - Particle Lights for ENB - Shellbug
Core - Late Loaders ENB Preset - Rudy ENB - NAT - Required Files
Core - Late Loaders ENB Preset - ENB - Rudy NAT

Adventures - Late Loaders Meshes - Falmer Overhaul - My Patches


Core - TrapSwingingWall Script Fix (now in USSEP)
Core - Weathered Apiary Texture
Core - A Potato Plant
Core - HD Bees and Honeycombs
Core - Sufficiently Optimized Snowberries 3D
Core - Morrowind Style Skooma Bottle
Core - Awesome Potions Simplified
Core - Skyrim 3D Furniture
Core - aMidianBorn Hide and Studded Hide
Core - aMidianBorn Iron and Banded Armor
Core - aMidianBorn Scaled ARmor
Core - Ebony Weapons 2017 Retexture
Core - Elven Weapons for Silence
Core - Frankly HD - Dawnguard Armor and Weapons
Core - Frankly HD - Dawnguard Armor and Weapons - CBBE
Core - Frankly HD - Dragonbone and Dragonscale - Armor and Weapons
Core - Frankly HD - Imperial Armor and Weapons
Core - Frankly HD - Nightingale Armor and Weapons
Core - Frankly HD - Nightingale Armor and Weapons - CBBE
Core - Remiros' Hrothmund's Axe HD
Core - Vampire Lord Retexture
Core - Cathedral Weathers and Seasons
Core - Cathedral Weathers and Seasons - MCM
Core - Obsidian Mountain Fogs
Core - Real Rain
Core - Creation Club Outfits - CBBE SSE - Bodyslide (now all covered by base CBBE)
Core - ENB Lights - Awesome Potions Simplified
Core - Particle Lights for ENB - Bugs in a Jar
Core - Particle Lights for ENB - Mr. Dragonfly
Core - Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB - Torchbugs and Moths
Core - Rudy ENB - Cathedral Weathers
Adventures - BURP
Adventures - JS Attunement Sphere
Adventures - JS Dragon Claws
Adventures - My Road Signs Are Beautiful
Adventures - Stalhrim Refrozen
Adventures - Unique Skulls HD
Adventures - Helgen Reborn - Keepers of Hattu Retexture


MO2 - Seperators/numbering adjusted
Prereqs - DynDOLOD updated to Alpha-128.

Core - ConsoleUtilSSE changed to ConsoleUtilSSE NG
Core - FormList Manipulator updated to 1.7.0.
Core - MCM Recorder moved to SKSE (Framework).
Core - Scaleform Translation Plus Plus changed to Scaleform Translation Plus Plus NG.
Core - I'm Walkin Here changed to I'm Walkin Here NG
Core - NPCs Use Potions updated to 3.1.4
Core - Scrambled Bugs - added optional files
Core - Stay At The System Page changed to Stay At The System Page NG
Core - Whose Quest Is It Anyway changed to Whose Quest Is It Anyway NG
Core - Yes I'm Sure changed to Yes I'm Sure NG
Core - USSEP updated to 4.2.9a.
Core - Northern Roads updated to 1.3.1.

Core - Following mods moved from Modified Vanilla Content to Modified Vanilla Content - Quest Expansions:
       A Lovely Letter Alternate Routes
	   Caught Red Handed - Quest Expansion
	   College of Winterhold - Quest Expansion
	   College of Winterhold - Quest Expansion - At Your Own Pace Patch
	   College of Winterhold - Quest Expansion - RS Children Overhaul Patch
	   House of Horrors - Quest Expansion
	   Innocence Lost - Quest Expansion
	   Nilheim - Misc Quest Expansion
	   Paarthunax - Quest Expansion
	   Save the Icerunner - Lights Out Alternate Routes
	   The Only Cure - Quest Expansion
	   The Whispering Door - Quest Expansion
Core - Headhunter Bounties Redone updated to 1.50.
Core - Animated Clutter - delete instructions updated.
Core - Praedy's Chantry of Auriel AIO updated to 2.1.
Core - My Road Signs Are Beautiful - added Adv/Arch choices
Core - Iconic Statues updated to 1.2.3.
Core - JS Attunement Sphere and LExicons - added LOTD display patch

Core - Meshes and Textures - Environment moved below Meshes and Textures - Creatures as "Environment".

Core - Book Unity and Revamp Project - added Adv/Arch choices
Core - JS Dragon Claws - added Adv choices
Core - Praedy's Elder Scroll updated to 2.1.
Core - Unique Skulls HD - added Adv choices
Core - Weathered Furniture - Comon and Upper Class - updated delete instructions.
Core - Quality Cubemaps moved to Environment.
Core - Embers XD updated to 2.7.4.
Core - Stahlrim Refrozen - added Adv choices/optional files.
Core - Lux updated to 6.1.
Core - Interesting NPCs - Interesting Follower Requirements updated to 2.01.
Core - CBBE updated to 1.8.
Core - Gesture Animation Remix updated to 2.0.0.
Core - More Dialogue Options updated to 1.5.
Core - Skyrim Unification Project - Gameplay Overhaul updated. (install latest gdrive)
Core - Dragon War updated to 3.0.4.
Core - Blade and Blunt updated to 3.0.2, optional file removed (integrated)
Core - Reliquary of Myth updated to 4.7.0.
Core - Windhelm Fake Windows Fix - added Arch optional
Core - Icy Mesh Remaster updated to 2.18, FOMOD instructions changed.
Core - Water in Wells - added Arch optional file
Core - ENB Lights - Elytra and Bliss Bug - updated delete instructions

Adventures - The Tools of Kagrenac updated to 1.60.
Adventures - There Is No Umbra - Chapter III updated to 1.10.
Adventures - Wyrmstooth - Brimstone and Wyrmstone Armory - added compact instructions

Conflict Resolution - SUP Consistency Patches, Conflict Resolution, Conflict Resolution (Adventures) updated.
Conflict Resolution - SUP Replacement Plugins updated.

Final - Added ESM instructions for SFCO



Core - SKSE - Sound Fix for Large Sector Drives
Core - Late Loaders - Meshes - 3D Manhole
Core - Late Loaders - Meshes - Icy Mesh Remaster - ENB Addon
Addons - Survival - Go To Bed - Patches
Arch - Solitude and Dragon Bridge - Blue Palace Frescoes Simplified
Arch - Towns and Cities - Environs - Master Plugin


Core - Skyrim Sewers - Manhole Improvements
Core - Ancient Dwemer Metal - Patches - Skyrim Sewers
Core - Modpocalypse NPCs - All Vanilla NPCs
Core - Modpocalypse NPCs - Alternate Start Live Another Life
Core - Modpocalypse NPCs - Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul
Core - Modpocalypse NPCs - Citizens of Tamriel
Core - Modpocalypse NPCs - Heritage Enemies 2
Core - Modpocalypse NPCs - Immersive College NPCs
Core - Modpocalypse NPCs - 3DNPC
Core - Modpocalypse NPCs - Obscure's College of Winterhold
Core - Metalsabers Beautiful Orcs of Skyrim
Core - Dragon War - Patches
Adventures - Modpocalypse NPCs - Legacy of the Dragonborn
Adventures - Modpocalypse NPCs - Wyrmstooth


Prerequisites - Synthesis updated to 0.25.4
Prerequisites - DynDOLOD updated to Alpha-126
Core - ENB Light Inventory Fix changed to 1.2.0 "legacy".
Core - Formlist Manipulator updated to 1.6.0.
Core - Keyword Item Distributor updated to 3.0.2.
Core - PAPER updated to 2.2.3.
Core - Spell Perk Item Distributor updated to 6.6.1.
Core - NPCs Use Potions updated to 3.1.3.
Core - Sprint Sneak Movement Speed Fix updated to 1.1.1.
Core - Stones of Solitude Majestic Mountain Rocks updated to 1.1.1.
Core - Navigator - Navmesh Fixes updated to 1.4.5.
Core - Skyrim Landscape and Water Fixes updated to 7.7.
Core - Interesting NPCs Script Optimization updated to 1.3.1.
Core - Immersive Display Overhaul updated to 1.3.
Core - COMAP changed to API link. (new version 1.6 only)
Core - Audio Overhaul for Skyrim updated to 4.1.3.
Core - Acoustic Space Improvement Fixes updated to 1.2.1.
Core - Barefoot Footsteps Extended updated to 1.2.
Core - Dark Anchors Ruins and Dolmens updated to 5.1.
Core - Northern Roads Patch Collection updated to 1.18.
Core - Oblivion Gates updated to 5.0. (replacer removed)
Core - Alternate Start - Live Another Life - Voiced updated to 2.3.
Core - Caught Red Handed - Quest Expansion updated to 1.04.
Core - Paarthurnax - Quest Expansion updated to 1.12.
Core - DynDOLOD Resources updated to Alpha-36.
Core - DynDOLOD Resources Large Reference Scripts updated to Alpha 123.
Core - Static Mesh Improvement Mod Improvement Mod updated to 1.7.1.
Core - Assorted Mesh Fixes updated to 0.79.
Core - Higher Poly Whiterun City Wall Spikes updated to 1.2.
Core - Higher Poly Whiterun Guard Tower Spikes updated to 1.3.
Core - Illustrious Whiterun updated to 2.0.
Core - Illustrious Whiterun - Alt Stonefloor updated to 2.0.
Core - Skyrim Remastered - Glaciers and Ice - IMR Edition updated to 2.01.
Core - Simplicity of Snow updated to 0.11.
Core - Happy Little Logs updated to 1.6.
Core - Fancy Sleeping Tree Replacer updated to 1.6.
Core - Sowables of Skyrim - Leeks updated to 1.02.
Core - BURP Spell Times Patches updated to 2.0.
Core - Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul updated to 2.2.
Core - Weathered Furniture - Bars and Counters updated to 1.0.
Core - Arctic - Frost Effects Redux - updated delete instructions (impactdecals)
Core - Embers XD updated to 2.7.3.
Core - Animated Forge Water updated to 0.7.2.
Core - Better Bellows updated to 1.3.
Core - Lux Via updated to 1.7.
Core - Interesting NPCs - Update - updated to 4.54.
Core - Modpocalypse NPCs - Resources - Moved to Adventures - NPC Retextures
Core - Leviathan Animations - DAR - Two-Handed Normal Attacks updated to 1.2.
Core - Drunk Animations - DAR updated to 1.5.2.
Core - Immersive Folded Hands - DAR updated to 1.4.0.
Core - NPC Animation Remix - DAR updated to 1.4.0.
Core - Immersive Rejections updated to 1.1.
Core - Misc Dialogue Edits updated to 1.8.6.
Core - Dragon War updated to 3.0.2.
Core - TK Dodge updated to 0.62fix.
Core - Ordinator Optimized Scripts updated to 1.2.0.
Core - Cathedral 3D Mountain Flowers BOS updated to 0.1.20
Core - Illustrious Whiterun - Wood Addition updated to 2.0.
Core - Mesh Patches - Lux and Lux Orbis updated to 1.5.2.
Core - Icy Mesh Remaster updated to 2.13.
Core - Bits and Pieces Rework updated to 2.0.
Core - Bryling's House Rework updated to 2.0.
Core - Erikur's House Rework updated to 2.0.
Core - The Winking Skeever Rework updated to 2.0.
Core - ENB Lights - Hanaisse's Ingredients Patch updated to 3.0.
Core - ENB Lights - Kabu's Fire Salts updated to 1.4.
Core - ENB Lights - Kabu's Void Salts - added download (CACO patch)
Core - Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul - Settings Loader updated to 2.0.
Core - Thieves Guild Requirements - Settings Loader updated to 3.0.1.
Core - Timing is Everything - Settings Loader updated to 1.0.1.
Final - Added ESMify instructions for Oblivion Gates.
Addons - Survival - Favor Jobs Overhaul updated to 2.4.0.
Addons - Survival - Dirt and Blood updated to 2.0.0.
Adventures - Dragon War - Patches - updated instructions.
Adventures - Erikur's House Rework updated to 2.0.
Adventures - There Is No Umbra changed to Chapter III, version 1.08.
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Museum Exterior Fixes updated to 0.7.
Arch - Optimized Cities of the North Meshes updated to 1.4.2.
Arch - ALT - Markarth's Forge updated to 1.0.2.
Arch - Solitude Docks Updated updated to 3.0. (replacer removed)
Arch - Environs - Kolskeggr updated to 2.00.
Arch - Final Steps - Added ESMifier instructions for Blue Palace Frescoes, Distinct Interiors



Core 1 - 01 - MCM Recorder
Core 1 - 01 - Sprint Sneak Movement Speed Fix
Core 1 - 01 - SSE Fixes
Core 1 - 03a - Wood Wall Trap Mesh and UV Fix
Core 1 - 03b - Interesting NPCs Script Optimization
Core 1 - 03b - Soul Cairn Script Tweaks
Core 1 - 04 - Relaxed Khajiits
Core 1 - 04 - Safer Spikes
Core 1 - 06 - SmoothCam - Vanilla Enhanced 2
Core 1 - 16 - Simple Snow Improvements - Snow Forts - Base Object Swapper
Core 2 - 26 - FYX - Eastern Empire Company Building
Core 2 - 26 - FYX - Rampart and Watchtower of Solitude
Core 2 - 26 - My Walls of Kings are Beautiful
Core 2 - 26 - Whiterun Fence Walls Fix
Core 2 - 26 - Whiterun Wall Rubble Fixed
Core 3 - 31 - ElSopa - Northern Roads Resculpted
Core 3 - 31 - Northern Roads - Higher Poly Stockade
Core 3 - 34 - Cathedral - 3D - Dragons Tongue
Core 3 - 34 - Cathedral - 3D - Sword Ferns
Core 3 - 35 - Rally's Honey Pots
Core 3 - 36 - JS Knapsacks
Core 3 - 36 - JS Torture Tools
Core 3 - 36 - Morthal Quest Coffin Retexture
Core 3 - 37 - Rally's Weapon Racks
Core 3 - 37 - Weathered Furniture - Bars and Counters
Core 3 - 37 - Weathered Furniture - Common and Upper Class
Core 3 - 38 - SpiderWIP
Core 3 - 41 - Night Mother
Core 4 - 55 - Leviathan Animations II - Greatsword Non Combat Locomotion
Core 4 - 56 - Dynamic Whirlwind Sprint - DAR
Core 4 - 56 - Female Player Animations - DAR
Core 5 - 58 - Vampire Lines Expansion
Core 5 - 68 - Sets of Skills - Improved UI
Core 5 - 68 - Sets of Skills - Custom Skill Framework
Core 5 - 68 - Standardization of Spelling of Sets of Skills
Core 5 - 69 - Better Pelts and Hides
Core 5 - 69 - FYX - Smooth Wells - Alternate Texture Patch
Core 5 - 69 - FYX - Smooth Wells - Invisible Well Fix
Core 5 - 69 - slightly Better EVIL Rock Cairns
Core 5 - 69 - Markarth Fixed AF
Core 5 - 69 - Subdivide and Smooth - Hagraven
Core 5 - 70 - ENB Lights - Cathedral - 3D - Dragons Tongue
Core 5 - 70 - ENB Lights - Kabu's Void Salts
Core 5 - 70 - ENB Lights - Subdivide and Smooth - Hagraven
Adventures - B07 - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Gemstones Remade


Core 1 - 06 - SmoothCam - EasyEase Preset
Core 3 - 34 - A Fungal Pod (mod hidden for rework)
Core 3 - 34 - Volatile Void Salts
Core 3 - 37 - CC's HQ Barset
Core 4 - 56 - Dynamic Random Spell Idle (conflict with Smooth)


Prerequisites - Changed ESMifier script to Persistentify Those Plugins
Prerequisites - DynDOLOD updated to Alpha-121.
Core 1 - 01 - Enemies Respect Encounter Zones updated to 1.3.0.
Core 1 - 01 - NPCs Use Potions updated to 3.0.3a.
Core 1 - 01 - Papyrus Tweaks NG updated to 4.1.0.
Core 1 - 01 - Read or Take updated to 1.3.0.
Core 1 - 01 - Use or Take updated to 1.2.0.
Core 1 - 03b - Navigator updated to 1.4.4.
Core 1 - 03b - Skyrim Landscape and Water Fixes updated to 7.6.
Core 1 - 03b - Robber's Gorge Fixes updated to 1.3.
Core 1 - 03b - Rock Traps Trigger Fixes updated to 1.1.
Core 1 - 03b - Standing Ambusher Fix updated to 1.2.0.
Core 1 - 16 - Northern Roads Patch Collection updated to 1.15.7.
Core 1 - 16 - Simple Snow Improvements - Skyrim - BOS updated to 1.9.2.
Core 1 - 16 - Simple Snow Improvements - Giant Obelisks - BOS updated to 1.3.
Core 2 - 18 - After the Civil War Siege Damage Repairs updated to 2.6.0.
Core 2 - 18 - Better Courier updated to 2.0.8.
Core 2 - 18 - NPCs Wear Amulets of Mara PLUS updated to 2.03.
Core 2 - 19 - Thieves Night on the Town updated to 1.0.8.
Core 2 - 20 - Coins of Interesting Natures updated to
Core 2 - 20 - Headhunter updated to 1.43.
Core 2 - 23 - DynDOLOD Resources updated to Alpha-33.
Core 2 - 23 - DynDOLOD Large Reference Scripts url updated.
Core 2 - 24 - FYX - 3D Solitude Sighpost updated to 1.0.5.
Core 2 - 24 - FYX - Row Boat updated to 1.0.4.
Core 2 - 26 - FYX - Jorrvaskr updated to 1.0.4.
Core 2 - 30 - Dwemer Pipework Reworked moved to Core 5 - 69.
Core 2 - 30 - Dwemer Pipework Reworked ENB moved to Core 5 - 69.
Core 2 - 30 - Ancient Dwemer Metal Dwemer Pipework Reworked moved to Core 5 - 69.
Core 3 - 31 - Skyrim Remastered 4K Textures updated to 1.10.
Core 3 - 32 - Water for ENB updated to 1.76.
Core 3 - 33 - Happy Little Trees DynDOLOD - added update file.
Core 3 - 33 - Fancy Sleeping Tree Replacer updated to 1.5.
Core 3 - 37 - Rally's Display Cases updated to 1.2.
Core 3 - 37 - Weldingmans Enchanting Table Variants updated to 1.4beta5.
Core 3 - 38 - Embers XD updated to 2.7.2.
Core 3 - 42 - Lux updated to 6.0.3, instructions updated.
Core 3 - 42 - Lux Orbis updated to 3.2, instructions updated.
Core 3 - 42 - Lux Via updated to 1.6.
Core 4 - 54 - Nemesis Creature Behavior Compatibility updated to 1.4.
Core 4 - 54 - Some Creature Behavior Bug Fixes updated to 2.0.4.
Core 4 - 56 - Immersive Folded Hands updated to 1.3.0.
Core 4 - 56 - NPC Animation Remix updated to 1.3.0.
Core 5 - 61 - Dragon War updated to 2.1.9.
Core 5 - 61 - Forceful Tongue updated to
Core 5 - 64 - Reliquary of Myth updated to 4.6.6.
Core 5 - 66 - Sets of Skills updated to 2.0.3.
Core 5 - 67 - Simple Dual Sheath updated to 1.5.5.
Core 5 - 67 - YASTM updated to 3.0.0.
Core 5 - 68 - CACO Patch for Potion Remodels updated to 1.2.
Core 5 - 68 - Ordinator Optimized Scripts updated to 1.1.0.
Core 5 - 69 - Cathedral 3D Mountain Flowers BOS updated to 0.1.17.
Core 5 - 69 - Solitude Interiors Meshes Fixes updated to 2.4.
Core 5 - 69 - Icy Mesh Remaster updated to 2.02.
Core 5 - 70 - ENB Lights Hanaisse Ingredients Patch FOMOD instructions updated.
Core 5 - 71 - Quest Journal Limit Bug Fixer updated to 0.2.1.

Survival - Favor Jobs Overhaul updated to 2.3.0.
Survival - Immersive Aggressive Opponents updated to 1.4.

Adventures - B05 - Legacy of the Dragonborn Visual Overhaul updated to 1.1, optional files added.
Adventures - B06 - Legacy of the Dragonborn Followers Patch updated to 3.0.1.
Adventures - B06 - Legacy of the Dragonborn Patches updated to 2.9.7.
Adventures - B06 - Legacy of the Dragonborn Curator's Companion updated to 6.2.3.

Final - Better Courier added to Quick Auto Clean list.



Core 1 - 07 - Extended UI
Core 2 - 30 - Ancient Dwemer Patches - Aetherial Crown
Core 3 - 33 - Veydesbrom Regions for ENB Complex Grass
Adventures - Konahrik's Accoutrements - Fixed ESP


Core 2 - 23 - HD LODs Textures
Core 3 - 31 - Forgotten Herbs
Core 3 - 36 - Iconic's Bust of the Gray Fox Retexture
Core 3 - 40 - aMidian Blade of Woe
Adventures - Better Falskaar and Wyrmstooth Map


Prerequisites - Synthesis updated to 0.25.3.

Core 1 - 00 - Infinity UI updated to 2.0.1.
Core 1 - 00 - powerofthree's Papyrus Extender updated to 5.5.0.
Core 1 - 01 - NPCs Use Potions updated to 3.0.2.
Core 1 - 01 - Unique Map Weather updated to 1.1.1.
Core 1 - 03a- OSHA-Compliant Sovengarde Mesh Fixes moved to 69.
Core 1 - 03b- Navigator updated to 1.4.3.
Core 1 - 03b- Standing Ambusher Fix updated to 1.1.0.
Core 1 - 03b- Unaggressive Dragon Priests Fix updated to 1.2.
Core 1 - 07 - Compass Navigation Overhaul updated to 2.1.
Core 1 - 16 - Northern Roads Patch Collection updated to 1.15.3.
Core 1 - 16 - Simple Snow Improvements - Skyrim updated to 1.5.
Core 2 - 18 - Finding Helgi - removed BSA extract.
Core 2 - 18 - Innocence Lost - added CAO
Core 2 - 18 - Whispering Door Quest Expansion - added CAO
Core 2 - 22 - Faction Crossbows Upscaled Textures - added CAO
Core 2 - 23 - DynDOLOD Resources Large Reference Workaround - changed to Nexus API link
Core 2 - 24 - Ruins Clutter Improved Upscaled - changed download to 2k4k.
Core 2 - 24 - Forgotten Retex Project - removed Draw Knife from FOMOD
Core 2 - 24 - FYX Riften Canal and Round Posts moved to 69.
Core 2 - 25 - Praedy's College of Winterhold moved back from 69 (except patches)
Core 2 - 25 - Mrf's Solitude Optional Files - updated version, FOMOD, instructions
Core 2 - 26 - Praedy's Castle Volkihar - Simplicity of Snow patched moved to 69.
Core 2 - 26 - WiZkiD Farmhouses updated to 1.5.1.
Core 2 - 27 - KG's Fences updated to 0.04.
Core 2 - 27 - WiZkiD - Signs updated to 2.4.
Core 2 - 28 - All-Maker Stones HD Retexture changed to Northside version.
Core 2 - 29 - Skyrim Remastered Caves - added Update esp file.
Core 2 - 30 - JS Attunement Sphere LOTD Display Patch moved to Adventures.
Core 2 - 30 - Ancient Dwemer Metal Patches - Swapped order to install first two files.
Core 3 - 32 - Simplicity of Snow - removed delete instructions.
Core 3 - 32 - Water for ENB updated to 1.74.
Core 3 - 33 - Veydesbrom Regions - updated FOMOD to dense landscape option.
Core 3 - 33 - Happy Little Trees - corrected delete instruction (tundradriftwood)
Core 3 - 34 - A Potato Plant updated to 3.1.
Core 3 - 36 - Skyrim Remastered Soul Gems Remastered - added esp delete instruction.
Core 3 - 37 - Skyrim 3D Furniture - updated and corrected delete instructions.
Core 3 - 37 - Rudy HQ - updated FOMOD instr, added esp delete instr.
Core 3 - 38 - Embers XD updated to 2.7.1.
Core 3 - 40 - Dragon Priest Retexture - swapped to no plugin option in FOMOD.
Core 3 - 40 - Frankly HD Stormcloak - Added delete instructions.
Core 3 - 40 - Sigils of Skyrim Shields - Added delete instructions.
Core 3 - 40 - Sigils of Skyrim 4K - Added delete instructions.
Core 3 - 41 - RUSTIC DRAGONS - Updated delete instructions (cubemap).
Core 3 - 42 - Lux - Updated delete instructions (-icecaves)
Core 3 - 42 - Lux Via - Changed FOMOD instructions (no blended roads bridges)
Core 4 - 47 - Modpocalypse NPCs Resources - added CAO
Core 4 - 47 - Modpocalypse NPCs Vanilla - added CAO
Core 4 - 47 - Modpocalypse NPCs ASLAL - added CAO
Core 4 - 47 - Modpocalypse NPCs CFTO - added CAO
Core 4 - 47 - Modpocalypse NPCs Heritage 2 - added CAO
Core 4 - 47 - Modpocalypse NPCs Immersive College NPCs - added CAO
Core 4 - 47 - Modpocalypse NPCs Interesting NPCs - added CAO
Core 4 - 47 - Modpocalypse NPCs Obscure - added CAO
Core 4 - 47 - Followers Hirelings and Housecarls - added CAO
Core 4 - 47 - Fresh Faces - added CAO
Core 4 - 47 - Meetalsabers Beautiful Orcs - added CAO
Core 4 - 47 - Pandorable's NPCs Males - added CAO
Core 4 - 47 - Pandorable's NPCs Males 2 - added CAO
Core 4 - 47 - The Men of Winter - added CAO
Core 4 - 47 - Northbourne NPCs of Falkreath Hold - added CAO
Core 4 - 47 - Northbourne NPCs of Haafingar - added CAO
Core 4 - 47 - Northbourne NPCs of Hjaalmarch - added CAO
Core 4 - 47 - Northbourne NPCs of the Rift - added CAO
Core 4 - 47 - Northbourne NPCs of Whiterun Hold - added CAO
Core 4 - 47 - Northbourne NPCs of Winterhold - added CAO
Core 4 - 47 - Improved Bards - added CAO
Core 4 - 47 - The Ordinary Women - added CAO
Core 4 - 47 - Pandorable's NPCs - added CAO
Core 4 - 47 - Pandorable's NPCs - Dawnguard - added CAO
Core 4 - 47 - Pandorable's NPCs - Dragonborn - added CAO
Core 4 - 47 - Pandorable's NPCs - Initiates - added CAO
Core 4 - 47 - Pandorable's NPCs - Sovngarde - added CAO
Core 4 - 47 - Kalilies NPCs - added CAO
Core 4 - 47 - Bijin NPCs - added CAO
Core 4 - 47 - Bijin Warmaidens - added CAO
Core 4 - 47 - Bijin Wives - added CAO
Core 4 - 47 - Seranaholic - added CAO
Core 4 - 47 - Seranaholic - Valerica - added CAO
Core 4 - 47 - Citizens of Tamriel Visual Overhaul - added CAO
Core 4 - 47 - Interesting NPCs Visual Overhaul - added CAO
Core 4 - 47 - Interesting NPCs Cuyima's Retexture - added CAO
Core 4 - 49 - CBBE updated to 1.7.1.  FOMOD default changed to nevernude.
Core 4 - 49 - Vitruvia FOMOD default changed to nevernude.
Core 4 - 56 - Conditional Tavern Cheering updated to 1.0.3.
Core 4 - 56 - NPC Animation Remix updated to 1.2.1.
Core 4 - 57 - XP32 FOMOD change to no weapon style.
Core 4 - 57 - Savage Skyrim - Added delete instruction for sphere centurion.
Core 5 - 58 - Bandit Lines Expansion updated to 1.07.
Core 5 - 58 - Civil War Lines Expansion updated to 1.06.
Core 5 - 58 - Misc Dialogue Edits updated to 1.8.5.
Core 5 - 58 - More to Say updated to 9.0.2.
Core 5 - 60 - Nether's Follower Framework updated to 2.8.3b
Core 5 - 66 - Experience FOMOD updated (changed to no statsmenu.swf)
Core 5 - 67 - YASTM FOMOD updated (add Lucien patches)
Core 5 - 68 - kryptopyr's Patch Hub files updated (+USSEP_CACO), updated FOMOD (WACCF)
Core 5 - 68 - WACCF CBBE updated to 1.2.
Core 5 - 69 - Mesh Patch for Various Mods files updated, delete instructions updated.
Core 5 - 69 - Icy Mesh Remaster updated to 1.91.
Core 5 - 69 - FYX Smooth Wells - removed delete instructions.
Core 5 - 69 - WiZkiD Hagraven Clutter - changed FOMOD (-High Poly)
Core 5 - 70 - ENB Light - updated Delete instructions
Core 5 - 70 - ENB Lights Alchemy Ingredients updated to 0.3.1.
Core 5 - 70 - ENB Lights Kabu's Fire Salts updated to 1.3.
Core 5 - 70 - ENB Lights WeldingMan's Smelter updated to 1.4.

Final - Added compact instructions for Aspens Ablaze, BSMBonemold.
Final - Added ESMify instructions for VanillaPlusWritingPurityPatch.
Final - Added NeverNude instructions for CBBE.
Final - Added compatibility mode instructions for Nemesis.  Updated patch list for Nemesis.
Final - Removed tree rule for DynDOLOD for map display.

Survival - Immersive Spell Learning DESTified updated to 1.4.5.
Survival - Final - added ESL flag instruction for DEST_ISL.

Adventures - Stalhrim Refrozen - Misc files changed to 2k.
Adventures - Unique Skulls HD - Added Adventures override version
Adventures - Ice Blade of the Monarch - Changed to 2k.
Adventures - Tournament of the Ten Bloods - Changed to 2k.
Adventures - JaySus - updated FOMOD
Adventures - Modpocalypse NPCs Falskaar - added CAO
Adventures - Modpocalypse NPCs Helgen Reborn - added CAO
Adventures - Modpocalypse NPCs Legacy of the Dragonborn - added CAO
Adventures - Modpocalypse NPCs Moon and Star - added CAO
Adventures - Modpocalypse NPCs Moonpath to Elswyr - added CAO
Adventures - Modpocalypse NPCs The Forgotten City - added CAO
Adventures - Modpocalypse NPCs The Gray Cowl - added CAO
Adventures - Modpocalypse NPCs Wyrmstooth - added CAO
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn Visual Overhaul - added CAO
Adventures - Ancient Daedric Armor Replaced updated to 2.1.
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn Dragonmail Cuirass - changed to 2k.
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn Fixes and Tweaks - Added optional file
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn Plaques Retexture - Added optional file
Adventures - TBOO Cleaned Textures - changed to 2k
Adventures - Wyrmstooth Upscaled Textures - changed to 2x, changed delete instructions
Adventures - Final - Added QAC instruction for WZOblivionArtifacts.
Adventures - Final - removed moonpath instructions (replacer)



Core 1 - 01 - Animation Queue Fix
Core 1 - 01 - Reading is Good
Core 1 - 03a - Farm Hat 01 Clipping Fix
Core 1 - 03a - SC Horses - Mane Fix
Core 1 - 03b - Robber's Gorge Fixes
Core 1 - 03b - Rock Traps Trigger Fixes
Core 1 - 03b - Roggvir's Execution Scene Fixes
Core 1 - 03b - Magic Student Quest Fix
Core 1 - 04 - No Hand Touches the Beacon
Core 1 - 04 - The Last Journey
Core 2 - 18 - Innocence Lost - Quest Expansion
Core 2 - 23 - Grass Terrain Remade
Core 2 - 24 - Higher Poly Whiterun City Wall Spikes
Core 2 - 24 - Higher Poly Whiterun Guard Tower Spikes
Core 2 - 26 - FYX - Black-Briar and Riftweald Manors
Core 2 - 26 - FYX - Windhelm Stable Roof
Core 2 - 27 - A Blacksmith Sign
Core 2 - 27 - Skyrim Sewers - Manhole Improvements
Core 2 - 27 - Small Nordic Tent Replacer
Core 2 - 27 - Weathered Apiary Texture
Core 3 - 31 - Slightly Better Rock Cairns
Core 3 - 33 - A Canticle Tree
Core 3 - 34 - A Fungal Pod
Core 3 - 34 - Cabbage - A Cabbage Mod
Core 3 - 34 - Cathedral - 3D - Black Mountain Flowers - for Interesting NPCs
Core 3 - 34 - Cathedral - 3D - Nightshade
Core 3 - 34 - High Poly Trama Roots
Core 3 - 34 - KG's Elves Ear
Core 3 - 34 - KG's Frost Mirriam
Core 3 - 34 - Kabu's Frost Salts
Core 3 - 34 - Spiky Grass Mesh Improvements
Core 3 - 34 - Slaughterfish Eggs are Fish Eggs
Core 3 - 34 - Sowables of Skyrim - Leeks
Core 3 - 36 - Eldergleam Sap - High Poly
Core 3 - 37 - Rally's Display Cases
Core 3 - 37 - Rally's Handcarts
Core 3 - 37 - Rally's Market Stalls
Core 3 - 37 - WeldingMans Enchanting Table Variants - Base Object Swapper
Core 4 - 55 - Leviathan Animations II Female Idle Walk Run
Core 4 - 55 - Leviathan Animations II Male Idle Walk Run
Core 4 - 55 - Leviathan Animations II Sprint
Core 4 - 56 - Axarien's Animations - Teldryn Sero
Core 5 - 58 - Immersive Rejections for Interesting NPCs
Core 5 - 63 - Seeking Out Sneaks
Core 5 - 68 - Poppy's Assorted CBBE Patches
Core 5 - 69 - Bits and Pieces Rework
Core 5 - 69 - Bryling's House Rework
Core 5 - 69 - Erikur's House Rework
Core 5 - 69 - The Winking Skeever Rework
Adventures - B01 - Erikur's House Rework [Adventures]
Adventures - B03 - Helgen Reborn Keepers of Hattu Retexture
Adventures - B07 - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Armor of the Crusader Retexture


Core 2 - 24 - Noble Skyrim
Core 3 - 33 - Canticle Tree
Core 3 - 33 - High Poly Canticle Tree
Core 3 - 34 - Freezing Cold Frost Salts
Core 3 - 37 - CC's HQ Carts
Core 3 - 37 - Skyrim 3D Misc - Buckets
Core 3 - 40 - Greatsword Sheaths and Scabbards Redux
Core 4 - 55 - Leviathan Animations Female Idle Walk Run
Core 4 - 55 - Leviathan Animations Male Idle Walk Run
Core 4 - 55 - Leviathan Animations Sprint
Adventures - B07 - Artifacts The Breton Paladin
Adventures - B07 - Legacy of the Dragonborn - FrankFamily's Paladin Replacer


Prereqs - LOOT updated to 0.19.1
Prereqs - DynDOLOD updated to Alpha-111.
Prereqs - ENB updated.
Core 1 - 00 - ConsolePlusPlus updated to 1.2.0.
Core 1 - 00 - Spell Perk Item Distributor updated to 6.4.0.
Core 1 - 01 - Enemies Respect Encounter Zones updated to 1.2.0.
Core 1 - 01 - NPCs Use Potions updated to 3.0.1.
Core 1 - 01 - Papyrus Tweaks NG updated to 4.0.
Core 1 - 03a- Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB updated to 1.2.3.
Core 1 - 03b- Navigator updated to 1.4.2.
Core 1 - 03b- CritterSpawn Congestion Fix updated to 1.3.
Core 1 - 04 - Dwemer Gates Don't Reset updated to 1.3.7.
Core 1 - 10 - Reverb Interior Sounds Expansion updated to 1.5.0.
Core 1 - 14 - Dungeons Revisited updated to 1.1.1.
Core 1 - 16 - Northern Roads Patch Collection updated to 1.15.1.
Core 2 - 18 - The Choice Is Yours updated to 2.7.
Core 2 - 18 - Better Courier - updated instructions (del Fishing patch)
Core 2 - 18 - College of Winterhold Quest Expansion - Updated to 1.12.
Core 2 - 18 - Immersive Rejections moved to 58.
Core 2 - 21 - Cloaks of Skyrim - updated instructions (del Cloaks-Dawnguard esp)
Core 2 - 24 - Assorted Mesh Fixes updated to 0.78.
Core 2 - 24 - Forgotten Retex Project updated to 8.3, FOMOD instr updated.
Core 2 - 24 - FYX Jorrvaskr moved to 26
Core 2 - 24 - FYX Temple of Mara moved to 26
Core 2 - 25 - Stony AF Markarth updated to 2.0.
Core 2 - 26 - Solitude Farmhouses Rework updated to 1.1.
Core 2 - 26 - Windhelm Fence 3D updated to
Core 3 - 31 - Majestic Mountains Darkside - updated instructions (del textures/effects, moss)
Core 3 - 32 - Water for ENB updated to 1.72.
Core 3 - 33 - Happy Little Logs updated to 1.4.
Core 3 - 34 - A Potato Plant updated to 2.1.
Core 3 - 34 - Cathedral - 3D Thistle updated to 2.1.
Core 3 - 36 - BURP Spell Tomes Patches updated to 1.8.
Core 3 - 38 - Embers XD updated to 2.7.0.
Core 3 - 40 - Aevrigheim updated to 1.5.
Core 3 - 41 - Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack Revamp updated to 1.2.
Core 4 - 54 - Some Creature Behavior Bug Fixes updated to 2.0.3.
Core 5 - 59 - Honed Metal Revoiced updated to 1.8.
Core 5 - 60 - Nether's Follower Framework updated to 2.8.2.
Core 5 - 61 - Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul updated to 2.1.1.
Core 5 - 61 - SUP Gameplay overhaul updated, fomod instr. updated
Core 5 - 62 - Blade and Blunt updated to 2.1.0.
Core 5 - 64 - Reliquary of Myth instructions updated (FOMOD: SPID patches)
Core 5 - 68 - kryptopyr's Patch Hub files updated (-Cloaks, +Fishing/Sacrilege, FOMOD update)
Core 5 - 69 - Mesh Patches Lux and Lux Orbis instructions updated (glacier meshes: none)
Core 5 - 69 - Nocturnal Moths updated to 2.3.
Core 5 - 69 - Icy Mesh Remaster updated to 1.90.
Core 5 - 71 - Complete Crafting Overhaul Remastered Settings Loader updated to 2.0.
Core 5 - Z01 - SUP Consistency Patches updated
Core 5 - Z01 - SUP Conflict Resolution updated, fomod instr. updated
Core 5 - Z01 - SUP Replacement Plugins updated



Core 1 - SKSE Plugins - Console Plus Plus
Core 1 - Bug Fixes - Standing Ambusher Fix
Core 1 - Content Clothing Expansions - Cloaks and Capes
Core 1 - Content Clothing Expansions - Cloaks and Capes Cleaned and Upscaled
Core 2 - Architecture - KG's Fences
Core 2 - Caves and Dungeons - CC's HQ Mines Redone
Core 2(3) - Flora - ElSopa Briar Heart


Core 1 - Map - Dynamic Snow for Map (ACMOS covered)
Core 1 - Farmhouses - SD's Farmhouse Fences (KG)
Core 2 - ElSopa Small Compilation Pack
Core 2 - Elder Council Amulet Replacer (combined with Elder Scroll)
Core 2 - Skyrim 3D Misc - Buckets (see changelog)


Prerequisites - DynDOLOD updated to Alpha-110.

Guide categories renamed and refined - mods may have moved slightly when
categories were divided but anything that moved significantly is mentioned below
(using old(new) page listings) - update from this list, then align your mod categories
and containing mods to the new guide pages.

Core 1 - SKSE - Animated Static Reload Fix changed to NG version.
Core 1 - SKSE - Display Tweaks additional file added (high performance)
Core 1 - Bugs and Mesh Fixes - Animals Swim moved to this section
Core 1 - Bugs and Mesh Fixes - Creation Club Asset Patch moved to this section
Core 1 - Bugs and Mesh Fixes - Tavern AI Fix moved to this section.
Core 1 - Gameplay Tweaks - Immersive Vampire Clutter moved to this section.
Core 1 - Gameplay Tweaks - Realistic Dark Brotherhood Kidnapping moved to this section.
Core 1 - Gameplay Tweaks - True Hunter moved to this section, updated to 5.0.
Core 1 - Character Creation moved to after Gameplay Tweaks
Core 1 - Camera divided from Map, moved to after Character Creation
Core 1 - Modified Vanilla Content - At Your Own Pace updated (+Dark Brotherhood)
Core 1 - Content Weapons Armor Expansions - Beyond Skyrim Bonemold Weapon aMidian Color Match moved to this section.
Core 1 - Dynamic LOD - SSE Terrain Tamriel moved to Utilities.
Core 2 - Architecture - This section divided up significantly.
Core 2 - Architecture - Nordic Northern Roads moved to Landscape.
Core 2 - Architecture - Skyrim Remastered High Hrothgar files changed (-lods)
Core 2 - Architecture - PELTAPALOOZA moved to this section.
Core 2 - Architecture - Rally's Barrels moved to this section.
Core 2 - Architecture - Rudy HQ - Hay moved to this section.
Core 2 - Architecture - Skyland Imperial and Nordic Tents moved to this section.
Core 2 - Architecture - KG Imperial Tents moved to this section.
Core 2 - Architecture - Illustrious Whiterun - Wood moved to Late Loaders Meshes and Textures.
Core 2 - Ancient Structures moved to after Architecture
Core 2 - Ancient Structures - Detailing the Eldritch moved to this section.
Core 2 - Caves and Dungeons moved to after Ancient Structures.
Core 2 - Dwemer Ruins - Ancient Dwemer Metal - Patches moved back (mostly) to this section.
Core 2(3) - Flora and Food - this section divided.
Core 2(3) - Food - Praedy's Repository moved to Clutter.
Core 2(3) - Clutter and Miscellaneous divided into Clutter and Furniture.
Core 2(3) - Clutter - Elder Scroll HD renamed Praedy's Elder Scroll and Elder Council Amulet, updated to 2.0.
Core 2(3) - Furniture - Skyrim 3D Furniture - Changed instructions (-meadery)
Core 2(3) - Furniture - Skyrim 3D Misc - split into individual installs, Buckets removed
Core 2(3) - Creatures - Skeleton Replacer HD split into individual installs, Lux Patch moved to Late Loaders Meshes.
Core 2(3) - Lighting moved below Meshes and Textures - Creatures and Wildlife
Core 2(3) - Weather moved below Lighting.
Core 3(5) - Late Loaders section divided
Core 3(5) - Late Loaders - Icy Mesh Remaster updated to 1.80.
Core 3(5) - Late Loaders ENB - WeldingMan's Smelter - updated instructions (delete gradient)
Core 3(5+) - Addons moved to between Utilities and Conflict Resolution.

Survival - Go To Bed updated to 2.0.7.

Adventures - Mods altered from Core are now new installs into a new guide section at beginning of this addon list.
             Exception: instructions within existing mod listing for Lux and Lux Orbis
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn updated to 5.6.5.

Final - Removed instructions for ImperialSoldiersEscortFix, BUVARP CFTO, WedDialogueFix



Prerequisites - LOOT updated to 0.18.6.
Prerequisites - Synthesis updated to 0.25.2.
Prerequisites - xLODGEN updated to beta 97.
Prerequisites - DynDOLOD updated to Alpha-108.

Core 1 - Base Object Swapper updated to 2.5.1.
Core 1 - Better Third Person Selection updated to 0.5.8.
Core 1 - Papyrus Tweaks NG updated to 3.3.
Core 1 - Skyrim Landscape and Water Fixes updated to 7.4.
Core 1 - Particle Patch for ENB updated to 1.2.0.  Instructions changed.
Core 1 - Atlas Map Markers updated to 2.7.
Core 1 - Immersive Sounds Compendium SRDified updated to 2.2.
Core 1 - Northern Roads Patch Collection updated to 1.14.1.
Core 1 - Simple Snow Improvements - Skyrim updated to 1.4.
Core 1 - Better Courier updated to 1.8.2.
Core 1 - Keeper Carcette Survives instructions updated. (facegen)
Core 1 - The Whispering Door Quest Expansion updated to 1.10.
Core 1 - True Hunter updated to 4.3.
Core 1 - New Armory Series Ashen Weapons instructions changed. (-HA)
Core 1 - New Armory Series Dragon Cult Weapons instructions changed. (-HA)
Core 1 - Rare Curios Bolts Expanded updated to 1.5.0.
Core 1 - DynDOLOD Resources updated to Alpha-30.
Core 1 - DynDOLOD Large Ref Scripts updated (+DLL in mega link)

Core 2 - Forgotten Retex Project instructions changed (Main->Old)
Core 2 - Rally's All The Things instructions changed (-Mead Barrel)
Core 2 - Happy Little Trees DynDOLOD updated to 2.03.
Core 2 - BURP instructions changed (FOMOD)
Core 2 - Skyrim 3D Misc instructions changed (-Butterchurn)
Core 2 - Skyrim Remastered Soul Gems instructions changed (-ENB)
Core 2 - Training Dummies Retexture instructions changed (-Rain Barrel)
Core 2 - Rally's Crates updated to 1.2.
Core 2 - Embers XD updated to 2.6.9.
Core 2 - Lux updated to 5.3.1.
Core 2 - Lux Orbis updated to 3.1.1.
Core 2 - Armor and Clothing Extension updated to 2.4.1.

Core 3 - Leviathan Animations Two-Handed Normal Attacks updated to 1.3b.
Core 3 - Leviathan Animations Two-Handed Power Attacks updated to 1.4c.
Core 3 - Axarien's Animations Lucien updated to 2.0.
Core 3 - Read the Room updated to 2.2.1.
Core 3 - Weapons Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes updated to 2.9.2.
Core 3 - Armor and Clothing Extension updated to 1.5.1.
Core 3 - Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul updated to 2.1.0.
Core 3 - Complete Crafting Overhaul Remastered updated to 2.5.2.
Core 3 - Forceful Tongue updated to 3.0.8.
Core 3 - BUVARP RE - Patches files to download changed (-CFTO, +Favor Quests)
Core 3 - Informed Mail Delivery file to download changed to YOT version
Core 3 - kryptopyr's Patch Hub Installer files changed (+S and S TCIY)
Core 3 - Optimized Scripts for Apocalypse files changed (-Apoc-Ord)
Core 3 - Optimized Scripts for Ordinator files changed (+Apoc-Ord)
Core 3 - Yet Another Soul Trap Manager updated to 1.10.4.
Core 3 - Fixed Mesh Lighting instructions changed (-Beehives, -PostInstall)
Core 3 - KG's Imperial Tents instructions changed (BAIN)
Core 3 - Solitude Interiors Meshes Fixes updated to 2.3.
Core 3 - Hanaisse's Ingredients Patch instructions changed (ELIF version)
Core 3 - Read the Room Settings Loader updated to 1.3.0.

Adventures - Instructions on mod category placements added
Adventures - Added BURP download-and-merge section.
Adventures - Falskaar Comprehensive Fixes updated to 1.4.0.
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Ancient Daedric Armor Replacer updated to 2.0.
Adventures - Conflict Resolution section removed, merged to Core's Conflict Resolution
Adventures - Corrected ESM instructions for ArtifactsOfBoetiah.esp.

Survival - Survival Control Panel changed to 1.0.3. (last 1.5.97 version)
Survival - Favor Jobs Overhaul updated to 2.2.0.



Core 1 - Animated Wedding Scene (mod deleted)
Core 3 - Rude Imperial Soldiers Escort Prisoner Fix (mod deleted)


Core 1 - FormList Manipulator updated to 1.5.4.
Core 1 - Particle Patch for ENB updated to 1.1.7.
Core 1 - SPID-Protected Innocent Citizens renamed to SPID-Protected Citizens
Core 1 - Northern Roads updated to 1.3.
Core 1 - Northern Roads Patch Collection updated to 1.11.1.
Core 1 - NPCs Wear Amulets of Mara PLUS updated to 2.02.
Core 1 - Rare Curios Bolts Expanded updated to 1.4.1.
Core 2 - Water for ENB updated to 1.71.
Core 2 - Happy Little Trees instructions updated (del tundradriftwood)
Core 2 - Embers XD updated to 2.6.8.
Core 3 - Read the Room updated to 2.2.0.
Core 3 - Nether's Follower Framework upated to 2.8.0.
Core 3 - Reliquary of Myth instructions updated (missing CC patches)
Core 3 - BUVARP RE - Patches instructions updated (remove HOHQE patch)
Core 3 - Ancient Dwemer Metal My Patches - Added Lore Weapon Expansion
Core 3 - Particle Lights Elytra and Bliss Bug changed to Scrambled Bugs version
Core 3 - Swapped Utilities and Conflict Resolution section positions
Core 3 - Read the Room Settings Loader updated to 1.2.0.
Adventures - Adjusted position of LOTD Quest and Reward Display

Final - Removed ESL instructions for BSMBonemold, CFTO-Immersive Citizens, CoW-AYOP,
          Hunters Not Bandits, LFFGM, LFFGM Military Camps, Lux Orbis
Final - Added compact instructions for IcyFixes



Prerequisites - CK Fixes Updated
Core 2 - Clutter - Rally's Crates
Core 2 - Flora - Mari's Ivy Nordic Ruins Addon


Core 2 - Replacement Ivy
Core 3 - CBBE Creation Club Outfits Bodyslides (covered in official CBBE)


Prerequisites - Updated tool instructions

Core 1 - Papyrus Tweaks NG updated to 3.0.1.
Core 1 - To Your Face Redux changed to To Your Face SE
Core 1 - Headhunter updated to 1.41.
Core 1 - Particle Patch for ENB updated to 1.1.6.
Core 1 - Sepolcri updated to 2.0. (re-compact/ESM)
Core 3 - CBBE - Added CC optional
Core 3 - CBBE No Rim Lighting - Added CC optional
Core 3 - Simplest Horses updated to 0.9.5.
Core 3 - Read the Room Settings Loader updated to 1.1.0.
Core 3 - SUP Conflict Resolution patches updated.



Core 1 - SKSE - Barter Limit Fix
Core 1 - SKSE - Behavior Data Injector
Core 1 - SKSE - Enemies Respect Encounter Zones
Core 1 - SKSE - FormList Manipulator - FLM
Core 1 - SKSE - Infinity UI
Core 1 - SKSE - Papyrus Tweaks NG
Core 1 - SKSE - Recursion Monitor
Core 1 - SKSE - Simple Offense Suppression
Core 1 - SKSE - Sound Record Distributor
Core 1 - SKSE - Unique Map Weather
Core 1 - Bug Fixes - No More Swimming In Air - Fixed Floating SwimIdle
Core 1 - Bug Fixes - Rudy Fix For Smoke
Core 1 - Bug Fixes - WE05 Script Fix
Core 1 - Gameplay Tweaks - Animals Swim (Sort Of)
Core 1 - Gameplay Tweaks - Random Barrel Roll - Base Object Swapper
Core 1 - HUD - Compass Navigation overhaul
Core 1 - World Map - A Clear Map of Skyrim And Other Worlds
Core 1 - Audio - Immersive Sounds Compendium SRDified
Core 1 - World Expansion - Immersive Vampire Clutter Base Object Swapper
Core 1 - World Expansion - Northern Roads
Core 1 - World Expansion - Northern Roads Patch Collection
Core 1 - World Expansion - Simple Snow Improvements - Giant Obelisks
Core 1 - World Expansion - Simple Snow Improvements - Skyrim
Core 1 - Modified Vanilla Content - Another Redbelly Mine Mod
Core 1 - Modified Vanilla Content - The Whispering Door - Quest Expansion
Core 1 - Modified Vanilla Content - White Phial - Tweaks and Enhancements
Core 1 - Modified Vanilla Content Quests - Favor Quests Separated
Core 1 - New Items Armor and Weapons - Beyond Skyrim Morrowind Bonemold Weapon Pack
Core 1 - New Items Armor and Weapons - New Armory Series - Ash Spawn Weapons
Core 1 - New Items Armor and Weapons - New Armory Series - Dragon Cult Weapons
Core 1 - New Items Armor and Weapons - Rare Curios Bolts Expanded
Core 1 - LOD Generation - DynDOLOD Resources Large Reference Workaround Scripts
Core 2 - General World Improvement - 3D Trellis Improved - Gildergreen Plaza
Core 2 - General World Improvement - FYX - 3D Coal in the Shovel
Core 2 - General World Improvement - FYX - 3D Whiterun Guard Towers
Core 2 - General World Improvement - FYX - Jorrvaskr
Core 2 - General World Improvement - FYX - Ravenrock Docks and Fences Round Posts
Core 2 - General World Improvement - FYX - Riften Canal and Round Posts
Core 2 - General World Improvement - FYX - Rowboat
Core 2 - General World Improvement - FYX - The Temple of Mara
Core 2 - Architecture - Nordic Northern Roads
Core 2 - Architecture - WiZkiD Specific Signs
Core 2 - Farmhouse and Mills - Solitude Farmhouses Rework
Core 2 - Landscape - Skyrim Remastered Glaciers and Ice - 4K Textures
Core 2 - Trees and Grasses - Happy Little Logs
Core 2 - Trees and Grasses - High Poly Canticle Tree
Core 2 - Trees and Grasses - Subdivide and Smooth - Ash Pebbles
Core 2 - Food Flora Ingredients - A Potato Plant
Core 2 - Food Flora Ingredients - Beehive Replacer
Core 2 - Food Flora Ingredients - Beehive Replacer - Optimized Textures SE
Core 2 - Food Flora Ingredients - HD Giant's Toe Replacer
Core 2 - Food Flora Ingredients - Realistic HD Mushrooms Rock Texture Integration
Core 2 - Food Flora Ingredients - Creation Club Asset Patch
Core 2 - Food Flora Ingredients - Garlic
Core 2 - Food Flora Ingredients - Powdery Bone Meal
Core 2 - Food Flora Ingredients - Praedy's repository
Core 2 - Clutter and Misc - Iconic's Falmer Rosetta Stone
Core 2 - Clutter and Misc - Fixed Nordic Metal Grate
Core 2 - Clutter and Misc - Pails of Tamriel - A Bucket Mod
Core 2 - Clutter and Misc - Skyrim Objects SMIMed - Noble Furniture
Core 2 - Clutter and Misc - Rally's Barrels
Core 2 - Clutter and Misc - Remastered Remastered Soul Gems
Core 2 - Effects - Deadly Spell Impacts 4K
Core 2 - Followers and NPCs - Interesting Follower Requirements for Interesting NPCs
Core 3 - Body and Skin - CBBE Creation Club Outfits Bodyslides
Core 3 - Hair and Eyes - The Eyes of Beauty Vampire Eyes Remastered
Core 3 - Animation - Disable Turn Animation
Core 3 - Animation - Combat - Goetia Animations - Conditional Shouts
Core 3 - Animation - Combat - Goetia Animations - Sneak Magic
Core 3 - Animation - Conditional - Axarien's Animations - Inigo
Core 3 - Animation - Conditional - Axarien's Animations - Lucien
Core 3 - Animation - Conditional - Customizable Faster Mining Animation
Core 3 - Animation - Conditional - Dynamic Random Spell Idle
Core 3 - Animation - Conditional - New Praying Animations
Core 3 - Animation - Conditional - Read the Room - Immersive and Animated Helmet Management
Core 3 - Animation - Conditional - Sleeping Expanded for Interesting NPCs
Core 3 - Animation - Conditional - Smooth Random Idle Animation
Core 3 - Skeleton - XPMSSE Spazzing Skeleton and Corpse Fix
Core 3 - Dialogue and Relationships - Carriage and Stables Dialogue Bundle
Core 3 - Dialogue and Relationships - Civil War Lines Expansion
Core 3 - Dialogue and Relationships - Forsworn and Thalmor Lines Expansion
Core 3 - Dialogue and Relationships - NPCs React To Necromancy (And More)
Core 3 - Late Loaders - Optimized Scripts for Apocalypse
Core 3 - Late Loaders - Optimized Scripts for Enhanced Blood Textures
Core 3 - Late Loaders - Optimized Scripts for Ordinator
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - HD Sleeping Tree Sap Replacer
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Icy Mesh Remaster
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - KG Imperial Tents
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Less Shiny Bloody Bones - Skeleton Replacer HD
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Mesh Patches for Lux and Lux Orbis
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Solitude Interiors Meshes Fixes
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Stairs of Skyrim - Windhelm Bridge Stairs
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Subdivide and Smooth - Bandit Poles
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Dark Elf Lantern ENB Light - Particle Patch for ENB - Patch
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Rudy HQ - More Lights - Glowing Mushrooms
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - WeldingMan's Smelter With ENB Light
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Kabu's Fire Salts
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Rudy fix for Splashes of Storms and ENB
Adventures - Wyrmstooth Brimstone and Wyrmstone Armory
Adventures - Wyrmstooth Brimstone and Wyrmstone Armory TCC Patch
Adventures - Wyrmstooth World Map Edge Fix
Adventures - Wyrmstooth World Map Unique Weather
Adventures - Additional Hearthfire Dolls Small Fixes
Adventures - Dynamic Treasure Map Journal
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Cathedral 3D Mountain Flowers Patch
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Craftloot Sort and Storage FormList Patches
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Patches - Creation Club
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Fate Cards Remade
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Fate Cards New Style
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Museum Gate Remade


Core 1 - A Quality World Map (replaced with ACMOS)
Core 1 - Skyrim Bridges (Northern Roads replacement)
Core 2 - SMIM Barrel Expansion (Rally's)
Core 2 - Riekling Barrels SMIMed (Rally's)
Core 2 - High Poly Project (too problematic)
Core 2 - High Poly Project - My Fixes SE-AE (no longer required)
Core 2 - Majestic Mountains - More Accurate Collision
Core 2 - Auriel's Chantry Throne Replacer HD (in AIO)
Core 2 - Auriel's Bow and Shield (in AIO)
Core 2 - Hagraven Feathers (moved to repository)
Core 2 - Chisel Replacer HD (moved to repository)
Core 2 - DragonStone Re-texture HD (moved to repository)
Core 2 - SMIM Upper Furniture Wood Retexture (no longer using s3d Upper)
Core 3 - TK Dodge SE (not required for TK Dodge RE new version)
Core 3 - Crystalline Fire Salts (replaced with Kabu)
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Fate Cards Re-texture


Prerequisites - Cathedral Assets Optimizer updated to 5.3.14.
Prerequisites - Synthesis updated to 0.24.
Prerequisites - DynDOLOD updated to Alpha-106.

Core 1 - Papyrus Extender updated to 5.3.0.
Core 1 - Spell Perk Item Distributor updated to 6.3.0.
Core 1 - Base Object Swapper updated to 2.5.0.
Core 1 - Better Third Person Selection updated to 0.5.7.
Core 1 - Classic Paralysis updated to 3.3.1.
Core 1 - Enhanced Invisibility updated to 1.3.0.
Core 1 - EVLAS updated to 1.3.1.
Core 1 - Essential Favorites updated to 2.3.0.
Core 1 - Favorite Misc Items updated to 3.7.1.
Core 1 - Immersive Equipment Displays updated to 1.6.3.
Core 1 - Keyword Item Distributor updated to 2.2.0.
Core 1 - Magic Sneak Attacks updated to 1.2.0.
Core 1 - NPCs Use Potions updated to 2.3.4u.
Core 1 - NPC AI Process Position Fix updated to 1.1.1.
Core 1 - powerofthree's Tweaks updated to 1.7.5.
Core 1 - Read or Take SKSE updated to 1.2.0.
Core 1 - Security Overhaul SKSE updated to 3.2.0.
Core 1 - Splashes of Skyrim updated to 1.4,0.
Core 1 - Splashes of Storms updated to 1.3.0.
Core 1 - SSE Display Tweaks updated to 0.5.12.
Core 1 - SSE Engine Fixes updated to 5.9.1.
Core 1 - Stagger Direction Fix updated to 2.02b
Core 1 - Use or Take SKSE updated to 1.1.0.

Core 1 - Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch updated to 4.2.8.
Core 1 - Landscape Fixes for Grass Mods updated to 5.1.
Core 1 - Navigator updated to 1.4.1.
Core 1 - OSHA-Compliant Sovengarde Mesh Fixes updated to 2.0.
Core 1 - Landscape and Water Fixes updated to 7.3.
Core 1 - Particle Patch for ENB updated to 1.1.5.
Core 1 - Dwemer Gates Don't Reset updated to 1.3.6.
Core 1 - Immersive Display Overhaul updated to 1.2.
Core 1 - SPID-Protected Innocent Citizens updated to 1.5.
Core 1 - MCM Helper updated to 1.4.
Core 1 - MoreHUD updated to
Core 1 - Dear Diary Dark Mode updated to 1.1.1.
Core 1 - SmoothCam updated to 1.7.
Core 1 - Audio Overhaul Skyrim updated to 4.0.1.
Core 1 - ESO Imports updated to 10.0.1. (re-ESM)
Core 1 - BUVARP SE RE updated to 1.2. (re-ESM)
Core 1 - College of Winterhold Quest Expansion updated to 1.11.
Core 1 - Even Better Quest Objectives updated to 1.9.2.
Core 1 - NPCs Wear Amulets of Mara updated to 2.01
Core 1 - Thieves Guild Requirements updated to 5.3.
Core 1 - Thieves Night On The Town updated to 1.0.6.
Core 1 - C.O.I.N. updated to
Core 1 - Headhunter - Bounties Redone updated to 1.40.
Core 1 - Missives - The Witcher Board updated to 2.1.
Core 1 - Heavy Armory updated to 5.2.
Core 1 - DynDOLOD Resources updated to Alpha-29.

Core 2 - Static Mesh Improvement Mod Improvement Mod updated to 1.6.0.
Core 2 - Major Cities Mesh Overhaul instructions updated (meadery)
Core 2 - 3D Solitude Market Trellis updated to 3.1.
Core 2 - Assorted Mesh Fixes updated to 0.77.
Core 2 - Forgotten Retex Project updated to 7.2.
Core 2 - FYX 3D Whiterun Castle Bridge updated to 1.0.2.
Core 2 - MOVED - Auriel's Chantry HD renamed Praedy's Chantry of Auriel AIO, updated to 2.0.
Core 2 - MOVED - Castle Volkihar HD renamed Praedy's Castle Volkihar, updated to 2.0.
Core 2 - MOVED - College of Winterhold HD renamed Praedy's College of Winterhold, updated to 2.0,
         moved to Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes
Core 2 - MOVED - Fort Dawnguard HD renamed Praedy's Fort Dawnguard, updated to 2.0.
Core 2 - MOVED - Soul Cairn HD renamed Praedy's Soul Cairn, updated to 2.0
Core 2 - Stony AF Markarth updated to 1.5.
Core 2 - Glorious Doors of Skyrim updated to 1.1.
Core 2 - Riften of Reverie updated to 0.95.
Core 2 - Iconic Statues instructions updated (-Auriel)
Core 2 - Majestic Mountains updated to 4.02.
Core 2 - Ashbound changed to updated mod (replace in MO2)
Core 2 - Simplicity of Snow updated to 0.10.

Core 2 - Water Effects Brightness and Reflection Fix updated to 0.5.
Core 2 - Water for ENB updated to 1.70.
Core 2 - Happy Little Trees updated to 2.0.3. (re-compact/flag),
		 instructions updated (delete firewood)
Core 2 - Happy Little Trees DynDOLOD updated to 2.02.
Core 2 - Aspens Ablaze DynDOLOD updated to 2.36.
Core 3 - MOVED Medieval Spirits to Late Loaders Meshes (after Fixed Mesh Lighting)
Core 2 - BURP Spell Tome Patches updated to 1.7.
Core 2 - Silver Objects SMIMed updated to 0.4.
Core 2 - Masser and Secunda Moons SE changed to Praedy's Sky AIO.
Core 2 - Storm Lightning updated to 1.4.17.
Core 2 - Arctic Frost Effects Redux updated to 3.1.
Core 2 - Inferno Fire Effects Redux updated to 5.1.
Core 2 - Embers XD updated to 2.6.7.
Core 2 - Animated Forge Water updated to 0.6.
Core 2 - Lux updated to 5.1, fomod instr. updated (creation club meshes)
Core 2 - Lux Orbis updated to 3.0.
Core 2 - Praedy's Staves instr updated (hagfeather)
Core 2 - Stormcloak Armor Revival instr updated (stormcloakshield)
Core 2 - Interesting NPCs updated to 4.53. (re-ESM)
Core 2 - Lucien instr updated (Creation Club)

Core 3 - Pandorable's NPCs - Dawnguard updated to 1.3.
Core 3 - The Eyes of Beauty Ai Remastered updated to v1.Final.
Core 3 - Nemesis Creature Behavior Compatibility updated to 1.32. (mod also renamed)
Core 3 - Animation Motion Revolution updated to 1.5.3.
Core 3 - True Directional Movement updated to 2.2.3.
Core 3 - CBPC updated to 1.5.6.
Core 3 - Draugr Ragdoll Bug Fix updated to 2.0.1, renamed Some Creature Behavior Bug Fixes
Core 3 - Smooth Random Jump Animation Rework updated to 1.4.
Core 3 - Gesture Animation Remix updated to 1.9.9.
Core 3 - Sleeping Expanded updated to 1.22.
Core 3 - Tools Not Weapons updated to 1.5.
Core 3 - XPMSSE updated to 4.81.
Core 3 - Bandit Lines Expansion updated to 1.06.
Core 3 - Immersive Citizens updated to
Core 3 - Misc Dialogue Edits updated to 1.8.
Core 3 - More Dialogue Options updated to 1.4.
Core 3 - More To Say updated to 9.0.1.
Core 3 - Changed CFTO instructions (ICAIO patch folded into Resources esp)
Core 3 - Immersive Interactions updated to 1.67.
Core 3 - Pumping Iron - Stay In Shape updated to 1.02.
Core 3 - Simplest Horses updated to 0.9.4.
Core 3 - WACCF updated to 2.9.1.
Core 3 - Dragon War updated to 2.1.8.
Core 3 - IFrame Generator changed to IFrame Generator RE 1.03.
Core 3 - Blade and Blunt updated to 2.0.2.
Core 3 - TK Dodge SE changed to TK Dodge RE 0.61.
Core 3 - Reliquary of Myth updated to 4.6.3.
Core 3 - Sets of Skills updated to 2.0.2.
Core 3 - Experience updated to 3.1.0.
Core 3 - IED Weapons Repositioner updated to 2.0.
Core 3 - Informed Mail Delivery updated to 1.4.
Core 3 - kryptopyr's Patch Hub fomod instr. updated (CC, Cloaks_CCOR)
Core 3 - Simple Dual Sheath updated to 1.5.4.
Core 3 - MOVED - Ancient Dwemer Metal My Patches instructions updated (Metallurgy, Glowmapped)
Core 3 - MOVED - Some rearrangement within Late Loaders section
Core 3 - Yet Another Soul Trap Manager updated to 1.10.3, update optional files.
Core 3 - Cathedral 3D Mountain Flowers Base Object Swapper updated to 0.1.15.
Core 3 - Fixed Mesh Lighting - updated fomod instr. (removed flora/trees, too many conflicts)
Core 3 - Skyrim A Mountainous Experience updated to 1.6.
Core 3 - Water In Wells updated to 0.7.
Core 3 - ENB Lights for Effect Shaders updated to 2.1.0.
Core 3 - Rudy ENB SE for Cathedral updated to 6.1. (optional file)

Core 3 - SUP Gameplay Overhaul updated.
Core 3 - SUP Consistency Patches updated.
Core 3 - SUP Replacement Plugins updated. (instructions updated)
Core 3 - SUP Conflict Resolution updated.

Final - Removed clean instruction for WFE, added clean instruction for Inigo.
Final - Removed ESM instructions for Ashbound, Aspens Ablaze, At Your Own Pace, Better Courier,
          Black Briar Banners, Cathedral 3D Mountain Flowers, CFTO, College of Winterhold Quest Expansion,
		  Diverse Werewolves Collection, Finding Helgi, Happy Little Trees,
		  Hold Border Banners, Keeper Carcette Survives, More Werewolves, No Grass in Caves,
		  Radiance Locations, Radiance Quests, Road Signs Overhaul, Oblivion Gates, Simply Knock, Sofia, Waymark.
Final - Added ESM instruction for Northern Roads
Final - Added compact instructions for BSMBonemold, Happy Little Trees, IcyFixes, Keeper Carcette Survives.
Final - Removed compact instructions for Eyes of Beauty.
Final - Updated Nemesis instructions (TK Dodge RE)
Final - Updated xLODGEN and DynDOLOD instructions.

Adventures - Missives Wyrmstooth Patch updated to 2.05, added Missives Gray Cowl
Adventures - Lux instructions updated for LOTD CC.
Adventures - Dragon War Wyrmstooth Patch updated to 2.1.8.
Adventures - The Brotherhood of Old updated to 1.1.2. (re-ESM)
Adventures - Wyrmstooth updated to 1.19.8.
Adventures - Additional Hearthfire Dolls instructions updated.
Adventures - Skyrim Unique Treasures updated to 4.6. (re-ESM)
Adventures - Treasure Hunter SSE updated to 1.2.1, changed download to original page.
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Followers Patch updated to 3.0.
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Museum Exterior Fixes updated to 0.6.
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Patches updated to 2.9.5.
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn - The Brotherhood of Old Unofficial Patch updated to 1.5.
Adventures - LOTD CBBE updated to 1.0.4.
Adventures - Removed ESM instructions for DBM_HelgenReborn, DBM_SkyrimSewers, FarmhouseChimneys patches,
				Missives patches
Adventures - Added ESM instruction for Additional Hearthfire Dolls, BGCollectables, Treasure Hunt.

Survival - Addon section added.



Core 1 - SKSE - Splashes of Storms
Core 1 - Bug Fixes - Actually Flat Flat Snow Drifts
Core 1 - Gameplay Tweaks - Artful Dodger
Core 1 - Gameplay Tweaks - Hawk Patch Base Object Swapper Remake
Core 2 - Dwemer Ruins - Ancient Dwemer Metal - Spider Gem Restored
Core 3 - Animation - Combat - Large Stagger Animation
Core 3 - Combat - IFrame Generator
Core 3 - Combat - Zxlice Hitstop SSE
Core 3 - Combat - Blade and Blunt
Core 3 - Combat - TK Dodge SE
Core 3 - Combat - TK Dodge RE
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Large Portcullis Collision Mesh Fix
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Particle Lights - Luminous Ground Cover
Core 3 - Utilities - Quest Journal Limit Bug Fixer
Adventures - Late Loaders Meshes - Wyrmstooth Animated ENB Light


Core 3 - Know Your Enemy Redux (creating SUP alternative)
Core 3 - Valravn (Blade and Blunt)
Core 3 - Valravn Uncloaked


Core 1 - Bandoliers Cleaned Textures updated to 1.1.
Core 1 - BUVARP updated to 1.1b. (re-ESM)
Core 1 - College of Winterhold Quest Expansion updated to 1.07. (re-ESM)
Core 1 - More Informative Console updated to 1.1.0.
Core 1 - Better Jumping updated to 1.7.3.
Core 1 - The Choice Is Yours updated to 2.5.
Core 1 - Atlas Map Markers updated to 2.5.
Core 1 - DynDOLOD Resources updated to alpha-28.
Core 1 - Papyrus Extender updated to 5.2.0.
Core 1 - Shield of Stamina moved to Core 3 - Combat.
Core 2 - Lux Via updated to 1.5.1.
Core 2 - JS Initiate's Ewer SE updated to 1.1.
Core 2 - Simplicity of Snow updated to 0.7.
Core 2 - Happy Little Trees updated to 2.0.1. (re-ESM)
Core 2 - Happy Little Trees Dyndolod updated to 2.0.
Core 2 - Obsidian Mountain Fogs changed to Obsidian Mountain Fogs Tweaked.
Core 3 - Weapons Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes updated to 2.9.
Core 3 - kryptopyr's Patch Hub updated to 3.4.
Core 3 - Cathedral Mountain Flowers Base Object Swapper updated to 0.1.6.
Core 3 - Immersive Folded Hands (DAR) updated to 1.2.0.
Core 3 - Smooth Random Jump Animation "updated" to 1.2.
Core 3 - Hunters Not Bandits updated to 4.0.
Core 3 - Simple Dual Sheath updated to 1.5.3.
Core 3 - Sleeping Expanded updated to 1.21.
Core 3 - Alchemy Ingredients ENB Light updated to 0.3.1.
Core 3 - Thieves Guild Requirements SE Settings Loader updated to 2.1.0.
Core 3 - Nocturnal Moths updated to 2.2.
Core 3 - Sets of Skills updated to 2.0.
Core 3 - True Directional Movement updated to 2.2.2.
Core 3 - Rudy ENB SE for Cathedral Weathers updated to 6.0.
Core 3 - Reliquary of Myth updated to 4.5.3.
Core 3 - Updated install instructions for Fixed Mesh Lighting (reachtree01magic)
Core 3 - SUP Gameplay Overhaul, Consistency Patches, Conflict Resolution updated.
Adventures - There Is No Umbra updated to 1.32. (re-ESM)

Final Steps - removed xedit instr. for Obsidian Mountain Fogs.


Texgen, DynDOLOD, Nemesis



Core 1 - SKSE - No Crime Teleport RE
Core 1 - Bug Fixes - Unaggressive Dragon Priests Fix
Core 3 - Late Loaders - Missives Quests Raise Disposition
Core 3 - Late Loaders - No Crime Teleport Voice Consistency
Core 3 - Late Loaders - Security Overhaul Patch for Ordinator
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Deadly Spell Impacts Transparency Fix


Core 1 - NPCs Use Potions updated to 2.3.
Core 1 - Particle Patch for ENB updated to 1.0.9.
Core 1 - C.O.I.N. updated to 2.0.1.
Core 1 - Audio Overhaul Skyrim - ISC Integration updated to 1.1.0.
Core 1 - Realistic Dark Brotherhood Kidnapping updated to 1.1.
Core 1 - Landscape Fixes for Grass Mods updated to 5.0. (recompact/flag)
Core 3 - Masculine Khajiit Textures updated to 2.1.
Core 3 - SUP Gameplay Overhaul, Conflict Resolution updated.
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn updated to 5.6.4.
Adventures - Legacy of the Dragonborn Patches updated to 2.9.1.



Core 1 - SKSE - Horse Stamina HUD
Core 1 - Bug Fixes - First Person Sneak Strafe-Walk Stutter Fix
Core 1 - Bug Fixes - Optimized USSEP Valdr Quest
Core 1 - Bug Fixes - Word Wall Suspended Stack Fix
Core 1 - Camera and World Map - SmoothCam - EasyEase Preset
Core 1 - Audio Music Sounds - Phoenix Compendium
Core 1 - Modified Vanilla Content - Alternate Start Voiced
Core 1 - Modified Vanilla Content - Caught Red Handed - Quest Expansion
Core 1 - Modified Vanilla Content - College of Winterhold - Quest Expansion
Core 1 - New Items Clothing - Bandolier Cleaned Textures
Core 1 - New Items Weapons - DX Faction Crossbows Cleaned Textures
Core 2 - General World Improvement - SMIM Cleaned Textures
Core 2 - General World Improvement - Ruins Clutter Improved Cleaned Textures
Core 2 - Creatures - Hermaeus Mora - Water and Tentacles
Core 3 - NPC Retexture - Pandorable's Sofia Replacer
Core 3 - Eyes - Eye Normal Map Fix
Core 3 - Eyes - Improved Eye Model
Core 3 - Eyes - The Eyes of Beauty - Ai Remastered
Core 3 - Multiple animation mods, recheck the new sections
Core 3 - Follower Framework - Simplest Horses
Core 3 - Late Loaders - Informed Mail Delivery
Core 3 - Late Loaders - Immersive Equipment Displays - Preset - Weapons Positioner
Core 3 - Late Loaders Textures - Andromeda Cleaned Textures
Core 3 - Late Loaders Textures - Apocalypse Cleaned Textures
Core 3 - Late Loaders Textures - Imperious Cleaned Textures
Core 3 - Late Loaders Textures - Odin Cleaned Textures
Core 3 - Late Loaders Textures - Ordinator Cleaned Textures
Core 3 - Late Loaders Textures - Triumvirate Cleaned Textures
Core 3 - Late Loaders Textures - Wintersun Cleaned Textures


Core 1 - Camera - Alternate Conversation Camera Tweaks
Core 1 - Sound - Heart of the Beast Werewolf Sound Overhaul
Core 2 - Clutter and Misc - Honningbrew Decanter
Core 3 - NPC Retexture - Sofia - Re-Imagined
Core 3 - NPC Resources - Ilygaid Eye Improver
Core 3 - Eyes - Improved Eyes
Core 3 - Animation - Smooth Magic Casting Animation
Core 3 - Animation - Smooth Staff Animation
Core 3 - Follower Framework - Saddlebags
Core 3 - Perks - Smithing Perks Overhaul
Core 3 - Late Loaders - Weapons Repositioner
Core 3 - Late Loaders - Smithing Perks Overhaul - Ordinator - Mashup
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Upgraded Blackreach Mushrooms for CACO


Prerequisites - Added CAO profile link
Core 1 - The Stumbling Sabrecat updated to 1.2.1.
Core 1 - Better Courier updated to 1.7.2.
Core 1 - Alternate Conversation Camera Plus changed to Improved Alternate Conversation Camera
Core 1 - Butterflies Land True moved to Bug Fixes.
Core 1 - Butterflies Unchained moved to Bug Fixes.
Core 1 - Soul Cairn Objects Secured moved to Gameplay Tweaks.
Core 1 - Follower Framework category moved to Core 3.
Core 2 - Fancy Sleeping Tree Replacer updated to 1.4.
Core 2 - Assorted Mesh Fixes updated to 0.68.
Core 2 - Skyrim 3D Furniture - updated instructions (weapon racks)
Core 2 - Happy Little Trees updated to 1.04.
Core 2 - Interesting NPCs - added alt locations patch to downloads.
Core 2 - Skeleton Replacer HD - added Lux patch to downloads.
Core 3 - Dragonborn Shouts Perk Tree updated to 3.1.0.
Core 3 - Dragon War updated to 2.1.7.
Core 3 - Hanaisse's Ingredients Bowl and ENB Light Patch updated to 2.01.
Core 3 - Odin Summons Redone updated to 1.3.
Core 3 - Misc Effects ENB Light updated to 1.5.1 and additional file added.
Core 3 - Seranaholic updated to 1.8.5.
Core 3 - Rudy Candles for SMIM Lanterns updated to 1.0.2b.
Core 3 - Immersive Interactions updated to 1.66.
Core 3 - kryptopyr's Patch Hub updated to 3.3.
Core 3 - Masculine Argonian Textures updated to 2.1.
Core 3 - CACO - added cleaned textures download and extract/pack instructions.
Core 3 - Dynamic Animation Replacer moved to SKSE.
Core 3 - Dynamic Things Alternative moved to Late Loaders.
Core 3 - ENB Helper moved to SKSE.
Core 3 - Several mods rearranged within Animation categories.
Core 3 - New Enemy Encounters and New Followers and NPCs moved to Core 2.
Final - ESP instructions updated.

Several mods had CAO instructions added:
  Skyrim Particle Patch
  Nether's Follower Framework
  At Your Own Pace
  AWS - Animated Wedding Scene
  Even Better Quest Objectives
  Immersive Rejections
  Radiance - Quests
  Hvergelmir's Aesthetics - Beards
  Hvergelmir's Aesthetics - Brows
  Kalilies Brows
  Northborn Scars
  Sleeping Expanded
  Bandit Lines Expansion
  Odin - Summons Redone
  Tavern AI Fix
  Use Telekinesis on Traps
  Vanilla Plus Writing Purity Patch



Core 1 - SKSE - Classic Paralysis
Core 1 - SKSE - Essential Favorites
Core 1 - SKSE - Favorite Misc Items
Core 1 - SKSE - Magic Sneak Attacks
Core 1 - SKSE - Read or Take SKSE
Core 1 - SKSE - Use or Take SKSE
Core 1 - Bugs and Mesh Fixes - Ethereal Immunity
Core 1 - Bugs and Mesh Fixes - OSHA-Compliant Sovengarde Mesh Fixes
Core 1 - Gameplay Tweaks - Immersive Display Overhaul
Core 1 - Character Creation - Racemenu Memory Leak Hotfix
Core 2 - General World Improvement - Dragonsreach 3D Trellis Alternative Style
Core 2 - General World Improvement - FYX - 3D Whiterun Castle Bridge
Core 2 - General World Improvement - Shack Roofs Restored
Core 2 - General World Improvement - Whiterun Objects SMIMed
Core 2 - Dwemer Ruins - JS Dwemer Control Cube SE
Core 2 - Clutter and Misc - Silver Objects SMIMed
Core 2 - Clutter and Misc - Remiros' Draw Knife HD
Core 3 - NPC - Retexture - Dovahnique's High Poly Inigo Replacer
Core 3 - Animation - Draugr Ragdoll Bug Fix
Core 3 - Animation Conditional - Flute Animation Fix
Core 3 - Animation Conditional - Lively Cart Driver
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - High Poly Dragonborn Ingredients
Core 3 - Conflict Resolution - Skyrim Unification Project Replaced Plugins


Core 2 - Clutter and Misc - Near Vanilla Project Control Cube (JS)
Core 3 - Enchanting Adjustments (SUP)


Prereq - DynDOLOD updated to 3.0 Alpha-95
Core 1 - NPCs Use Potions updated to 2.2.
Core 1 - True Hunter updated to 4.2.
Core 1 - FYX - 3D Solitude SighPost updated to 1.0.4.
Core 1 - Whiterun Watchtower Doesn't Start Broken updated to 1.0.2.
Core 1 - Papyrus Extender updated to 5.1.1.
Core 1 - Atlas Map Markers updated to 2.4.
Core 1 - Security Overhaul SKSE updated to 3.1.
Core 1 - Security Overhaul SKSE Addons updated to 0.1.6.
Core 1 - ESO Imports updated to 9.0.
Core 1 - Better Third Person Selection updated to 0.5.5.
Core 1 - BUVARP SE RE updated to 1.1a.
Core 1 - At Your Own Pace updated to 1.2.1MG.
Core 1 - Project Clarity AIO updated to 3.2.
Core 1 - CoMAP updated to 3.4.2.
Core 2 - Assorted Mesh Fixes updated to 0.67.
Core 2 - JS Essence Extractor updated to 1.1.
Core 2 - Happy Little Trees updated to 1.03.
Core 2 - Happy Little Trees DynDOLOD updated to 1.03.
Core 2 - Bellyaches Animal and Creature pack swapped to Revamp
Core 2 - aMidianBorn Content Addon SE updated to 2.4.
Core 2 - Armor and Clothing Extension updated to 1.5.
Core 2 - Major Cities Mesh Overhaul updated to 1.3a.
Core 2 - Rearranged Rudy HQ, SMIM Retexture and Basic Dining Set within category
Core 3 - CBBE updated to 1.7.1.
Core 3 - Dragon War updated to 2.1.5.
Core 3 - Forceful Tongue updated to 3.0.7.
Core 3 - Trade and Barter Settings Loader updated to 1.0.4.
Core 3 - Female Argonian Textures updated to 3.2.
Core 3 - Smithing Perks Overhaul updated to 2.1.
Core 3 - CBBA Vanilla Armors No Rim Lighting updated to 1.1.
Core 3 - Cathedral Mountain Flowers Base Object Swapper updated to 0.1.5.
Core 3 - Rudy Candles for SMIM Lanterns updated to 1.0.1b.
Core 3 - Awesome Potions Simplified ENB Lights updated to 1.2.
Core 3 - Complete Crafting Overhaul Remastered updated to 2.5.
Core 3 - Complete Crafting Overhaul Remastered Settings Loader updated to 1.3.
Core 3 - Your Own Thoughts (delete YOT - Your Own Thoughts - Patches.esp)
Core 3 - SUP Gameplay Overhaul, Consistency Patches, and Conflict Resolution updated.



Core 1 - Bug Fixes - Vanilla Scripting Enhancements
Core 2 - Architecture - Boreal Boats
Core 2 - Architecture - Stony AF Markarth and Dwemer Ruins
Core 2 - Architecture - Illustrious Whiterun
Core 2 - Dwemer Ruins - JS Attunement Sphere and Lexicons SE
Core 2 - Flora Food Ingredients - Mari's Flora Texture Tweaks
Core 2 - Flora Food Ingredients - Cathedral - 3D Clovers
Core 2 - Flora Food Ingredients - Cathedral - 3D Lavender
Core 2 - Flora Food Ingredients - Cathedral - 3D Thistle
Core 2 - Flora Food Ingredients - Cathedral - 3D Tundra Cotton
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - FYX - Smooth Wells
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Solitude Object SMIMed - Solitude Well


Core 2 - Mrf's Markarth 4K (Stony AF)
Core 2 - High Fantasy Whiterun (Illustrious)
Core 2 - Skyland Ships and Shacks (Boreal Boats)
Core 2 - Improved Dwemer Glass (doesn't look good)
Core 2 - Revamped Assets (redundant with Snazzy)
Core 3 - Enchanting Stations Candles (redundant with Snazzy)


Prereq - xLODGEN updated to v94.
Prereq - DynDOLOD 3 Alpha updated to Alpha-94.
Core 1 - Soaking Wet updated to 1.2.0.
Core 1 - Vanilla Script microOptimizations updated to 1.16a.
Core 1 - Base Object Swapper updated to 1.6.0.
Core 1 - Project Clarity AIO updated to 3.1.5. (download hotfix if desired)
Core 1 - NPC AI Process Position Fix swapped to NPC AI Process Position Fix NG
Core 1 - NPCs Use Potions updated to 2.0.
Core 2 - JS Common Cages updated to 1.03.
Core 2 - Embers XD updated to 2.6.1.
Core 2 - Assorted Mesh Fixes updated to 0.59.
Core 2 - Simplicity of Snow updated to
Core 2 - Static Mesh Improvement Mod Improvement Mod updated to 1.4.2.
Core 2 - RUSTIC CLUTTER - updated instructions. (remove dwemer meshes)
Core 2 - Major Cities Mesh Overhaul updated to 1.2.
Core 2 - Sconces of Skyrim updated to 0.2.2.
Core 2 - Water for ENB updated to 1.66.
Core 3 - More Lights for ENB Blood Splatter Fix updated to 0.4.
Core 3 - CBBE updated to 1.7.0.
Core 3 - A Matter of Time Settings Loader updated to 2.1.1.
Core 3 - Dragon War updated to 2.1.1.
Core 3 - Dragonborn - Shouts Perk Tree updated to 3.0.3.
Core 3 - BodySlide and Outfit Studio updated to 5.6.0.
Core 3 - Added download file to Zangdar Rudy CW ENB.
Core 3 - Reliquary of Myth updated to 4.5.2.
Core 3 - CBPC updated to 1.5.2.
Core 3 - Armor and Clothing Extension updated to 1.4.
Core 3 - Updated Water in Wells instructions. (delete SMIM tex)
Core 3 - High Hrothgar Fixed - add additional Orbis file
Core 3 - Rudy Zangdar ENB updated to 6.0-Alpha1b-Test.
Core 3 - SUP Gameplay Overhaul, Consistency Patches, Conflict Resolution updated.



Core 1 - SKSE - NPCs Use Potions
Core 1 - SKSE - Soaking Wet
Core 1 - Modified Vanilla Content - Immersive Rejections
Core 1 - Modified Vanilla Content - NPCs Wear Amulets of Mara PLUS
Core 1 - Modified Vanilla Content - Realistic Dark Brotherhood Kidnapping
Core 2 - General World Improvement - Better Wooden Spikes Retexture
Core 2 - Dwemer Ruins - JS Dwemer Puzzle Cube SE
Core 2 - Caves and Dungeons - Overlooked Dungeon Object Retextures
Core 2 - Clutter and Misc - JS Common Cages SE
Core 3 - New NPC and Enemy Encounters - Heritage 2
Core 3 - NPC Retexture - Modpocalypse NPCs - Heritage Enemies 2
Core 3 - Animation Conditional - Random Prayer Animation
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Nocturnal Moths


Core 2 - Near Vanilla Project - Portal to Sovngarde Redone (Overlooked Retextures)
Core 3 - Modpocalypse NPCs - Immersive Patrols (until updated)
Core 3 - Rudy HQ - More Lights - Bthardamz (JS Dwemer Barrels)
Core 3 - Rudy HQ - More Lights - Torchbugs and Moths (Rally)


Prerequisites - LOOT updated to 0.18.3.
Prerequisites - BethINI updated to 3.6.1. (missed this update)
Core 1 - Project Clarity AIO updated to 3.0.1, additional instructions.
Core 1 - Keyword Item Distributor updated to 2.0.
Core 1 - DynDOLOD Resources updated to Alpha-27.
Core 1 - More Informative Console updated to 1.0.1.
Core 1 - Project Clarity AIO updated to 3.1.1.
            If you already have it, just download Update files-3.1.1.
Core 1 - Navigator updated to 1.1.9.
Core 1 - Atlas Map Markers updated to 2.2.
Core 1 - SPID-Protected Innocent Citizens updated to 1.3.
Core 1 - MoreHUD updated to
Core 2 - Skyrim 3D Misc - removed Markarth Cage download.
Core 2 - Cathedral 3D Mountain Flowers updated to 2.0.
Core 2 - Solitude Objects SMIMed updated to 0.4.
Core 2 - Fyx 3D Solitude SighPost updated to
Core 2 - Embers XD updated to 2.6.0.
Core 2 - Fixed Mesh Lighting updated to 1.8.0.
Core 2 - Ancient Dwemer Metal Patches - add JS Dwemer Cube
Core 2 - Static Mesh Improvement Mod Improvement Mod updated to 1.4.1.
Core 2 - Water for ENB updated to 1.65.
Core 3 - Mesh Patch for Various Mods - updated instructions.
Core 3 - Rudy ENB - updated to 6.0-Alpha-Test, updated download files.
Core 3 - Cathedral 3D Mountain Flowers Base Object Swapper updated to 0.1.4.
Core 3 - ENB Light - updated instructions (firefly)
Core 3 - XPMSSE Settings Loader updated to 1.2.0.
Core 3 - CBPC updated to 1.5.1.
Core 3 - SUP Gameplay, Consistency Patches and Conflict Resolution updated.



Core 1 - Bugs and Mesh Fixes - Stones of Solitude Majestic Mountain Rocks
Core 2 - General World Improvement - FYX 3D Solitude Sighpost
Core 2 - General World Improvement - Solitude Objects SMIMed
Core 2 - Caves and Dungeons - CC's Enhanced Ore Veins


Core 1 - Papyrus Extender updated to 5.1.0.
Core 1 - DynDOLOD Resources updated to Alpha-26.
Core 1 - Paarthurnax Quest Expansion updated to 1.11.
Core 1 - Navigator updated to 1.1.7.
Core 1 - Dwemer Gates Don't Reset updated to 1.3.4.
Core 2 - JS Dwemer Artifacts SE updated to 1.1
Core 2 - JS Bloodstone Chalice SE updated to 1.02.
Core 2 - JS Shrines of the Divines SE updated to 1.3.
Core 2 - Embers XD updated to 2.5.9.
Core 2 - Water for ENB updated to 1.64.
Core 2 - BURP Spell Tomes Patches updated to 1.5.2.
Core 2 - Forgotten Retex Project updated to 6.2.
Core 2 - Veydesbrom - changed install instructions.
Core 3 - Fixed Mesh Lighting updated to 1.7.6.
Core 3 - Dynamic Things Alternative Base Object Swapper updated to 0.2.1.
Core 3 - Conditional Armor Type Animations updated to 1.1.
Core 3 - Immersive Patrols updated to 3.0a.
Core 3 - SUP Gameplay Overhaul updated without version change.
Core 3 - SUP Consistency Patches updated without version change.
Core 3 - SUP Conflict Resolution updated without version change.



Core 2 - General World Improvement - SMIM Barrel Expansion
Core 2 - Dwemer Ruins - JS Dwemer Artifacts SE
Core 2 - Caves and Dungeons - Better Dirt Cliffs and Alphas
Core 3 - Animation Conditional - Lively Children Animations
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Sconces of Skyrim
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Particle Lights - Ice Torches


Core 1 - Pause After Load Unscripted (weird lighting flickers)


Prerequisites - Cathedral Assets Optimizer updated to 5.3.13.
Core 1 - Nilheim Misc Quest Expansion updated to 1.12.
Core 1 - Soul-Cairn Objects Secured updated to 1.1.
Core 1 - DynDOLOD Resources updated to Alpha-25.
Core 1 - Critter Spawn Congestion Fix updated to 1.2.
Core 2 - Assorted Mesh Fixes updated to 0.54.
Core 2 - Veydosebrom updated to 1.2.1.
Core 2 - Ancient Dwemer Metal My Patches instructions updated
Core 2 - Water for ENB updated to 1.63.
Core 2 - Embers XD updated to 2.5.8.
Core 2 - Major Cities Mesh Overhaul updated to 1.1.
Core 3 - Immersive Citizens updated to



Core 1 - Bugs and Mesh Fixes - Critter Spawn Congestion Fix
Core 1 - World Expansion - The Midden Expanded
Core 2 - Clutter and Misc - BURP Spell Tomes Patches
Core 2 - Dwemer Ruins - JS Dwarven Oil SE
Core 2 - Dwemer Ruins - JS Dwemer Ichor Barrels SE
Core 2 - Dwemer Ruins - JS Dwemer Kitchenware SE
Core 2 - Dwemer Ruins - JS Essence Extractor SE
Core 2 - Flora Food Ingredients - Glimmering Glow Dust
Core 2 - Armor and Weapon Retextures - JS Unique Utopia SE - Daggers
Core 2 - Armor and Weapon Retextures - Praedy's Staves AIO


Core 2 - Armor and Weapon Retextures - Elemental Staffs (replaced with Praedy)
Core 2 - Armor and Weapon Retextures - Eyes and Staves of Magnus (replaced with Praedy)
Core 3 - New NPC and Enemy Encounters - Immersive Patrols Simplified (no longer needed)
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Elemental Staffs - Apocalypse (replaced with Praedy)


Core 1 - Papyrus Extender updated to 5.0.3.
Core 1 - Better Third Person Selection updated to 0.5.4.
Core 1 - Base Object Swapper updated to 1.5.0.
Core 2 - Assorted Mesh Fixes updated to 0.50.1.
Core 2 - JS Dragon Claws updated to 1.3.
Core 2 - Lux updated to 4.2.
Core 2 - Lux Orbis updated to 2.6.
Core 2 - Lux Via updated to 1.4.
Core 2 - Lucid Rain updated to 2.11.
Core 2 - Ancient Dwemer Metal - My Patches optional files updated.
Core 2 - Simplicity of Snow updated to 0.6.1.
Core 2 - Water for ENB updated to 1.62.
Core 3 - Feminine Khajiit Textures updated to 3.2.
Core 3 - Reliquary of Myth updated to 4.5.1.
Core 3 - NPC Animation Remix updated to 1.1.0.
Core 3 - Gesture Animation Remix (formerly Dialog Animation Remix) updated to 1.1.0.
Core 3 - Experience updated to 2.1.1.
Core 3 - Realistic AI Detection updated to 3.1.
Core 3 - Hanaisse's Ingredients Bowl and ENB Light Patch updated to 2.0.
Core 3 - Immersive Patrols updated to 3.0.
Core 3 - SUP Conflict Resolution, Gameplay Overhaul updated without version change



Core 1 - Modified Vanilla Content - Soul-Cairn Objects Secured
Core 2 - Architecture - Skyland Imperial Forts
Core 2 - Architecture - Skyland Nordic Ruins
Core 2 - Architecture - Skyland Ships and Shacks
Core 2 - Architecture - Skyland Solitude
Core 2 - Architecture - The Soul Cairn
Core 2 - Architecture - Riften of Reverie
Core 2 - Architecture - Adjusted mod order
Core 2 - Clutter - Skyland Imperial and Nordic Tents
Core 3 - Hair and Eyes - Beards for High Poly Head
Core 3 - Hair and Eyes - Salt and Wind - KS Hairdos - Update
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Alchemy Ingredients ENB Light
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Particle Lights - Falmer Things


General World Improvement - Skyland AIO (replaced with individuals)
Architecture - Soul Cairn HD (replaced with Praedy)
Architecture - Sovngarde HD (replaced with Skyland)
Caves and Dungeons - Rally's Lava (included in aio)
Caves and Dungeons - RUSTIC RELIEFS (covered by Skyland)
Food Flora Ingredeints - High Poly Soul Husks (covered in The Soul Cairn)
Clutter and Misc - BLOODSTONE CHALICE REBORN (replaced with JS)
Clutter and Misc - Rally's Civil War Document Tubes (included in aio)
Clutter and Misc - Rally's Mead Barrels (included in aio)
Clutter and Misc - Rally's Nord War Horns (included in aio)
Creatures and Wildlife - TESV Rewritten - Arvak (covered by The Soul Cairn)
Creatures and Wildlife - The New Ideal (covered by The Soul Cairn)
Particle Lights - Ingredients (replaced with ws version)


Core 1 - Immersive Equipment Displays updated to 1.5.0.
Core 1 - Better Courier updated to 1.7.1.
Core 1 - Better Third Person Selection updated to 0.5.1.
Core 1 - Papyrus Extender SE updated to 5.0.2.
Core 1 - BUVARP RE updated to 1.1.
Core 1 - Animated Clutter moved to General World Improvement (above SMIM)
Core 2 - Assorted Mesh Fixes updated to 0.48.
Core 2 - Water Effects Brightness and Reflection Fix updated to 0.4.
Core 2 - Rally's All the Things updated to 1.5.
Core 2 - Windhelm Fence 3D updated to 0.3.3.
Core 2 - Static Mesh Improvement Mod Improvement Mod updated to 1.4.
Core 2 - Embers XD updated to 2.5.7.
Core 2 - Water for ENB optional file added.
Core 2 - High Fantasy Whiterun - Updated delete instructions.
Core 2 - WiZkiD Riften and Ratway - Updated delete instructions.
Core 2 - WiZkiD Farmhouses - Updated delete instructions.
Core 2 - Skyrim 3D Furniture - Updated delete instructions.
Core 2 - Enhanced Blood Textures - Updated delete instructions.
Core 2 - Daedric Armor Remastered - Updated delete instructions.
Core 3 - Realistic AI Detection updated to 3.0.
Core 3 - Particle Lights for ENB - Dwarven Spiders updated to 1.1.
Core 3 - Particle Lights for ENB - Falmer Drips updated to 1.1.
Core 3 - Particle Lights for ENB - Fire Traps updated to 1.1
Core 3 - Particle Lights for ENB - Light Orbs - Motes updated to 1.1.
Core 3 - Particle Lights for ENB - Moon Crests updated to 1.1.
Core 3 - Particle Lights for ENB - Wisps - Witchlight updated to 1.2.
Core 3 - Sprites or Specters ENB Light updated to 0.3.
Core 3 - Spiders of Solstheim ENB Light updated to 0.4.1.
Core 3 - Misc Effects ENB Light updated to 1.5.
Core 3 - More Lights for ENB - Blood Splatter Fix updated to 0.3.
Core 3 - Cathedral 3D Mountain Flowers Base Object Swapper updated to 0.1.3.
Core 3 - Experience updated to 2.1.0.
Core 3 - Unique Markarth Doors updated to 0.3.1.
Core 3 - Better Windhelm Ground Meshes updated to 1.3.5.
Core 3 - EVG Conditional Idles updated to 1.42.
Core 3 - Fixed Mesh Lighting updated to 1.7.4.
Core 3 - Savage Skyrim updated to 4.00.



Core 2 - Flora Food and Ingredients - Freezing Cold Frost Salts
Core 2 - Flora Food and Ingredients - Hagraven Feathers
Core 2 - Flora Food and Ingredients - Kanjs Nests and Eggs
Core 2 - Architecture - Skyland Skyhaven Temple
Core 2 - Landscape - Majestic Mountains More Accurate Collision
Core 3 - Animation Conditional - Dialogue Animation Remix
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Misc Effects ENB Light
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Particle Lights for ENB Fire Traps
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Spiders of Solstheim ENB Light
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Sprites or Specters ENB Light


Core 2 - Flood Flora and Ingredients - Salts Retextured (now covered by others)
Core 2 - Architecture - Northfire's Windhelm (now covered by Ancient AF)
Core 2 - Architecture - Skyrim Textures Redone Skyhaven (replaced)


Prerequisites - LOOT updated to 0.18.2, changed download link
Core 1 - C.O.I.N. updated to 1.1.11.
Core 1 - Actor Limit Fix updated to 5.0.
Core 1 - Bug Fixes SSE updated to 6.0.
Core 1 - Scrambled Bugs updated to 17.0.
Core 1 - Headhunter updated to 1.30.
Core 1 - EVLaS updated to 1.3.
Core 1 - Navigator updated to 1.1.6.
Core 1 - Quests Are In Skyrim updated to 1.3.
Core 1 - Better Third Person Selection updated to 0.4.2.
Core 1 - Powerofthree's Tweaks updated to 1.6.0.
Core 1 - DynDOLOD Resources updated to Alpha 23.
Core 1 - Immersive Equipment Displays updated to 1.4.0.
Core 2 - Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul updated to 2.1.2 and updated FOMOD.
Core 2 - Water For ENB updated to beta 1.61.
Core 2 - Additional file added to High Poly Project - My Fixes
Core 2 - Water Effects Brightness and Reflection Fix updated to 0.3.
Core 2 - Embers XD updated to 2.5.5 Beta.
Core 2 - Ancient AF Windhelm updated to 2.0.
Core 2 - Rustic Windows instructions updated (keep Windhelm)
Core 2 - Rustic Reliefs instructions updated (remove architecture/clutter)
Core 3 - Complete Crafting Overhaul Remastered Settings Loader updated to 1.2.0.
Core 3 - Reliquary of Myth updated to 4.4.7.
Core 3 - EVG Animation Variance updated to 1.1.
Core 3 - Optional file added to NPC Animation Remix.
Core 3 - True Direction Movement updated to 2.2.1. 
Core 3 - Complete Crafting Overhaul Remastered updated to 2.4.
Core 3 - Dragon War updated to 2.0.
Core 3 - Modpocalypse NPCs Resources updated to 1.03.
Core 3 - Forceful Tongue updated to 3.0.6.
Core 3 - CBPC updated to 1.5.0.
Core 3 - Windhelm Fake Windows Fix updated to 2.31.



Core 3 - Hair and Eyes - Kalilies Brows for High Poly Head
Core 3 - Scars Warpaints Makeup - Northborn Scars for High Poly Head


Core 1 - Thieves Guild Requirements updated to 5.2.
Core 1 - Better Third Person Selection updated to 0.3.3.
Core 2 - Water Effects Brightness and Reflection Fix updated to 0.2.2.
Core 3 - Complete Crafting Overhaul Remastered updated to 2.3.
Core 3 - Complete Crafting Overhaul Remastered Settings Loader updated to 1.1.0.
Core 3 - EVG Conditional Idles Setting Loader updated to 2.0.0.


Core 1 - Atlas Map Markers Small Fixes (fixed in main mod)
Core 3 - Modpocalypse NPCs Heritage (will return w/ Heritage)



Core 1 - SKSE Plugins - Better Third Person Selection
Core 1 - SKSE Plugins - Enhanced Invisibility
Core 1 - SKSE Plugins - Enhanced Volumetric Lighting and Shadows
Core 1 - SKSE Plugins - Immersive Equipment Displays
Core 1 - SKSE Plugins - Keyword Item Distributor
Core 1 - SKSE Plugins - Pause After Load Unscripted
Core 1 - SKSE Plugins - Screenshot Helper
Core 1 - SKSE Plugins - Shield of Stamina - Blocking Redux
Core 1 - Bug Fixes - dunPOISoldierRaidOnStart Script Fix
Core 1 - Bug Fixes - Floating Ash Pile Fix
Core 1 - Bug Fixes - Neloth's Experimental Subject Quest Fix
Core 1 - Bug Fixes - TrapSwingingWall Script Fix
Core 1 - Bug Fixes - WIDeadBodyCleanupScript Crash Fix
Core 1 - Camera - Alternate Conversation Camera Tweaks
Core 1 - Modified Vanilla Content - Alternate Start Live Another Life
Core 1 - Modified Vanilla Content - Whiterun Watchtower Doesn't Start Broken
Core 2 - General World Improvement - High Poly Project My Fixes
Core 2 - Architecture - Ancient AF Windhelm
Core 2 - Environment - Water Effects Brightness and Reflection Fix
Core 2 - Trees and Grasses - Canticle Tree - Bark and Draw Knife Retexture
Core 2 - Trees and Grasses - Fancy Sleeping Tree Replacer
Core 2 - Trees and Grasses - Remove Small Rocks
Core 2 - Food Flora Ingredients - Dusty Vampire Dust
Core 2 - Food Flora Ingredients - Eerie Ectoplasm
Core 2 - Food Flora Ingredients - Icy Wraith Teeth
Core 2 - Food Flora Ingredients - Surreal Spriggan Sap
Core 2 - Food Flora Ingredients - Volatile Void Salts
Core 2 - Clutter and Miscellaneous - Awesome Potions Simplified
Core 2 - Clutter and Miscellaneous - SMIM Upper Furniture Wood Retexture
Core 2 - Clutter and Miscellaneous - XNFRain's Civil War Map Flag Replacer
Core 2 - Lighting - Lux Via
Core 2 - Clothing and Jewelry - Elder Council Amulet Retexture
Core 3 - NPC Retexture - Modpocalypse NPCs - Alternate Start Live Another Life
Core 3 - NPC Retexture - Northbourne NPCs of Hjaalmarch
Core 3 - Hair and Eyes - Brows by Hvergelmir for High Poly Head
Core 3 - Animation Conditional - Conditional Tavern Cheering
Core 3 - Animation Conditional - Immersive Folded Hands
Core 3 - Animation Conditional - NPC Animation Remix
Core 3 - Animation Conditional - Smooth Magic Casting Animation
Core 3 - Animation Conditional - Smooth Staff Animation
Core 3 - Animation Conditional - UNDERDOG Animations
Core 3 - Dialogue and Relationships - Bandit Lines Expansion
Core 3 - Immersion - Honed Metal .ini for Ordinator
Core 3 - Late Loaders - CACO - Awesome Potions Simplified (Patch)
Core 3 - Late Loaders - Custom Skills Menu
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Animated Coffins
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Better Windhelm Ground Meshes
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Bright Falling Leaves Fix
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Rudy Candles for SMIM Lanterns
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Water in Wash Basins
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Apocrypha ENB Light
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Awesome Potions Simplified ENB Lights
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Hanaisse's Ingredients Patch
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Particle Lights - Dwarven Spiders
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Particle Lights - Falmer Drips
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Particle Lights - Moon Crests
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Pulsating Beating Heart ENB Light
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Crystalline Fire Salts


Core 1 - Dynamic Volumetric Lighting and Sun Shadows (replaced)
Core 1 - Skyrim Unbound Reborn (replaced with ASLAL)
Core 1 - Stackable Stones of Barenziah (part of TGR)
Core 1 - JaySus Swords (moved to Adventures)
Core 2 - Nordic Stonewalls (didn't blend well)
Core 2 - RUSTIC Animated Potions and Poisons (replaced with Awesome)
Core 3 - Heritage 2 (will return later)


Prerequisites - CAO updated to 5.3.12.
Core 1 - Cloaks of Skyrim Retextured - added update file.
Core 1 - The Choice Is Yours updated to 2.4.
Core 1 - Atlas Map Markers updated to 2.1.
Core 1 - Stones of Solitude updated to 0.2.
Core 1 - Thieves Guild Requirements updated to 5.1.
Core 1 - Scrambled Bugs updated to 16.0. (REPLACE on update)
Core 1 - Actor Limit Fix updated to 4.0.
Core 1 - Bug Fixes updated to 5.0. (REPLACE on update)
Core 1 - Tavern AI Fix updated to 1.2.
Core 1 - Paarthunax Quest Expansion updated to 1.10.
Core 1 - DynDOLOD Resources updated to Alpha 22.
Core 1 - Navigator updated to 1.1.4.
Core 2 - Lux updated to 4.0.1.
Core 2 - Lux Orbis updated to 2.5.
Core 2 - Embers XD updated to 2.5.4.
Core 2 - Mrf's Solitude added additional download.
Core 2 - Water for ENB switched to Beta (for LOD fixes).
Core 3 - Thieves Guild Requirements Settings Loader updated to 2.0.
Core 3 - Improved Innkeepers updated to 1.2.
Core 3 - XPMSSE Nemesis Script Fix updated to 4.8.4.
Core 3 - CBPC updated to 1.4.18.
Core 3 - Unique Markarth Doors updated to 0.2.4.
Core 3 - KS Hairdos updated to 1.9.
Core 3 - Fixed Mesh Lighting updated to 1.7.1.
Core 3 - True Directional Movement updated to 2.1.1.
Core 3 - WiZkiD Hagraven Clutter moved to Late Loaders from Core 2.
Core 3 - Particle Lights Ingredients - Updated instructions.
Core 3 - Honed Metal updated to 1.23.
Core 3 - Misc Dialogue Edits - swapped to standard version.
Core 3 - SUP Gameplay Overhaul updated. (REPLACE)
Core 3 - SUP Consistency Patches updated. (REPLACE)
Core 3 - SUP Confict Resolution updated. (REPLACE)



Core 1 - Security Overhaul SKSE - Regional Locks
Core 3 - Late Loaders ENB - Dark Elf Lantern ENB Light
Core 3 - Late Loaders ENB - Unique Markarth Doors


Core 1 - Whiterun Mesh Fixes updated to 1.2.5.
Core 1 - Security Overhaul SKSE updated to 3.0.
Core 1 - MoreHUD Inventory Edition updated to 1.0.19.
Core 1 - Skyrim Unbound Reborn updated to 1.7.0.
Core 1 - At Your Own Pace updated to 1.2.0MG.
Core 1 - Security Overhaul SKSE - Add-ons updated to 0.1.4.
Core 1 - Vanilla Script MicroOptimizations updated to 1.15a.
Core 2 - Ancient Dwemer Metal Patches - Added Security Overhaul Regional Locks patch
Core 2 - Water for ENB updated to 1.54.
Core 2 - Embers XD updated to 2.5.2.
Core 2 - Simplicity of Snow updated to 0.5.1.
Core 2 - Aspens Ablaze Add-On - DynDOLOD updated to 2.0.2.
Core 2 - JS Dragon Claws AE updated to 1.2.
Core 2 - Aspens Ablaze updated to 2.35.
Core 3 - XPMSSE Nemesis Papyrus Stack Fix updated to 4.8.2.
Core 3 - Bodyslide updated to 5.5.2.
Core 3 - True Directional Movement updated to 2.0.2.
Core 3 - MoreHUD SE Settings Loader updated to 2.1.1.
Core 3 - Improved Traps updated to 2.5.



Core 2 - Blended Roads (required blackreach meshes)


Core 1 - Dear Diary Dark mode updated to 1.0.1.
Core 1 - Timing Is Everything changed to non-FISS version.
Core 1 - Simple Block Sparks updated to 0.31.
Core 1 - Extended Encounters updated to 1.6.4.
Core 1 - Base Object Swapper updated to 1.2.0.
Core 2 - Aspens Ablaze updated to 2.33.
Core 2 - Ancient Dwemer Metal Patches - removed Spellbreaker
Core 2 - HD Medieval Anvil - removed Embers patch (covered by Animated Forge Water)
Core 2 - Assorted Mesh Fixes updated to 0.45.1.
Core 2 - Skyrim Remastered Azura and Blackreach Crystals - removed CACO patch
Core 3 - Fixed Mesh Lighting updated to 1.6.2.
Core 3 - Honed Metal updated to 1.22.
Core 3 - Know Your Enemy Redux updated to 1.3.1.
Core 3 - Citizens of Tamriel updated to Redux.
Core 3 - Bodyslide updated to 5.5.1.
Core 3 - More Informative Console moved to SKSE Plugins



Core 1 - powerofthree's Tweaks updated to 1.5.1.
Core 1 - NPC AI Process Pos Fix - added optional file.
Core 2 - Ancient Dwemer Metal My Patches optional updated to v5.
Core 2 - Retextured Salts updated to 1.5.
Core 3 - Violens Setting Loader updated to 1.1.0.
Core 3 - Fixed Mesh Lighting updated to 1.6.1.
Core 3 - XPMSSE Nemesis Papyrus Stack Fix updated to 4.8.1.
Core 3 - Growl updated to 3.0.0.
Core 3 - Sacrilege updated to 2.1.0.



Core 2 - Ruins Clutter Improved Fixes (revised RCI instructions)


Core 1 - Equip Enchantment Fix updated to 1.3.4.
Core 1 - powerofthree's Papyrus Extender updated to 4.5.7.
Core 1 - DynDOLOD Resources updated to a19.
Core 1 - Stackable Stones of Barenziah updated to 2.0.
Core 2 - Assorted Mesh Fixes updated to 0.44.
Core 2 - Embers XD updated to 2.5.1.
Core 2 - Lux Orbis updated to 2.4.
Core 3 - VioLens updated to 2.30.
Core 3 - Smooth Combat Non Combat updated to 4.6.
Core 3 - CBPC updated to 1.4.17.
Core 3 - Honed Metal updated to 1.22-RC3.
Core 3 - Water in Wells - updated FOMOD instructions



Core 1 - User Interface - JS Lockpicking UI
Core 1 - Heads Up Display - Dear Diary Dark Mode


Core 1 - Security Overhaul SKSE updated to 2.1.0.
Core 1 - SSE Display Tweaks updated to 0.5.9.
Core 1 - Vanilla Script microOptimizations updated to 1.14.
Core 1 - Better SkyUI Config moved to Heads Up Display. (after DD)
Core 1 - CoMAP moved to Heads Up Display. (before DD)
Core 2 - Ruins Clutter Improved updated to 3.2b.
Core 2 - Storm Lightning updated to 1.4.14.
Core 2 - Assorted Mesh Fixes updated to 0.42.
Core 3 - CBPC updated to 1.4.15.
Core 3 - Reliquary of Myth updated to 4.4.6.
Core 3 - ENB Lights for Effect Shaders updated to 2.0.
Core 3 - Experience - Updated post-install instructions.
Core 3 - Smooth Combat non Combat updated to 4.5.
Core 3 - Savage Skyrim updated to 3.98.
Core 3 - Sets of Skills updated to 1.2.


Core 1 - NORDIC UI
Core 1 - NORDIC UI - Miscellaneous Patches
Core 1 - SkyUI Weapons Pack SE



Core 1 - Vanilla Script Microoptimizations updated to 1.13.
Core 1 - Skyrim Unbound Reborn updated to 1.6.15.
Core 1 - Dyndolod Resources updated to Alpha-17.
Core 2 - Ruins Clutter Improved updated to 3.2a.
Core 2 - Lux updated to 3.9.
Core 2 - Assorted Mesh Fixes updated to 0.41.1.
Core 2 - Deiform Alduin updated to 1.2.
Core 3 - CBPC updated to 1.4.11.
Core 3 - Honed Metal updated to 1.22
Core 3 - Honed Metal Revoiced updated to 1.7.
Addons - Corrected Northgirl downloads



Core 1 - SKSE Plugins - Base Object Swapper
Core 1 - Bugs and Mesh Fixes - Stones of Solitude
Core 2 - General World Improvement - Major Cities Mesh Overhaul
Core 3 - Animation - Conditional - Smooth Random Blocking Animation
Core 3 - Late Loaders-Meshes - Cathedral 3D Mountain Flowers - Base Object Swapper
Core 3 - Late Loaders-Meshes - Dynamic Things Alternative - Base Object Swapper


Core 3 - Flickering Meshes Fix
Core 3 - Dynamic Things Alternative


Core 1 - Navigator updated to 1.1.3.
Core 1 - Added replacer esp for Wares of Tamriel
Core 2 - Assorted Mesh Fixes updated to 0.41.
Core 2 - Embers XD updated to 2.5.0.
Core 2 - Updated WiZkiD Riften and Ratway instructions
Core 2 - Removed special Cathedral 3D Mountain Flower instructions
Core 3 - Reliquary of Myth updated to 4.4.5.
Core 3 - YASTM updated to 1.9.1.
Final - Added missing ESM instruction for s6 Oblivion Gates.
        Added missing ESL instructions for Reading Improves Speech,
		Smooth Weapon, High Poly Head, FNIS (Nemesis dummy), Synthesis.



Core 2 - Environment - Shaders of Solstheim - Ash and Moss
Core 3 - Skeleton - XPMSSE - Nemesis - Papyrus Stack Fix


Core 2 - Assorted Mesh Fixes updated to 0.39.1.
Core 2 - Lux updated to 3.8.
Core 3 - Dynamic Things Alternative updated to 1.15.4.
Core 3 - Sleeping Expanded updated to 1.20.
Core 3 - Reliquary of Myth updated to 4.4.2.
Core 3 - SUP Conflict Resolution - updated Lux patch.
Final - Added xEdit instructions for AVExpansion_ICFH Add-on.esp


Core 2 - Better Dynamic Ash - Note: keep the meshes/ from this mod
  until the next main CR update.



Core 2 - Simplicity of Snow updated to 0.5.
Core 2 - Assorted Mesh Fixes updated to 0.39.
Core 3 - Reliquary of Myth updated to 4.3.4.
Core 3 - Dynamic Things Alternative updated to 1.15.3.
Core 3 - Valravn updated to 1.1.2.
Core 3 - Odin updated to 1.9.1.



Intro - Updated CAO to 5.3.9.
Core 2 - Animated Forge Water updated to 0.5.
Core 2 - Water for ENB updated to 1.53.
Core 3 - YASTM updated to 1.9.0-beta.



Addon - Armor and Weapons - Black Sacrament Armor
Addon - Armor and Weapons - Colovian Leather Armor and Outfit
Addon - Armor and Weapons - Divine and Daedric Cloaks
Addon - Armor and Weapons - ESO Altmer Armor
Addon - Armor and Weapons - Imperial Guardian Centurion Armor
Addon - Armor and Weapons - Lustmord Vampire Armor
Addon - Armor and Weapons - Nibenean Armors and Outfit
Addon - Armor and Weapons - Northgirl Armor
Addon - Armor and Weapons - Practical Pirate Outfit
Addon - Armor and Weapons - Silverthorn Weaponry
Addon - Armor and Weapons - Wayfarer's Coat
Addon - Armor and Weapons - Wilderness Witch Outfit


Core 1 - SSE Display Tweaks updated to 0.5.7b.
Core 2 - Storm Lightning updated to 1.4.13.


Utilities - FISSES



Core 1 - Bugs and Mesh Fixes - Spiders of Solstheim
Core 1 - New Items - Armor and Weapons Expansions - Armor Variants Expansion
Core 1 - New Items - Armor and Weapons Expansions - Beyond Skyrim Wares of Tamriel


Core 1 - Security Overhaul SKSE - Add-ons updated to 0.1.2.
Core 2 - Assorted Mesh Fixes updated to 0.37.
Core 2 - Embers XD updated to 2.4.9.
Core 3 - Changed Nemesis url to Nexus. (same version)
Core 3 - Smooth Combat Non Combat updated to 4.4.1.
Core 3 - Pandorable Males 2 updated to 1.1.
Core 3 - Dynamic Things Alternative updated to 1.15.2.
Core 3 - SUP Gameplay updated to
Core 3 - SUP Consistency Patches updated to, FOMOD updated.
Core 3 - SUP Conflict Resolution updated to
Utilities - Predator Vision Settings Loader updated to 1.0.1.



Introduction - Updated CAO version to 5.3.8.
Core 1 - The Choice is Yours updated to 2.3.
Core 2 - Enhanced Blood Textures updated to 4.0, updated FOMOD instructions.
Core 3 - YASTM updated to 1.8.2.
Core 3 - BUVARP SE RE - Patches - Added CFTO patch download.
Core 3 - Reliquary of Myth updated to 4.3.3.
Final - Added BUVARP CFTO patch ESL instructions



Core 1 - Simple Block Sparks updated to 0.25.
Core 2 - Updated Arctic post-install instructions.
Core 3 - Sleeping Expanded updated to 1.10.
Core 3 - YASTM updated to 1.8.1.
Core 3 - Updated Reliquary of Myth to 4.3.2.



Core 1 - SKSE Plugins - Security Overhaul SKSE - Add-Ons added.


Core 1 - Updated Skyrim Particle Patch instructions.
Core 1 - Security Overhaul SKSE updated to 2.0.1.
Core 2 - Elder Scroll HD updated to 1.3.
Core 2 - Embers XD updated to 2.4.8.
Final - Updated 3DNPC instructions. Updated Nemesis instructions.



Core 2 - Landscape - Blended Roads Redone
Core 2 - Effects - Quality CubeMaps
Core 2 - Creatures and Wildlife Retextures - Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack


Core 2 - Assorted Mesh Fixes updated to 0.36.
Core 2 - Updated Lux FOMOD instructions.
Core 3 - Weapons Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes updated to 2.8.
Core 3 - Armor and Clothing Extension updated to 1.3.
Core 3 - Skyrim Unification Project Conflict Resolution link updated
           - Updated Lux, OCW esps



Core 1 - Security Overhaul SKSE updated to 2.0.
Core 2 - Lux updated to 3.7.
Core 2 - Lux Orbis updated to 2.2.
Core 3 - Reliquary of Myth updated to 4.2.3.
Core 3 - Water in Wells updated to 0.6.



Core 1 - SKSE - Simple Block Sparks - Script Free
Core 1 - Bug Fixes - Mage Armor Script Fix
Core 1 - Gameplay Tweaks - Sensible Bribes
Core 1 - Gameplay Tweaks - Use Telekinesis on Traps
Core 3 - Animation - Ice skating fixed for real
Core 3 - Animation - Slow sprint bug fix
Core 3 - Late Loaders - Weapons Repositioner


Core 1 - NPC AI Process Position Fix SSE updated to 4.06.
Core 1 - Stumbling Sabrecat updated to 1.2.
Core 1 - Updated Alchemical Treatise instructions. (+CAO)
Core 3 - Updated KS Hairdos instructions. (+CAO)
Core 3 - SUP Gameplay Overhaul updated to
Core 3 - SUP Consistency patches updated to
Core 3 - SUP Conflict Resolution updated to
Core 3 - Updated Rudy ENB instructions. (-Water for ENB patch)
Final - Updated xEdit instructions (Lux Orbis, More Werewolves,
   BosmerHeaddresses, Faction Crossbows, RealRainSE)
Final - Updated MCM instructions to account for provided config files.



Core 1 - SSE Display Tweaks updated to 0.5.6b.
Core 3 - Reliquary of Myth updated to 4.2.2.
Core 3 - Weapons Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes updated to 2.7.



Core 3 - Utilities
   A Matter of Time - Settings Loader
   Cathedral Weathers MCM - Settings Loader
   Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul - Settings Loader
   Complete Crafting Overhaul Remastered - Settings Loader
   EVG Conditional Idles - Settings Loader
   Immersive HUD - Settings Loader
   moreHUD SE - Settings Loader
   Nether's Follower Framework - Settings Loader
   Predator Vision - Settings Loader
   Storm Lightning - Settings Loader
   Thieves Guild Requirements SE - Settings Loader
   Timing is Everything SE - Settings Loader
   Trade and Barter - Settings Loader
   VioLens - A Killmove Mod SE - Settings Loader
   XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended - Settings Loader
Note: These will begin saving your MCM choices once installed,
but in a future update SUP Conflict Resolution will come with
files to initialize these automatically for you.


Core 1 - Better Courier updated to 1.7.
Core 3 - Experience updated to 2.0.2.
Core 3 - Reliquary of Myth updated to 4.2.1.
Core 3 - Forceful Tongue updated to 3.0.5.



Core 3 - Animation - Conditional - Sleeping Expanded


Core 1 - powerofthree's Papyrus Extender updated to 4.5.5.
Core 1 - CoMAP updated to 3.4.1.
Core 3 - Reliquary of Myth updated to 4.2.0.
Core 3 - Fixed Mesh Lighting updated to 1.6 and updated FOMOD.
Final - Fixed some xEdit instruction errors.



Core 2 - High Hrothgar Fixed moved to Late Loaders - Meshes
Core 2 - Rustic Windows instructions updated
Core 2 - WizKiD Hall of the Dead moved to Late Loaders - Meshes
Core 2 - Lux instructions updated


Texgen, DynDOLOD



Intro - Tools - Easy NPC
Core 3 - Body and Skin - Added CBBE Vanilla Armors - No Rim Lighting


Core 1 - Spell Perk Item Distributor updated to 5.2.0.
Core 1 - Finding Helgi... and Laelette - A Laid to Rest Overhaul 
            Added instructions to extract BSA
Core 3 - Updated Citizens of Tamriel instructions.
Core 3 - Updated Men of Winter instructions.
Core 3 - Updated Heritage 2 instructions.
Core 3 - Skyrim Unification Project - Gameplay Overhaul to
Core 3 - kryptopyr's Patch Hub - Added instructions to select 
            Predator Vision - Night Eye and Thermal Vision Overhaul
Core 3 - Skyrim Unification Project - Consistency Patches updated to 
   and added link.
Core 3 - Skyrim Unification Project - Conflict Resolution updated to
Final Steps - Updated Ashbound, RoadSignsOverhaul, NSUTR, 
                 UniqueBorderGatesAll instructions
Final Steps - Moved quick clean xedit steps to own section, added EasyNPC



Intro - CAO updated to 5.3.7.
Core 2 - Assorted Mesh Fixes updated to 0.35.1.
Core 3 - Water in Wells updated to 0.5.1.
Core 3 - Rudy ENB SE updated to 5.0b.
Final Steps - Added ESM instructions for Embers/Water For ENB.
              Updated UniqueBorderGates-All-BetterDGEntrance instructions.
              Added ESM instructions for HappyLittleTrees and AspensAblaze.



Core 3 - Animation - Ultimate Combat And Creatures Compatibility for Nemesis


Core 1 - Better Container Controls updated to 3.1.
Core 2 - Moved Rudification to Core 3/Late Loaders Meshes.
Core 3 - Smooth Combat updated to 4.3.1. Moved to Animation - Conditional.
Core 3 - Animation Motion Revolution updated to 1.4.
Core 3 - Updated post-install instructions for Mesh Patch For Various Mods
Final Steps - Updated instructions. (EasyNPC still pending)



General - Quality pass for instructions etc., added fomod instructions
   where missing, clarified some mod installs
Core 1 - SmoothCam updated to 1.6.1
Core 2 - Updated WiZKiD Signs post-install instructions.
Core 2 - Swapped ElSopa Compilation to ElSopa Briarheart
Core 3 - Removed Improved Eyes post-install instructions.
Core 3 - Modpocalypse Vanilla NPCs changed from v3 to v2
Core 3 - Added patches link to YOT



Introduction - Added recommended [TerrainManager] to SkyrimPrefs.ini 
Core 3 - Smooth Combat non-Combat updated to 4.0
Core 3 - WACCF updated to 2.6



Core 1 - SKSE Plugins - Encounter Zones Unlocked SE
Core 1 - SKSE Plugins - Security Overhaul SKSE - Lock Variations
Core 1 - Gameplay Tweaks - SPID-Protected Innocent Citizens
Core 1 - Heads Up Display - Convenient Dialogue UI - SE
Core 1 - LOD Generation - xLODGen Resource - SSE Terrain Tamriel
Core 2 - Farmhouses and Mills - Nordic Stonewalls
Core 2 - Armor and Weapon Retextures - Stalhrim Refrozen
Core 3 - NPC-Retexture - Modpocalypse NPCS - CFTO
Core 3 - NPC-Retexture - Modpocalypse NPCS - Citizens of Tamriel
Core 3 - NPC-Retexture - Modpocalypse NPCS - Heritage Enemies 2
Core 3 - NPC-Retexture - Modpocalypse NPCS - Immersive College NPCs
Core 3 - NPC-Retexture - Modpocalypse NPCS - Immersive Patrols
Core 3 - NPC-Retexture - Modpocalypse NPCS - Interesting NPCs
Core 3 - NPC-Retexture - Modpocalypse NPCS - Obscure's College of Winterhold
Core 3 - Late Loaders - Predator Vision
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Odin - Summons Redone
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Sacrosanct and Sacrilege Skeleton Replacer HD
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Upgraded Blackreach Mushrooms for CACO
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - WACCF CBBE Bodyslide
Core 3 - Late Loaders Meshes - Water in Wells


Core 1 - Bugs and Mesh Fixes - Skyrim Project Optimization


Core 1 - SKSE Plugins - SSE Engine Fixes updated to 5.8.3
Core 2 - General World Improvement - Assorted Mesh Fixes updated to 0.35
Core 1 - Skyrim Bridges - Added replacer esp link.
Core 3 - Skyrim Unification Project Gameplay Overhaul - added link